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While I'm waiting to see if the game is good before it comes out, there are a lot of people that will straight up pirate it without buying and that's kinda a dick move for an indie studio like Streum

well maybe they shoulnt have had such a shitfest of a beta and numerous delays?

pro-order cancelled and will pirate for sp
take me an hour or two

They're not indie they have a publisher

>not wanting to give your Brouzouf to Streum On Studios

They already have 70k preorders on Steam. It won't hurt much if I pirate it.

Serious question, why would you pirate a co-op focused game?

Sure you can play with AI companions but the game isn't designed for that and it's been proven by various vids as well + the AI companions are horribly dumb.

I can't see it anywhere online yet....REEEEE


is this thread bait or is Sup Forums retarded

One one hand i'm a filthy pirate.

On the other, brozouf.

So i'll pick option c) do nothing for 3 months when a game is expected to earn its borzouf and then pirate it.

You retards do realize that OP is shitposting right?

God already said this game is shit, fuck off

because its not a co-op focussed game at all

>4 man squad based shooter with RPG elements
>not coop


>posting e-celebs
How about you kill yourself?

they fixed shit since beta you cocksucking retard

why cant that eceleb retard just die already

You really think anyone is gonna download a 40gb sketchy .iso from that site?

Go away you cuck.

If it's not on pre-dbs such as Layer13 or PreDB then it's fake. Remember that kids.

it only takes one

do you know anything about this game or did you just play the shitty beta?

the single player librarian campaign is and always has been the main focus

do some fucking research asshole

>yfw it's the shitty beta

so who is he?

do not talk about our God this way you fucking console niggers
ill find you and slowly kill you in various painful ways after killing your family

The single player campaign has coop you dumb retard.
But obviously I only played the beta.


Are 40k fags the biggest cucks in history?

You guys keep buying the 40k games and they keep sucking big fat dick but you guys have such bad stockholm syndrome you can't even see how flawed your shitty unoptimized game is that you end up eating the shit up so hard and keep grasping at the fact that i-it's only a b-beta shut the f-fuck up!!!

Kill yourself you bastard



>Deathwing Librarian

I fucking hate when devs can't get shit right. The Librarius is part of the Inner Circle, but they aren't Deathwing. Ever. Terminator Armor or no.

Also, why are we even Deathwing? Are there Fallen enemies in the game?

>want to support the meme-devs
>don't play MP shit, so it isn't my cup
>fucking poorfag, so can't justify throwing away 30$
I'm sorry streum

it was LITERALLY a beta, they've fixed a lot of shit


They made the single player first numb nuts. Most of the progression and weapon unlocks have been removed from the multiplayer; you don't even retain class levels across missions. Hell, the reason for the delays was that they realized they couldn't half-ass the coop like they planned.

>The single player campaign has coop

Not Cypher, wrong backpack.
>Cypher ded
kek, no.

The devs are legit Dark Angels fanboys.

>a threat far more deadly than gene hungry tyranids
It's the fucking fallen, isn't it?


Serious question here - how is it? Is it singleplayer focused (that would be swell) or is a coop affair?
I'm kinda on the fence here.

I was fully set on buying it until I saw the game play video they released
don't even feel like pirating it now

It's singleplayer focused with a coop mode.

Singlelplayer focused. You can play through the campaing with coop if you want but it's not the main focus

But then we wouldn't be playing as an impossible character. Librarians aren't Deathwing. Deathwing are the chapter veterans, First Company only. I can imagine a Deathwing attachment because Librarius are part of the IC, but they aren't Dwing. So why are we playing as a non-Deathwing unit in a game called Deathwing? Unless we;re playing as a different chapter of the Unforgiven. But I don't think so, right?

Next you will claim that you were pretending to be retarded.

Thanks, that's reassuring. Still gonna wait for reviews, but I'm hopeful - Battlefleet Gothic turned out pretty great too.

Gameplay comes first in a game and having special powers as the leader of the group sounds better.

Nobody said the librarian was part of the deathwing?

not an excuse

I understand that, but making the name accurate takes no effort. WH40k: Librarius or WH40k: Dark Angels doesn't sound too bad, Deathwing is a little snappier I guess though.

Also before anyone says anything I realize this is the most autistic issue to have with a game short of complaining that the Terminators don't get Plasma Cannons.

>You guys keep buying the 40k games and they keep sucking big fat dick
Dawn of War 1 and all its expansions are great
Dawn of War 2 and its expansions are great as well and the game is actually different instead of just "DoW1 with HD skin" like so many other RTS franchises have been doing. This makes both DoW1 and DoW2 relevant instead of leaving the older game in the dust.
Space Marine was a great third person shooter with meaty gunplay and melee combat.
Space Hulk was a perfect and faithful adaptation of the board game
Ascension was PC focused heavily reimagined adaptation of the board game for those that didn't like a straight up faithful conversion, again this kept both games relevant since one is a recreation of the board game while the other is a PC focused interpretation instead.
Armageddon is basically Panzer General in 40k setting with story mode choices that change what battles you fight and what gets deployed by you and the enemy, another great game.
And then there's Battlefleet Gothic which again is an amazing game.

But hey feel free to shitpost more saying 40k has no good games.

It's CALLED Deathwing though. And you don't play as the Deathwing except in MP.

The game is about the single player, the coop was added as an afterthought.

>is mostly wrong about every-fucking-thing
>pretending his opinion matters

Next you'll use an Angry Joe review to recommend a game.

