What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>Gen 2
>Just the shit baby Pokemon

Literally Normie hype. Faggots who played pokemon once 15 years ago literally went "OH LOL POKMAINZ", not to mention all the hipsters and such. Also, there was literally no gameplay.

It was originally going to be a rhythm game based on the character OG Loc from San Andreas, but the release contained a typo, so the dev team quickly made a snapchat filter with cgi creatures instead.

Granted, Gen 2 doesn't have a great Pokedex anyway aside from like three GOAT pokemon

>no combat
>can't battle friends

When the news started talking about it and it became a fad.

Very rough start and failure to be open and communicate with the playerbase. Ended up being a "le epic fad" and generated millions of dollars but the normies got bored and left. There are still dedicated players of it, myself included but it will never be as big as it once was.

Fucking Niantic
>no pvp
>shit combat system
>shit catch system
>no trade
>servers down all the time
>tracking still sucks and was missing for months
>unbalanced af
>players that don't live in crowded cities still fucked
And yet, instead of fixing any of all that, they're signing partnership contracts
Fuck them

It was a good idea/core design concept, but there was no actual game. The whole thing was just a marketing scheme to see how much you can get out with the minimal amount put in.

The sad thing is it was a success, expect way more shitty mobile games under the name of successful franchises (not made by the original developers obviously, that shit can be outsourced). It wouldn't surprise me if in the future pokemon go is looked at as a deep, enriching game because shitty tech demos are all that exist

I can't believe anyone thought this was going to be more than a few weeks of fame kinda thing

It was meant to be normie bait from the scratch.

Is Ingress worth playing?

I tried it for a bit but didn't really understand it

>le normy boogeymanz guiz!

Fucking kill yourself you underage piece of shit.

The reason it died was that Niantic was overwhelmingly incompetent im handling it. Servers were garbage, cheating was rampant and updates to make the game interestong were few and far between.

Would be much better off than it is now of Niantic gave a shit sooner, but too many people walked away from it.

>there was literally no gameplay.
When I found this out I became disgusted with the hype surrounding it.

I thought you were calling the legendary trio goats for a sec. Who did you mean?
Shuckle, Dunsparce, and ..?

Still no gen 2, no good tracker, no events, trophies do nothing, customization sucks, gyms are pointless

The only thing to do is walk around catching the same mons over and over trying to get one with high CP and good moves, which is pointless because gym battling sucks anyway.

Ninentdo/Gamefreak were too afraid of letting something like this cut in to the sales for mainline games to actually let the devs make a competent game with more than an inch of depth.
Niantic took these restrictions and STILL under-performed, with the inflated hype from its status as a fad insuring that they'd still be successful regardless of what they did or did not do.
The result is a game with the most wasted potential of any in its class. If Ninty had let them make something closer to a real game, or if Niantic had enough foresight to focus on improving the game instead of marketing relations, maybe the game would have had more staying power than a Harlem Shake-tier facebook meme.

Sneasel, Scizor and Crobat

Good picks.

>not playable on rooted devices without a compsci degree