Is McCree white...

Is McCree white? I assumed he was just a white male but Tumblr believes that he is of Native American or Latino/Hispanic ethnicity.

Is that true Sup Forums?

the fuck kind of native/hispanic name starts with Mc


I'm surprised they'll call him a 'he'

They'd go more for the "transnigger who identifies as a sewer pipe and uses the pronoun Xe, Xir and Xirself"

He's white. Might have a bit of mixed blood but McCree is an Anglo-Saxon name.

Clint Eastwood is white. Tumblr would try to claim this even if the character was named Cracker McTrustfund

>He's brownish so he must be latino
wow, that's pretty racist of them to assume

Try Celtic, retard

If Roland Deschain can be black, I don't think there's anything McCree can't be.

Who the fuck cares

>last name mccree
>native american

>eyes dark brown
>some of his skins change it to blue
yes i'm autistic

>Out in the sun all day riding a horse killing bitches only to stop in the saloon for a drink.

>Not getting a tan at all while doing so.

Yeah, Native Americans love dressing up and acting like cowboys. He's literally just Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood is white. He is white.

>played Overwatch for about 40 hours and now I don't feel like playing any more

>the same thread from before, but with natives!
Just stop

They're actually grey

t. Someone more autistic

His name isn't Burrito Sanchez.

It's McCree. He's fucking white.

To be fair, a lot of american families have some native here and there, McCrees might have came from UK originally but whos to say some natives weren't fucked in the middle of that family tree

Scottish, English, and probably native American

Does this look like a nigger to you?

>Love the Dark Tower
>dissapointed at seeing initial movie info
>can't say anything cus it's racist.

Also McCree is scottish or Irish on his father's side at least. He doesn't even look like anything aside from maybe PARTIALLY native/hispanic.

Who cares

Race is irrelevant, only SJW retards care about that shit

Thank you

Even Mussolini said race is fucking retarded

Identity politics have nothing to do with video games. Fuck off

disgusting whitewashing

So what about the people on Sup Forums that bitched about there not being enough whites in games now?

Race is relevant in the US

That's why the US is a shit hole and will continue to be so

Teddy Roosevelt must have been rolling over in his grave for decades now

Gaelic you beerswillin, flatassed irish fuck.

It's only relevant because the niggers keep trying to riot and start a race war. If they just shut the fuck up for five seconds things wouldn't matter as much.

>Implying there weren't afro people that became sheriff's.
I honestly wouldn't mind a Isom Dart costume.

Mussolini thought Hitler was retarded for his idea of the "master race" but went along with it because Germany was carrying him in the war.

Quit making this thread faggot no one cares

There is literally more white people that give a shit about the BLM than most black people.

>Jesse Mcree
>not white

How are there people like this?

>went along with it
Most italian officials fudged serious paperwork when it came to rounding up Jews.
They just didn't give a shit

Yeah, because they feel like horrible people if they don't. You either support a shitty movement or you're labeled a racist misogynist. Most normies don't want that burden.

Supposed to be Irish-American like the typical stereotype. Even though the concept is of Italian origin. Weird.

>Italian origin
Supposed to be a reference to spaghetti westerns I assume

Soldier 76 is also Clint Eastwood. The old fuck variant. Even says "get off my lawn" or something.

Anyone ever find it suspicious that when someone claims there's a "master race", it's always their own race?

It's not suspicious, everyone thinks their own race is the best

Even Hispanics in the US do it, look up Aztlan and La Raza

It doesn't always happen that way, Nietzsche didn't even consider himself as part of the Ubermensch

He's white,

Probably has some Irish or Scottish heritage but that's about it tbhwy familia

Who is the most USA?


wow, an italian not doing the job they were paid for
color me surprised

The cancer killing all forms of entertainment.

Over watch is worse than TF2 in every way but because its newer and valve dont make games anymore blizz laughs to the bank

The Ubermensch as Nietzshe described it wasn't a race, that was Hitler's retarded bastardization
The Ubermensch was a concept of how the ideal man should at, not anything to do with his race

Soldier, because he's from the Heartland

>It's only relevant because the niggers keep trying to riot and start a race war.
Stop shooting their people on the street and this wouldn't be happening. you can't just shoot an unnarmed black man for sport anymore, it causes problems now. Stupid cop.

>old Clint Eastwood
>random edgy spic
>young Clint Eastwood

My money's on Soldier

Think about it for a second

>native american

He's whatever race this guy is.

Mccree obviously. Guys has a usa skin.
Smokes fat cubans
Wears a BAMF belt buckle
Also has catchad phrases like I'm your huckleberry.

He's clearly doc Holliday from tombstone

>latino hispanic/native
top kek


Marston is irish if i recall right


>edgy spic
desu he did some dark shit to keep USA safe. And he trained Mcree.






What kind of idiot doesn't think McCree is white. Is tumblr aware that being outside most of the time can give you something called a "tan"?

how fucking dare you ignore my nigger post


There's your answer.

Though I believe being Irish is a nationality.

you know who cares about shit like this, OP? actual racists and actual sjws, and nobody else.

please fuck off to somewhere dark

Ubermensch was an idea, not a race.

The God-Emperor of Mankind would be Ubermensch. Whites would not.

>tumblr is wrong again

No shit.

>Over watch is worse than TF2 in every way
So why aren't you playing that right now?

Oh yeah, because it's full to the fucking brim with meme cosmetics and furries own all the vanilla servers.

Widowmaker is Clint Eastwood too. Many people don't know about Eastwood's big delicious ass.

he's fucking Clint Eastwood
also what idiot doesn't realize people tan when they get in the sun? like a cowboy normally would be in a lot

No, Marston's of Scottish descent.

He's probably a mix of something, who cares, he lives in the future and has a robot arm and uses a fucking revolver, he's a pretty ridiculous character

>his name is Jesse McCree
>Tumblrniggers unironically think he isn't white
He's literally just tan.

>tfw Hitler ruined yet another thing forever because people associate it with him

I feel remorse for those people.

Sup Forums crossposters in one post

McCreekolizki is a proud pole

no tf2 is trashy garbage for trashy garbage humans like you :)

reaper is LATINO

I wish he was Hispanic but McCree is an Irish name.

Tumblr assuming he isnt white because he's tan. Not like cowboys are out in the fucking sun or something

He's pure white. You'll see especially in his other outfits. Stop trying to shitwash my main

It's called a Farmers tan

How many times are you going to post this?