Get ps4 earlier this year for unreleased games

>get ps4 earlier this year for unreleased games
>get other games as I wait
>they're all shit

should've got a PC and/or Wii U (AKA the piracy machines)


>recycled shooter
>recycled shooter
>recycled muh parkour
>video game

if you bought a PS4 for anything else than jap games, you fucked up

what jap games don't have a non existent budget and fucktons of boring dialogue where you just stand around

i just posted one

search showed nothing

buying FPS games on a console



>too dumb to look at the watermark icon in the top right

Mirrors edge and new order are only things that are shit on that list

looks like complete shit for literal autistic japanese hikikomori

damn dude maybe you should a step back from video games from awhile if all you see is the same thing

It's actually a really good rhythm game. But you probably think Guitar Hero is gay or something.

I'm sorry that it's hard to find any enjoyable games with your cynical taste. Maybe you should fuck off from video games.

Bruh why's your copy of Bloodborne floating?

What are you on about? It's right on top of the movies.

>tfw did not fell for the ps4 meme yet

I was this close to getting one when the pro was released. Good I didn't

The only good game for ps4 is still to this day, bloodborne, everything else is trash.

Only see 2 shit games there mirrors edge and until dawn only cuz its not really a game
>it's actually a good rhythm game

how autistic do you have to be to enjoy idols?

What's wrong with Doom? And maybe you should try and enjoy things for what they are then what they are not

>Doesnt have the console
>Hasnt played the games
>Says one is good and everything else is garbage


I watched them all on Youtube.

not him, but I played most of its library on my brother's system. All I can say is that it's a shame MS and Nintendo shit the bed so hard, as Sony's barely trying to provide quality content to their consumerbase at the moment.

>thinking no platform has dry spells at some point

How is it sony's fault that there isn't constant flow of games coming out? Games take years to develop and when they cut corners you get shit like mafia 3 and watch dogs 2. I'll be fine waiting for gran turismo, kingdom hearts, god of war, the last of us and so on. I spent $400 few years ago and I've got more than $400 worth of entertainment out of it.

My PC? glorified netflix/youtube machine. Can't be bother to mod games anymore.

>How is it sony's fault that there isn't constant flow of games coming out?
it isn't necessarily, but there were steps they could do to avoid long droughts - perhaps delaying the launch of their system so there could've been a stronger launch of titles?
Or funding publishers to create games like, I don't know, Bayo 2 would've been nice on PS4 but nope Sony declined it (I don't want to turn this into a consolewar thing, it was just the best example I could think of). Also, I feel Sony is partially to blame for the fact games are incredibly focused on the "AAA experience" (i.e. high-fidelity visuals and usually a story-driven focus that requires lots of writing, voice-acting, etc.) given that they pushed that market throughout gen 7.

>recycled games
>but Victorian dark souls is da tru gayme
End your life

Sony did the right thing pushing out the pro now giving it an entire year ahead of the scorpio. Guaranteed when the scorpio comes out the ps4/pro will be $200/$300 new only drawing the appeal for it greater. There will be no way microsoft can release the Scorpio less than $400 unless they want to take a hit on every console sold. Other than that you didn't need to go out and buy a console. Its there if you want it now, but there line up up and coming to me seems stronger compared to the two others xbox/switch.

The whole "a company should fund a game" doesn't appeal to me because if that happens exclusivity happens and other platform users get pissed. Granted thats a major point with console, but I feel Sony has plenty of exclusives already that draw me towards it and the rest can be multiplat. Not trying to be a fanboy but all I have on my xbox is halo, forza, rare replay and gears of war. Guess which one I play the most? You got it, red dead redemption. An x360 game that came out years ago.

>Sony did the right thing pushing out the pro now giving it an entire year ahead of the scorpio
I don't agree. They gave MS the chance to up the ante with the Scorpio, and even then the rumours are/were that the Scorpio would be 6teraflops, right? significantly more than the PS4pro - Ultimately, people wanthing the cheaper option would go for a vanilla PS4 or even PS4 Slim, not the pro; or they'd go all the way and get a Scorpio or gaming PC by that point.

>unless they want to take a hit on every console sold
it's not unusual for consoles to sell at a loss for their first launch year, the PS3 and (surprisingly) Wii U did so. MS could do it for Scorpio if they feel it'd salvage them after their legendary fuck-up with the Xbone's launch.

