Let It Die Models

Elevator-chan has nips, pass it on

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How is this game on PS4? I'm downloading it now, but my internet's awful so it'll take some time to finish.

its a fun genuinely fun game, but i can see how some people wouldnt like it. it can get kinda grindy if you want to be very thorough


Extra tits in glitches too.


There needs to be a PC version of this.


>jap game with nipples


It's pretty good. Some of the "multiplayer" aspects can be a little annoying though.

please im so ready for the model rips

damn that's great.

>Insurance girl's voice
American voice acting was a mistake.

What, does buying mushroom stew give you a random decal or something? I haven't tried it yet.

You get a decal that doesn't go away when you die

im pretty sure its a decal that doesnt vanish on death

Gonna need some proof, OP.

took a shitty pic on my phone but found this instead while opening v on mobile

>You can see it through the shirt

ahh I did something wrong

Insurance girl is much better tho

mhu when you find a way to clip through her then nerd

Oh rad.

So, what direction are green locked paths accessible through? from the room they're on, or from the path leading to them?
I can't seem to consistently remember, and I hate trekking like three floors just to find out it's the opposite of what I was thinking at the time.

OST when?

Its very fun if you like a challenge. It must be said though, after you hit floor 20 its time to grind, so if you dont like the game at that point its better to just leave it with a smile, its free either way so if you quit an hour in or 100 hours in you have no obligation to get your monies worth.

Are there any other 3d action roguelikes like this? Im curious about the genre now, I know about actual roguelikes but what about 3d ones, I love dungeon crawlers and would like to see more.

>this gets leaked out
>express pass tickets sales skyrocket
>show me the moneeeey

suda you brilliant bastard

>large areola

Is this game online even without PS+?

Either or, its best to find the door on the floor before going on to explore. Just so you know for sure.



>mfw Chile won again in the war against argentina

top weon

More like
>This gets leaked out
>Hamplanet american twitter protester complains
>Game journos jump on it
>Game devs apologize 50000 times and cover the characters in burkas and granny panties.

I was really hoping that wasn't the case.
Alright, thanks.

Jap devs have never apologized for tiddies, they just censor it for western release.

they cencor it for eastern release.
Nippels are banned in japan, Suda is going to prison

The jew looks like Lucifer's bitch.

Except they do these days. They censored all versions of Star Ocean recently because someone complained about potato-chan's panties. So they gave her granny panties instead, not the biggest deal in the world but Japan was not happy that day.

Nipples are fine in jap media, it's only vaginas and penises that are a no go

Hope so, just to fuck everything up with cheat engine or a trainer and not have to worry about grind or getting jewed out due "artificial difficulty shenanigans"

Thats peens and ginas user. They have a censor law that is fucking absurd but no politican wants to look like a pervert and put it on their bill that they have an issue with it, unfortunately. Its why all jap porn is blurry as fuck.

>tfw it's read

Fuck this game, haven't been able to play it for 3 days now. Everytime I get past the title screen it slaps me in the face with a connection error message, I've uninstalled then reinstalled, restarted my ps4, tried starting the game 50+ times. I'm about to come to the realization that I'm just not gonna get any farther then floor 20 and I'm done, that was the peak of the tower for me, not even getting to the base of it.

>cheat engines/trainers/datamining
And thats why these shitters dont deserve the game. The current LiD threads on Sup Forums are demons souls (& pre-pc dark souls) tier where everyone is learning blind and sharing tips instead of datamining and ruining the fun.

This is coming from a primarily pc player who has a ps4, I hope this stays ps4 exclusive desu

what do you do about groups? if you run in a circle around them, you are utterly invincible but it takes fucking hours to kill them, waiting for them to hit each other and getting in a single swing of your own every now and then.

the "samurai champloo'd" dark souls and surreal chinese bootleg vibes in the graphic design are great. but the gameplay is the worst part of the game.

"would you like to see my tattoo?"
how you gonna give her that line and NOT expect me to find nipples

user, literally everyone has nipples


I heard one guy got his bitten off by a shark

name 4 non-h games with female nipples

Are there boss battles?

Does Uncle Death have nipples?

God of War 1, God of War 2, God of war 3, God of War 4

We can only assume so


If you're doing a raid and that happens, you're fucked.

If you're on a random floor, take advantage of the environment.

Climb up shit so you can get a free hit on one of em while they're climbing up to get you.

Back track until one or two of them lose you and you only have to deal with a fraction of the group.

Use mushrooms, confusion makes them attack eachother, sleep puts them to sleep for easy crits, poison let's you kill them by just running around giving a chase. Etc.


How do I get sneaky?
I could only really suplex once, but does it require crouching? too slow with way patrols from behind work a lot of the time.
I end up aggroing the guy i'm targeting, if not the entire area by accident. Even if say I'm at a higher platform.
Any other stealth shit other than suplexes?

