Why does he get butt ass naked when he fights? What if his dong accidentally rubs up on somebody?

Why does he get butt ass naked when he fights? What if his dong accidentally rubs up on somebody?

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who wouldn't flaunt a body like that?

Then he will savor it

Why does this PAWG prefer real men?

>tfw Urien rubs his dong on you

is this the SF lewd thread? or are we gonna start a lobby and actually fight eachother?

i'm okay with either

this is the thread where we start a lobby
then suck each other's dick

Just start posting lewds plox


> this is fine but not mika

I love the wording of this post. Isn't this how the blacks of america talk?

lol, what country are you from?

America :^)

>america is a country
you truly are an american.

You do realize they're both in the same game, right?

I'm american so I can't handle these bantz. Please apologize. :^(

>Banana Hammock is okay
>Mika slapping her own ass isn't

Thanks Capcom.

It's supposed to emulate when men used to do the olympics completely nude, I think

It is unironically a jojo reference.


Why does she get practically butt ass naked when she fights? What if her ass accidentally rubs up on somebody?

this faux-innocence rp bullshit killed the site

Holy shit that looks like a fatassed man.

What are you? Gay?

you answered your own question



where the fuck does this meme come from

LTG. He gets salty for losing, and start babbling about how the guy who beat him probably is a fat nerd.

I love the wording of this post. Isn't this how the nords of skyrim talk?

>not getting nude to fight
You fucking homo

then I get hard :3c

REAL MEN fight down to their very primal instincts and form.


>What if his dong accidentally rubs up on somebody?
Then they rub their dong back
isn't that the policy?

he has a color where he looks exactly like bryan hawk from ippo



Jeez dude, is there anything more manly than a guy walking around in a loincloth?

I never understood the story in SF3. What's the connection between Urien and RED&BLUE?

more like, what if his dong accidentally gets hurt

Superior brother. Urien has Gill's moveset but made shittier so it's not as blatantly super good.

Literally liquid/solid snake.

Oh ok. So urien wasn't allowed to join the Illuminati cus he's a scrub? And joining the illuminati makes you become two colors? Or is this the point when I shouldn't be caring about the lore in a fighting game?

>What if his dong accidentally rubs up on somebody?


Urien is Illuminati Vice President to Gill's President and while Gill is morally neutral for the most part, Urien is a tyrant whose sole purpose in life is to beat his brother and show everyone he's better than they are and that they should bow to him as their only king.

>Implying you wouldn't do the same if you looked like a god of fitness


Down,down forward,forward Hk dong reflector


Not if I was a god of fitness who also participated in street fights.

That's like painting a bullseye on your ballsack.

>Gill is morally neutral for the most part
Then why the fuck do I end up fighting this dude?

God what a fucking crybaby

This is why I don't get into fighting games. People who play it have ego problems to the extreme

It is though. America by itself is a country. If you want to talk continents, then you have North America/South America, etc.

Because the Illuminati wants to bring about Armageddon and he wants to populate the world from the current strongest fighters so he tests them

>Then why the fuck do I end up fighting this dude?
He took Daddy's car!

But why are the salty people always black?

Ah ok I getcha. Sorry I only played story mode once and otherwise just fought the one or two friends willing to play with me.

Lol! What a little bitch.

When you have this many muscles all shirts do is hinder you.





he looks like he was genetically created to fuck your girl

>This is the worst Urien
>keeps losing to him

What does that make him?

It means that other guy is playing unfairly.

How the fuck do people handle playing in the same room as this dude?

Floe beat LTG him with Gief, really doesn't mean much

he's a bitch irl apparently. there's stories of people running up on him at tournaments he used to attend and he does nothing and say he's shy and antisocial

98.3% of fighting games enthusiasts are blacks

That's because Low Tier God is a character

That's kind of depressing actually.

>skipping with his dick for pocketchange

classic johnny

Why didn't Du get to go to the whitehouse?

How did Mike Ross blow up to be one of the main faces of the FGC?

Likeable, presentable and can go thuggery or pg-13

Funny and charismatic. Unfortunately he comes packaged with a narcissistic leech called gootecks

Only in 'murica. Even in Tekken the producer joked about replacing pic related with a fat old man in the American release because burgers were complaining so much about her.


Nice mix of nicest guy you ever meet and twisted salty stick breaker

>JUSTin v Fraud Eyez
why? why is this event even a thing?

Pretty sure burgers weren't complaining because she was sexy. It's because she's straight out of that hello kitty avril lavigne videe.

There are better examples of Harada BTFO prudish americans I'm pretty sure.

except she's a Jap

I genuinely hope Rucky Chloe get removed from the game in favor of Eddy/Christie or some other staple character like fucking LEE

Charm and personality. Met him once at a tournament and he's a cool bro, chill and talk have fun with

Meanwhile someone like Justin is clearly the superior player, but he's what you'd expect: fat, shy, socially awkward

Mike got to be where he was by not being a fucking loser like Justin

wtf they actually went to the whitehouse?

Of course he does.
The point he's making wouldn't even work if they weren't, for fuck's sake.

No, Akuma raped their mom and inflicted a curse on Gill, who will never go beyond Red and Blue energy despite being almost an almighty being and they have to kill a man with Black energy to undo it(Akuma)

Twitch even at the white house, that may really be an advert for health care or something

Gill seriously has the best taunt.

>actually wanting button mashing cancer
Anyway, Lee is already in the game.


dude is it being streamed right now?

>What if his dong accidentally rubs up on somebody?
while hes beating the ever loving shit out of them? i hazard a guess neither party would care strongly about dong rubbing one way or another

I meant LEI, I always mix their names

Yeah but it is just some fat guy called dickerson on right now

Harada is just based

Isn't she just the same as them? it is just Harada jerking to idolmaster so much

Damn...I was far better when I didn't know the history...now I know its stupid


Lei is already confirmed DLC.

We will know when the game has a fucking release date