I have tears in my eyes, lads
I have tears in my eyes, lads
>nigga playing smash
I want to give him a SM3DW
Meanwhile if you don'r have money for a PS4 you can just watch the games on Youtube.
That's sweet and all but that kid sure doesn't look too excited
should have given him a switch preorder
the wii u is dead
He plays at best buy to get away from his family/house. It's probably shit there. They didn't even get him a game with it.
wasted on a gibsmedat nigger who will never truly appreciate the gesture of those employees.
his parents will sell it and buy crack and booze
Probably disappointed it didn't come with smash
He really doesn't look happy at all.
He probably stole a couple while he was there "playing the demo" so often.
He probably gets beat by his mom or mom's "boyfriend". It's probably shit where he lives so now that he has to go back home and play doesn't sound so exciting.
he's in shock
wtf I love Nintendo fans now
In a few months he'll be back in playing on the Switch instead.
He is a nigger, what did you expect? They are living, breathing GIBS ME DAT!
>here you go, kid. we were about to toss 'em in the garbage.
So in other words no one is buying wiius so the employees have to buy one for the clients?
Too bad he probably used that place as an escape. I feel for the kid.
Don't be racist please.
That's basically how Nintendo managed to sell 10 million Wii Us.
Iwata bought a big chunk of them himself.
>That dude's face on the left
Did the family died?
>only comes to play Smash
>given gift that does not come with Smash and Mario Kart can't be sold
Can someone translate that viking talk?
is that Cliff Bleszinski?
The guy's face on the left says it all
Are you honestly telling me if someone gave a white man a gift he would turn it down and say:
>No thank you my kind lad, I want to work for that gift instead of getting it for free. Free gifts are a sign of the devil!
I will stop being racist once niggers stop being niggers.
>Shitty dead-in-the-water console that effectively has nothing left coming out for it
>Retail price still $300
Post yfw the girl standing by the mom isn't acually a girl but the first born son in drag.
You're lying right?
He probably knows his mom's boyfriend will take and sell that shit for crack money.
Seriously, if a kid comes to play a damn demo at a shop every day you can bet your ass he doesn't want to be at home right now.
That's Somali.
nigga looks 30
user pls, you can't judge a man by first glance. That's how the Jews win.
I defy you to find a white person who wouldn't
Fuck off with the console war shit. It's shitters like you that make Nintendo threads a pain to go through.
He most likely does
he knows he has to go home.
OK I'm sorry
>It's probably shit where he lives
He's black and lives in Long Island, of course his place and situation is shitty. His 12 brothers and 4 sisters will probably break the system in a fit of family rage.
Every white person in sports entertainment would love to receive a ring and trophy for free.
Probably true, I wonder if the kid can still escape at the Best Buy or if the employees are supposed to hassle him now that they've given away some useless merchandise.
Depends where you live really and what parts you hang around. I never came encounter with a lot of niggers unless it was when I was in highschool or in shitty restaurants. When black people or anyone for that matter is raised in a good enviornment they turn out fine. Had tons of black friends growing up and they all played videogames and watched anime.
I guess I better starting hanging out a Micro Center then.
I bet you live in a nice area with niggers many miles away. Live next to them and then I'm sure you will change your mind. Or the occasional air horn will give you a heart attack.
user pls, if that's the case why are there game shows with nothing but white peeps?
>lost to a CPU D3
>this whole thread
I can't tells what's shitposting and what's ironic shitposting
t. mad sonygger
I lived in the projects until Bill Clintons ass ruined everything. Then I lived near multiple black people in Buffalo NY on Bailey Ave. Then I lived near some Mexicans after I moved down to Texas then that's when I delt with my first break in.
>he gets a console
>his fami
>his mom doesnt have money for separate games
console peseants
Looks like he's 17
>Hear door chime
>look over and see same nigger that hogs the machine every day
>look at his fight after his millionth hour of playing smash at the store
>loses to fucking Dedede
>Decide to buy him that shit so he'll leave the store for once
underrated post
>literally giving them away
This stuff really makes me proud of being a gamer
#r3ddit #racistmario
He was probably unsure if it was a trick or not. He might also be worrying what his parents might say, they might think he stole it.
coming from a low income childhood, i wouldn't be surprised if his mom made him take it back or something.
