Sup Forums and reddit both BTFO
Sup Forums and reddit both BTFO
Sorry but infinite warfare is a fun as shit game if you have the skill/reflex for it. Sadly most people don't.
To be sure, microtransactions are cancer but buying a variant is not gonna make you gud at this game and a better player will still shit on the shitter regardless. On the other hand Activision should indeed be damned for their transgressions so it certainly isn't a bad thing if cod does finally go down the shitter.
The point remains however that iw is a fucking fun game and most people aren't able to play it well because they suck balls. Boringfield 1 can suck my dick. I bought IW and TF2, fuck battlefield.
TF2 plays like a blops3 ripoff. BF1 is too dominated by snipers. IW is the best current FPS.
I kinda like Battlefield. That's saying something considering how much I detest FPSes.
>BF1 is too dominated by snipers.
Wat. The cool class to hate on now is assault.
To be honest I only played the beta.
>TF2 plays like a blops3 ripoff.
Lol nice b8 m8. Blops 3 wouldnt play as it does if the first titanfall hadn't come out. It literally copied the game's mechanics. Typical b team treyarch ripping off the true a team, aka old infinite ward now known as respawn entertainment.
This. I unironically enjoy TF2 and IW even though both are ass.
First titanfall was an xbox exclusive though.
>Some people on Sup Forums and reddit got BTFO, some people didn't, some people don't give a shit at all!
The only reason why infinite warfare is selling is for the cod4 remake.
There is a factual reason why they won't sell it on its own because they fear nobody will give a shit about the new cod
U think I'm gonna keep taking ur retarded b8? U can't outmeme me son.
wow 3 AAA extremely heavily advertised games are the top downloads stop the fucking presses
I liked BF3+4 more than any COD I played, but BF1 is shit in my opinion. I got Titanfall 2 on release and still enjoy it. I only got BF1 because of a friend and I fucking regret it. I played the IW beta/demo and wasn't impressed. Just felt like BO3 with quick scoping.
>constant threads bashing steam and pc users for indie trash released that no one even notices
>consoles fav game is CoD
People are retards.
The number one seller is the standalone Infinite Warfare edition, not the Legacy edition you fucking morons. Keep repeating the same shit over and over that you read on redd*t. I bought the Legacy edition and haven't even launched MWR
The beta was horrible. They tuned it a lot since then, ttk is a bit longer now.
I personally like it a lot, maybe not more than blops 3, but it's really good in its own way. Its like blops 3 on speed. You might not like it though, it doesn't seem to be a very popular cod.
>/vee/ and leddit btfo
So, who won? NeoFAG?
Normal people that dont spend their time typing comments on the internet about how much they hate things.
Prove that on the site it doesn't include the legacy edition you fucking retard
It can't be helped.
Just play what appeals to you and stop worrying about what others play.
>confirming PS4 users are fucking stupid
Yeah, you sure told us.
m-muh industry crash!
So, NeoFAG when they aren't talking about white males or Anime-styled games?
It's almost like shitty mass appeal FPS games sell well and are a cancer on the industry. Games sell nowadays based on marketing and hype, not quality or word of mouth. You're a consumer, not a customer. Just look at the fucking mess that is FFXV, still sold quite a bit because of preorder culture and marketing.
>Mars turns into a brutal and totalitarian society only in a few years.
Did you forget that CoD had more of the month to sell digital copies than FFXV? Not everyone pre-orders digital games, you know.
Don't you mean AW ripped off titan fall, and BO3 did it better?
It honestly outstands me how people like any cod made by infinity ward. They make the blandest maps in shooters since mw2
Saying it's fun as shit and fucking fun sounds like you are trying to convince yourself it's fun. it's fucking shit and an embarrassment even by cod standards
>since mw2
Made me chuckle.
how long until I can buy cod 4 remastered seperate? I'm in no rush as ps3 is fine but playerbase is low and all the lobbies are hacked with gay zombie shit by the master disgrace.
FFXV is a good game. Stay mad.
I'm genuinely laughing that people are this stupid
Infinite Warfare is surprisingly fun, I haven't got to play BF1, and any Final Fantasy game is shit.
>Likes Call of duty
>Says final fantasy is shit
cancerous as fuck tbqh
>ps4 playerbase is full of retards that buy AAA games en masse
>cod shills use this as a final stand to promote their shit game
Just give it up. You're either interns or retards with buyers remorse. No one wants this shit.
>Everyone who likes thinks that I don't like is an intern or a retard
kys yourself
Awww someone's bad at the game :^)
you´d suck his dick immediatly for saying popular games are bad and shit nobody plays is good
which means you only care about how weirdo and forgotten your meme is, you´re not even into games you just come here to hipster and fag around
What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? Final Fantasy was #3 on the list, and I liked that. It has nothing to do with being a hipster. CoD is objectively a bad game, period. It is mindless entertainment for the lowest common denominator.
I doubt anyone on Sup Forums is particularly good. At least not by my standards :^) Seriously you nigs probably have a 1 kd at best and an abysmal wl.
Everyone that talks about it on here is an intern or someone with buyers remorse.
2.22 right now on tdm and rising as I get better. If I could fresh start right now it would prob be around 2.8, by the end of the year when I've settled in it will prob be 3.5+.
But you need to win your games. If you have a 2+ kd anything lower than a 4wl is sad.
I like how you skipped mentioning your shitty kd. Good job playing bullshit modes to artificially inflate your shitty score. Anybody can play infected or ffa retard.
>Top selling games are garbage multi-plats
Top kekaroni Sonyggers
Ps4 has players so you can actually play the games. Glwt in the realm of the permavirgin box. Mp games shouldn't even count on PC lol.
>Playing a FPS MP game on a console
Not an argument
Stopped playing BO3 in like January or February. Was level 250, which was way above the average level at the time, seriously nigs asked if I cheated. 2.3kd 10 or 11wl Yes I played ffa when I was alone, but Domination and whatever the other games were called were equal to or high than my wl. I sucked at tdm, so you got me there. It's the most cancerous game mode anyways. Had plenty of moments where it was just me and an Irish friend going 30+ each with less than 5 deaths and still barely won or lost.
>shit nobody plays
>final fucking fantasy
this board is godawful.
>padded my kdr by not playing the objective in dom
People like you are the fucking cancer of cod. I sincerely hope your mom gets paralyzed and you have to take care of her and you never have time to play video games.
No senpai. I don't care about my kd. I'll go negative before I lose, and I did, a lot. Stay mad.
I don't see how Infinite Warfare is all that fun, it seems too samy
And the fucking singleplayer was ruined by the fucking "LUL EVERYONE DIES" trope.
Lol I don't even play with a party. If you're in a party no shit your wlr will be better. In blops 3 I finished with a 3.5 kd. 2.3 kd is pitiful af, especially considering you partied up. And if you can't play tdm, you literally can't play cod, sorry son.
Didn't really do the 6 man squad. 3 or 4 is best. And tdm is the worst kind of game because the outcome depends entirely on how shit the lvp no thumbs is doing. I'm not about that. Like I said my kd is shit because I don't care. I noticed you have yet to say how trash that wl is. I'll take that as an admission.