Every so often I find Mushroom-chan's shop in flames and she's hunched over

Any explanation for this?

Can't argue with that

I'm almost at floor 30 and I still haven't found the blueprint for the iron.
It's from 1-9, right?

It's so hilarious that a Japanese hack is the man that will save the industry.

>make shooter class
>upgraded assault rifle
>can plink enemies to death that are well above my level
>bulldog shotgun has a fucking knockdown attack
>crossbows punch attack is faster than alot of melee weapon attacks and its rage move costs one
I think the problem people seem to have is they rely entirely on melee, if you use melee alot invest in the Iron, it has a parry, do something other than hope your combos connect, the combat in this is finnicky as fuck, you need something more.


someone broke your base

you should go get revenge

and then climb the tower.

this picture says otherwise

Got raided.
>got raided 5 times due to not logging in on sunday and most of monday
>Have to go and raid several times
>recouperated my losses anyway due to a guy sent on an expedition winning.

FUCK. I probably got raided last night.

>Taking elevator back after successful run
>Internet crashes before reaching waiting room
>all my shit is gone and character is dead

God fucking damn it

This game has no right to be as fun as it is.
Its a shame they went with the freemium route though. I would've paid 60 dollars for it if were structured like a standard game.

you should give her a mushroom

Guess that would also explain the chalk outline and random armor set lying on the ground

This, assault rifle makes me feel safe on higher floors. Crossbow is fast and does a lot of damage, revolvers have good stun and I can get a lot of gore kills with them. The shotgun mind of blows though since I have to stay still while shooting it, but I'm gonna upgrade it some more and see where this thing goes.

>tfw hunter gets the kill
>its a goretastic kill
Also I keep getting that Im being hunted, but have only encountered the hunter once, do they replace an NPC in the area or do they just spawn in and chase you. The first one I fought came running out of nowhere to fight me and wasnt waiting.

When sending someone on an expedition does it matter the amount of hours? Should I just send one 1 hour or 24?

Toss shrooms. Any status effect shroom will fuck up groups or at least allow you to take them on one by one. The sleep shroom will allow you to suplex sleeping haters and screamers.

>Google gives me nothing

Sauce me, senpai

Its my melee option that isnt melee, being able to knock enemies down and stomp them makes 1v1 fights alot easier, the only problem is it doesnt carry alot of ammo.

Cant stress it enough, have some utility other than strictly melee attacks and remember to use rage moves, machete rage move is pretty good as it only costs 1 and is pretty much an instant kill, it provides iframes when fighting more than one enemy too so if you encounter 2 enemies rage move one and then fight as normal.

How do you deal with these fucking overpowered haters? As soon as I get hit once I might as well throw all that experience and time out the fucking window

What floor do i get shooter?

use rage abilities
it make a huge difference

Crouch, walk behind them and look for the X button prompt. If you're above them you can do a different sneak attack

8 I think

Gib playthough series for a ps4-less poorfag pl0x

>Finally made it to floor 11
>All these developer machete/butterfly knife hunters that refuse to do anything but a single attack and it's a 50/50 shot they super armor through your hit or perfect parry you into a kill.
I had one guy who just lunged constantly and it was amazing since it was so easy to punish, but when these machete hunters take me from 600 to 0 with one combo in full +4 1* armor at level 50 it drives me mad.

What in the hell is the trick? I've basically just been praying they get caught in an exploding mushroom I throw or they get poisoned. If I can actually land a hit they're usually dead, but it's driving me nuts since I only died rarely and now it's very frequently.

What is Suda's involvement in LIT?

the rule34 website
we also have one (1) uncle death porn


Post your favorite song,Senpai !

im german and playing a german version

Thats how long theyll accost the target player for I think. I dont think its really worth sending for more than an hour because most people dont play 24 hours straight, sending for long periods is basically for if you arent going to play the game for a while and want your NPC to gather resources. Its more lucrative to do it an hour at a time, send them to higher floors for better returns, even if they fail they get more from it.

On a related note, If you want to have secure money and SPlitium that cant be stolen send on expeditions and dont take the spoils out of the resource tray till you need it.

>Still on 6
I'll get there eventually.
>He stayed in the European Union

>uncle death with human fleshy body

I've never been so mad

Rage moves, people always forget to use rage moves. Mushrooms too, stamp a frog, take the teargas mushroom and throw it at the hater then move past them safely.

8 if I remember right, the next rank of fighters is at 10 then 16. ALWAYS use higher rank fighters if they are available, they outclass the lower ranks and make them redundant.

Does anybody know where some guaranteed Candle Wolf Black Metal is? pls

does the third white defense icon for armor values mean pierce or bullet damage?


Rage moves, sneak attack them and suplex/stomp them. Also have you advanced fighter rank? They shouldnt be one shotting you, it should take about 3 hits to kill a higher rank fighter.

but user its a mask. Go shop uncle death's head on sans porn if you want skeleton porn

bullet is pierce