What the fuck is wrong with Germany, used to make good beer and cars. It looks like Somalia in snow now.
That's fucking dumb, you can kick people out without giving them free shit y'know. That's like kicking out every illegal then giving them $500,000 each.
"Nigga just have the damn console already and stop coming here"
When you're a smash fag, there is no such thing as a dead nintendo console.
its norwegian
that's Norway you dolts
How old is the (((kid)))?
>yfw Iwata's death will is just dozens of Wii U consoles for his family/friends
he's playing smash, he's probably autistic
it will be sold for crack by his mother within the hour
Jokes on her, no one's going to buy it
its a less expensive way to get a nigger out of the store than using force and dealing with a lawsuit
>nigger comes in every day and spends hours playing the wii u
>other customers kids can't play it
>give him a free console to get rid of him
He is probably thinking , damn they should have wait for the Switch....
Should have left the security tags on and shot that nigger the moment he left the store.
Aww, that's nice.
>kick nigger from your store
>get sued for being racist
>automatically lose
>have to pay multiple times the consoles price in court fees
Boy, I sure do hate niggers!
The real shocking news here is that wii u is still 300$. Jesus Christ why?
Probably because of the gamepad
Nintendo are unrepentant jews. They almost never have a sale on their shit.
So they can get away with selling the Switch for that price, with lowering the Wii U.
A kiss to you too user, thanks.
Of course they gave it for free is not like someone would buy it anyway.
"u gunna gibs me dat wit no smash my nigga..no smash my nigga"
This. Remember back in the days when Nintendo didn't act like a bunch of gookjews? Remember when their consoles dropped to 100 bucks only a couple years after launch and still included PHYSICAL pack-in games? Remember when they used to have players-choice titles that were 10 bucks instead of old releases STILL being full price?
because it's a bundle with 2 games being sold at full retail price despite the fact there was a price cut as far as I'm aware
He doesn't have a TV to play it on.
Also his parents will probably sell it for rent money.
Literally never do anything good for other people
wait hold up
*sucks teeth*
so you sayin
*licks chapped lips*
so you meanna say
*smacks lips*
so you meanna say rite now
*bobs head*
that i just get this shit
*wipes scuff off nikes*
for free
*swats flies*
and i can just take off wit it?
*ruins America*
but what about that
*goes from useless to counterproductive*
what about that smash, nigga?
>what is the selects range
though you're still right, the games are pretty costly - but technically they've gone back to their old old ways of extremely overpriced games, the cheap games was more a GC/Wii era thing due to poor sales of the former and over-manufacturing of the latter. The Wii U is in an odd scenario whereas the system was manufactured in questionably low numbers from the start, as if they knew it wasn't going to be a success; on top of this, the games on the Wii U generally sell very well.
>A new friend
>They met a year ago. Amanuel from Eritrea and the Svendsen family from Grimstad. Today they are both refugee friends (this seems to be some kind of norwegian thing where you can volunteer to be a friend to a refugee or something) and friends
I'm surprised I can actually read Norwegian despite only having studied Swedish and sucking at it.
But a major turn-off that prevents many people (including myself) from buying a Wii U is the cost relative to what you get.
With a console like the gamecube (and the Wii, to an extent) you were buying it for the nintendo games, but also because the console and the games themselves were quite cheap. It was actually a good deal.
But with the Wii U, you're paying significantly more (both for the console itself but more importantly for each game). That shit adds up. I can't justify buying one when games that came out years ago are still 40 bucks or more a pop. And this sort of thing is causing a scenario where few people buy a Wii U, but the few that do buy a lot of the games. But if they just lowered the price and released players choice titles (or selects, whatever) for 10-20 bucks like they used to, there'd be a huge flood of people cashing in.