>I feel Sony has plenty of exclusives already
I disagree completely, I feel the PS4 is very lacking in exclusive content; obviously, Bloodborne gets mentioned a lot with the meme "ONE GAME", there's also Uncharted 4 and smaller titles like Gravity Rush 2. Beyond that, there really are a lot of ports, I realise that's a meme as well but when you look at its library it's quite crazy to me just how many ports there are for the system - even games like TLoU which isn't even that old got a remastered version that some oddly consider an exclusive game.

It's hard to say for sure if this is Sony's fault, the fault of the industry as a whole, or a blend of both - but it's left me disappointed with this gen overall. At least 2017's looking a bit more interesting.

>They gave MS the chance to up the ante with the Scorpio
You mean to try and get lazy developers to update their old games for the new hardware? It doesn't seem to be working so well for the Pro and I highly doubt that will change for the scorpio. Plus the 4/6 teraflops doesn't mean much to me at all if all its going to do is change the resolution. I'm fine with my 1080p/30-60fps gaming. Its why I didn't bother getting a pro since it won't benefit me anymore.

>it's not unusual for consoles to sell at a loss for their first launch year
Obviously, but being barely selling more than half of what sony has sold so far is only going to hurt microsoft more if they did that. Sony was hurting for the longest time with the PS3 and it took them years to recover. Microsoft is already in a rut 3 years in and releasing a console at a loss will only hurt when they cant put more money into games.

>I feel the PS4 is very lacking in exclusive content
Like I said, sony has more exclusive that appeal to me to make me get their consoles and thus I buy all my triple plat games on the PS4 itself. Hell I bought BF1 on ps4 because I didn't want to deal with it on PC. A console doesn't need a ton of exclusives to make it the better choice, it just needs the better exclusives and what it has appeals to the masses IE look at its sales compared to microsoft/nintendo.

>and when they cut corners you get shit like mafia 3 and watch dogs 2.
Weird that you say that considering games like TLG, FFXV, Star Ocean 5, Disgaea 5, The Tomorrow Children, and Shadow of the Beast all took years to come out and STILL had tons of cut corners.

>You mean to try and get lazy developers to update their old games for the new hardware? It doesn't seem to be working so well for the Pro
I'm confused, your previous post seemed to be in favor of the pro, now you sound against the concept?

>Obviously, but being barely selling more than half of what sony has sold so far is only going to hurt microsoft more if they did that
True, but as far as I'm aware MS is in a decent state financially, with only really the Xbox brand flopping so hard lately. It's not out of the question for them to take that kind of risk, and I think they will do it just so they can stay in the game.

>Hell I bought BF1 on ps4
I will never understand why anyone would want to play shooters on a console, let alone play any BF game to begin with, but that's just my opinion I know. I am fairly sure most of the PS4's system sales are due to its strong marketing campaign, it has by far the most TV advertisements and billboard marketing out of the 3 (although MS does try to advertise the Xbone a lot, they undermine themselves by stating "also on Windows 10" all the damn time); the sales of games on PS4 really raise the question of what people are doing with their PS4 systems, and I am confident that the answer is simply that many individuals bought it from their great marketing.

Heck, even at launch you had people preordering it the PS4 by the millions due to their roasting of MS (which was fucking hilarious to watch live, but I still felt people were foolish to preorder a console due to that of all things).

Is Until Dawn worth a purchase, Sup Forums

I know very little about it

weird you say that because I didn't play those games anyway so I wouldn't know. But when you have a multimillion dollar company shooting out dick content because they rushed it, you cant compare it to indie companies who take awhile to create content like TLG. Other than that, from what I've glanced on TLG is no different from its previous predecessors just a bunch of whiney cunts who thought it should be their way.

>you cant compare it to indie companies who take awhile to create content like TLG
Nigger, TLG is co-developed by Sony.

only if you like horror movies. I hate horror movies and I regret ever touching it

I'm not for or against the pro at all. I enjoy consoles going by generations with no hardware updates that make me feel I need to get it now. With technology moving so fast yah its hard for companies to not release upgraded hardware now like the pro, but clearly it has its fault when it came to game devs. With Sony's train going I don't see microsoft being any different with the scorpio than the pro. Other than that I support sony more than the other companies. Nintendo is losing big time since its gimmics are losing steam and the Wii was just dumb luck. The switch is going to fail just like the vita did because the mobile market is entirely controlled by phones and tablets now. Microsoft just didn't appeal to people with launching it at a higher price point, required spy camera and brick house box that took up your entire entertainment system and no attractive exclusives.

