Really activates my almonds

really activates my almonds

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did yau know... when teh spike hits u.. you keep walk into it??

wh0mb.. you meen.. u cna naviagte 3d space?.. IN THE GAMe???

*eats shit* wow really planted an appleseed into my empty gray nebula

What went wrong?

hUH??? how do i pick up bottle?? me no see text pop up.. me not INTELLIGENT enough to read

muh gamefeel

Can we please stop giving this shill attention? The more people bring it up the more people unanimously adopt an opinion that isn't theirs.

In all seriousness though, I feel like I understand his argument against OoT and Skyward Sword, but my main problem with Egoraptor's theories on game design is that they're all centered on a single way of creating player-character empathy. I think his Mega Man X video is really great and makes really useful points, but anytime a game steps out of that box and tries to be more traditionally narrative-focused, he throws a huge hissy fit about it because the player should create their own narrative yadda yadda. Usual "Why should I care about these people" bull. I understand that gaming is its own medium and it should take advantage of its unique strengths when it can, but geez dude. Traditional narratives have their place in video games too.

>ethan doing the gay squat

How many rounds did they have on her afterwards?


yeah, no.

deku seed stun wolf?? trigger me timbers!!

Friendly reminder that Jontron was abused.

More people have seen this video than have played past Jabu-Jabu's Belly in Ocarina of Time.

What is that anorexic thing on the middle? Is that a girl or a boy? What is it?

I found most of it pretty bad, The "waiting" things a bit of ok criticism but the rest is all over the place, suggesting OOT should have had escort quests with limited health, on a timer, to make you care about characters rather than short cutscenes is terrible and of all the things to complain about in SS "puzzles boss, with glowing weak points" the game didn't have them, SS boss's were skill challenges not puzzles, EG what it complained about OOT not having, ALTTP gave it's boss's weak points, didn't see him trying to misrepresent them as puzzles.

just a few more years until youtube stops being a viable career option :)

that really activates the nuerons

They're becoming parodies of themselves, they know it, they think it's hilarious, AND it makes them money

I kind of envy them

I never really got why someone put this together.

Were we supposed to make fun of him for it? Feel bad for him? Pity him? or what?


a good percentage of the planet physically can't do that

So that's why he left Game Grumps
It all makes sense

Will he ever make good content again?

When will the Lets Play Youtube meme fad end so we can get better quality content again?

wait seriously?

I'm 6'2" 215lbs (that's not muscle) and I can almost get my ass on the floor from that position, heels on the floor

Why is frank so hot jesus

yeah, has to do with the length of your achilles tendon irc

Even if it does end, don't expect Ego to actually put effort into his work again. The fact that Barry is currently making, essentially, a better Sequelitis than him right now is kinda sad,

I guess pity? For his fans I guess, having childhood stories from a famous celebrity always feeds into the drama machine.

At least the majority of commentators on Arin/Game Grumps seem to know he doesn't understand shit. Not like 2 years ago when everyone was taking his statements about games as fact.

>Watching Sonic 3 playthrough
>Arin: "This game is... I mean you go and stuff happens and it's just... whatever"

What did he mean by this?

he was trying to power up his potato

It's weird to see Jon going full capitalism doing only eventual promotional videos and being a slob in the rest of the time...this dude knows how to live


arin forgot to crank the wheel and pull the chain

that's Joosten