It's called Deathwing most likely because the enemies are Fallen, it's supposed to be clever because lol death enemies with wings.

And you do play as actual Deathwing in multiplayer and ONLY multiplayer.


Sorry but this game looks like trash. The animations are awful and it doesn't look like it brings anything fun or new to the table gameplay wise. The only reason you'll play it is because muh 40k, and even then it'll only be entertaining for a few hours at most before you realize how repetitive it is.

is the multiplayer different than the main campaign co-op?

>Select around the streetsigns

what the FUCK captcha

they say the same thing about league of legends.

>The animations are awful
Who gives a shit, go play your aaa garbage.

Multiplayer is the campaing coop

>is actually really fucking awful at video games
>has no idea what he's talking about
>makes 30min rant videos about stuff everybody except huge normies already knows about and pretends like he has an deeper insight of things
>acts like he has actual influence on the industry
>talks shit to his fans
>isn't funny
>isn't intelligent
>is fat and has cancer
>his wife is getting fit so she can remarry as soon as he dies so another pathetic man can look after her son

I really fucking liked E.Y.E so I already bought Deathwing. I missed the better because of work, and I'm super curious, but I want to wait and see the thing with all the fixes. Only like a day away anywho.

I will pirate and i will buy it.

Don't forget that he treats his wife like shit too

>It's over, normies!
>I have the moral and intellectual high ground!

Its never an autistic issue when it comes to Warhammer, someone needs to be autistic otherwise we will get a fire warrior game where a single Tau can solo a greater demon.

Back on point, the name has a brand recognition behind it no matter how small.

pls go

Enemies are Fallen? So is this the Horus Heresy thing they talked about? I remember reading about it in the official FAQ on Steam forums.

Campaign co-op IS the multiplayer.

In SP you normally play as a Librarian and the story is his.

MP is the campaign played in co-op with 4 faceless Deathwing Terminators instead.

You dare vote DIFFERENTLY from how I would have?!

I can't wait till this game comes out and is a complete wreck. Then I'll come back here to watch all the fanboys suck dick, pretend it's good and try to force memes about it since it came from the EYE devs.

I thought the 40k fans will eat shit was a meme, but after reading this thread it's really true. I bet you guys even bought Eternal Crusade.

>>his wife is getting fit so she can remarry as soon as he dies so another pathetic man can look after her son
I don't think she will marry at this point.
She was diagnosed with cancer as well.
Her son too.

I have no idea if it's shit genetics, their terrible diet or if their house is built on one of those 2 Nukes that disappeared from US army base but that's some fucked up shit considering all 3 of them have cancer now.

When will i get Age of Sigmar game pls

>Enemies are Fallen?
They're all but officially confirmed, yes.
But we have Tyranids and Greenskins confirmed too so it's not like you'll only be fighting cultists and Fallen.

Wait, how the fuck did skidrow crack this shit already, was there some sort of reviewer who leaked that shit or what?

Or is the game out now.

TB has such shitty opinions that people around him start to die to save their souls.

thank you for clarifying

I watched his Deathwing livestream and he didnt even have the patientce to read 1 sentence tutorial messages and wasted 2-3 minutes in each section. Not to mention how shitty his aim his and his inability to sprint charge at stationary targets.

A week or two ago he made a post on twitter about how his cancer is getting better and his wife made a post saying that she has cancer. He didnt even acknowledge her message in his happy announcement.

>I bet you guys even bought Eternal Crusade.
Lol no.

See Enjoy your (You).

do all three of them really have cancer? what the hell man

Nice to hear this game wont suck like Vermintide.

Deathwing's going to be mediocre at BEST. But if you want to wallow in your neckbeard universe and eat any shit GW throws your way, then be my guest.

OP is shitposting you retard, don't be dumb.

Jesus, what a horrible outcome.

Vermintide is great and only died out because the game is too hard for most people. I'm not even joking.

Filthy looters get THE FUCK out of MY board

NEETdom and living in a different time zone has made my knowledge of time messed up so I wouldn't have been surprised if the game was out.

>He didn't like E.Y.E


The game is garbage and this dev is talentless shovelware trash. Not even worth pirating.

Yes, really. I'm not shitposting or making fun of them, I'm legitimately curious what the fuck is going on that all 3 of them have cancer.

I agree even though I hate how they arent putting even a single new skaven type with new maps. There is also the fact that people sperged out like crazy over the loot system and still havent gotten over it after Sigmars blessing and quest system.

Never even played Vermintide since I'm not a fan of WH Fantasy but from what I heard it was a Payday 2 clone with equally jewish crate drop system.

All they had to do was make L4D clone (so no crate drop cancer) but nope, they had to go jew.

I heard nothing but bad things about that game so forgive me if I don't believe you.

Sounds great to me, I never liked all this skinner box shit infesting modern FPS, it should always be about the current game.

Not that guy, but for whatever reason whenever I tried to play E.Y.E I had massive headaches, couldn't even finish the demo. It's a shame too, because it seemed pretty fun.

It comes out in 2 days user. No amount of timezone shifting can give you 2 days difference.

>She was diagnosed with cancer as well.
>Her son too.

jesus that's some depressive shit

fuck off autist

You heard straight up lies and old information then.

It was a perfect L4D clone, didnt have anything similiar to Payday except being a coop game. It had a rng based loot system but they added 2 different alternatives to it.

New weapons helped greatly, there is no denying that but even with basic weapons 4 proper players with map knowledge can beat cataclysm difficulty. It will just take longer.

>40k fan calling others autistic
Thats pretty funny