UNTIL DAWN (greatest movie ever made)
All I could think of. I know I have a lot of remasters, too. Worth it for physical copies and weeb games. Dat Odin Sphere.

short answer: no
long answer: fuck no

Its still an indie company. They aren't big like ubisoft or take2 at all. They are small and they kept their content true like the other released games they had. Just because you felt like it wasn't "perfect" doesn't mean they didn't intend for it to be the way it is. People wanted it like ICO and thats what they got.

It's the best of it's kind of game.

That's a bummer for you I guess OP.

I enjoyed every single one of those, except Mirror's Edge which kinda sucked and Wolfenstein which I havent played

Stay cucked I guess

>They aren't big like ubisoft or take2 at all.
But they have the financial backing of Sony, which is larger than both combined.
My point is that you complaining about shit like W_D 2 under-delivering while TLG ALSO under-delivered while taking much longer shows some insane hypocrisy.

Fair enough with the Pro, I'm on the fence for that concept as well - part of me feels that both the Pro and upcoming Scorpio are really just backwards compatible (and, uh, "forwards compatibility") next-gen systems that don't really leap enough into next gen. It's going to be difficult to classify what generation they belong in, too. It's kind of like the home console market is trying to adopt what the nintendo handheld market has been doing since the gameboy, and I ain't sure I like the prospect of paying 300+ dollarydoos for a new system to keep up-to-date. Obviously, it's optional (although games are already struggling to hit the 1080p60 sweetspot with current-gen hardware, I suspect in a few years the Pro/Scorpio will be essentially mandatory upgrades anyway) - kind of like how late PS3/360 games ran poorly on their systems, but were also released on Xbone/PS4 so many people upgraded to play the superior ports and remasters.

I wouldn't say the Wii was dumb luck, it was all in its excellent marketing - you had talk shows, news coverage, constant advertisements, and mass-appeal via targeting families as their primary demographic - Wii U failed hard because they tried to cash-in on the Wii name and brand, but failed to understand why the Wii brand worked to begin with. Interestingly, the marketing CEO that worked with Nintendo and was hired just before the Wii U launched "quit" this year (likely fired, but nothing confirmed this); perhaps he fucked up? Anyhow, the Switch's marketing is doing a significantly better job at both grabbing attention and establishing what the system is and what its USP is supposed to be. Personally, I doubt the Switch could "de-throne" the PS4 at all, but I can easily see the Switch becoming a success of its own thanks to the "you can take your console on the go!" marketing (even though doesn't that just make it a handheld? I don't fucking know anymore). Speaking of marketing, the Xbone launch was about as bad as it gets.

>thinking sony finacially backs any game dev this much

Yah they got help and this is what pushed them to make TLG, but no where in hell did sony supply them with nearly enough money to make them big in terms of companies like I said before. They had help to push the game, but they are still small. I never played ICO/TLG but from what I read and watched the players got what they wanted in TLG being a new story, but same gameplay as ICO.

>but no where in hell did sony supply them with nearly enough money to make them big in terms of companies like I said before.
Nigger, they funded it for 9 fucking years.
If they were able to continue development for a fucking decade then you can bet your ass they sunk a decent amount of money into the game relative to its size.

Okay let's do this.

>List games currently in development that won't be released on the PS4

Whatever just keep spouting your memes fag.

I'm assuming you work with sony then? You might look at 9 years being a long time, but for a small company creating such a large title that'd be about right. As i said, they had financial help from sony, but no where was it a lot to make them a big company like R*. Remember V was released 6 years after IV.

The thing is, without Sony backing them financially, this game would not have been made.
It's just like when a huge company like Ubisoft backs a game like Watch_Dogs 2.
It's an IP that they own, developed by a company they own, with financial help from a different sector of their main business.

Exactly, sony backed TLG to be developed because ICO turned out so well. That doesn't mean sony poured millions of dollars into the development of the game, they just helped it move along an probably gave them a lot of leeway with the deadline since its a small company and new it would take awhile.

Maybe you should quit wasting money of you keep buying the same things.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! BTFO

>get ps4

You done goofed you fucking autist. Doom is the only good game there

You have what's called cynicism, Kyle.

>blindly buys a console without checking if the games are even good.


>get shit games while I wait
>they're shit
Well no kidding. Only one of those I own is Bloodborne. ND games are abysmal and that's so obvious from the most basic of research.

It has been one constant dry spell, you dummy.

>1 game worth playing if you are into it
>a bunch of shit
>3 movies
>a fucking wolf
>past 2008 wolf
you are mentally challenged

get Gravity Rush

Why do you buy movies on your gaming console?

Doom is good on the PC.

Bloodborne is literally the only good game the PS4 has atm and the second good game the PS4 is getting makes Bloodborne obsolete: Nioh.

Sony sure is smart, by releasing obsolete hardware and then selling a "part 2" in the same fucking gen, that morons like you will buy.

Check out any review, nobody is pleased. The only people to defend it are the ones who wasted their money TWICE on a sub-par experience.

How does a game make another obsolete?
How are Bloodborne and Nioh even remotely similar?

Just watch it on youtube. It is a movie. Not a game. Sad!

Nioh does everything Bloodborne wanted to do, but a lot better. When it comes to fast action combat Nioh blows Bloodborne out of the water.

Nioh > DaS > DaS3 = BB > DeS > DaS2

TeamNinja is going to rape FromSoftware.

>get other games as I wait
>57% of them are multiplats
jesus christ nigger what are you doing?
also bb looks good, and isn't TLG out now?

Nioh isn't a fast paced game at all. Call it similar to Dark Souls if you have to, but it's nothing like Bloodborne. Or you know, just stop making pointless comparisons.

>FromDrone is triggered.

Kek. Nioh is the Soulsborne killer, get over it.

What are you even talking about you idiot? What is your disfunction? I can say all day long that Forza Horizon is the Gran Turismo killer. Sure they both have cars, but it's still fucking stupid.

Besides that, why would a fan of From games not play Nioh?

that's every ps4 game besides shitty weeb games

your own fault for falling for memes and not getting Ratchet & Clank and Infamous instead

When From fans play Nioh, they stop being FromDrones. Nioh rapes the Soulsborne series and Miyazaki is an overrated hack who keeps making mediocre DaS clones.

I want From to do obscure JRPGs again.

is that final fantsee 13-2-2-2 6?

Do you like "games" like Heavy Rain or Indigo Prophecy?

Do you like Horror movies from the 80's and 90's?

If you answered yes to both you will love the game. If you answered yes to one you might enjoy it for a single playthrough, maybe 2, but you won't fully appreciate it or have any desire to go through and pick every option and choice.

If you answered no to both then you won't enjoy the game on any level.

I personally enjoyed the previous movie cyoa games, even the Ellen Paige one, and while I've always loved horror I was desensitized to it at a young age. I knew this game wouldn't scare me but I figured it would have enough old horror tropes to keep me entertained. And it did. For a single playthrough before I sold it.

I wish I still had all my "scare-cams" (they take your picture during jump scares and creepy moments if you have a camera connected), they were laughable. Every single one was either me sitting there looking bored or looking at the screen through the corner of my eye while sipping a beer bottoms up.

I'm sure the game is amazing to the right audience it had alot of work and detail put into it and it seems to have a ton of choices as to who lives or dies etc.. I just couldn't bring myself to play through it again knowing it was trying to scare me and instead I felt like I was watching Cabin in the Woods minus the interesting plot.


Hi, can you please edit your post to remove that racial slur?

There was literally no reason to use it in the context of this thread. It wasn't funny or clever or interesting, you were just being edgy and offensive for no reason. You don't need to try so hard to fit in, you don't need to pretend to be racist or homophobic just because you're posting on Sup Forums. No one knows or cares that you've only been here a short while. Just relax and be yourself.

Thanks in advance.

>That gay dude who uses a trumpet
Fucking solid game

This. If you can get the full experience by watching youtube then it's not a video game, just a video.


Nice b8 you got their m8.

At least three of those are great games

Nice memes