Is this game any good?

Is this game any good?

I like it

just play it senpai

I enjoy it, it's free and I'm not forced to spend money on.

Flavour of the month bullshit. Expect 500 generals a week.

you might as well go download a random f2p game on your phone

Do you like cool games with shitty gameplay? If so yes.

PC when?

It's heavily flawed but addictive.

if you had to rate the game out of ten right now, what would you give it?

also, does this seem like the type of game where the devs will actually support it/the game will (potentially) get better with time?

i dont have a ps4 (yet), but even for a f2p game, this looks right up my alley (ds-like/lite gameplay, roguelike, suda51, etc.) looking forward to playing it

Uncle Death seems like a cool guy. No I haven't played it either.

You could say that about every suda51 game.

The less you know about it, the better. Just try it out, it's free.


Shadows of the Damned was a suda game wasn't it? That wasn't anywhere as bad as this.

a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion, especially in stock exchange dealing.
opposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice.

>tfw don't have a ps4 so i can't play
Can somebody at least point me to a decent lper/streamer for it? Someone that knows his shit and doesn't try to be leh fahnny, possibly with a human sounding voice plz.

I have a pc and xbox will it be coming to either of those

6/10. Would give it 7/10 if all the bugs were fixed, the online re-balanced and the kill coin cost was less bullshit. Would even increase it to 8/10 if the game was expanded heavily with more floors (like the 128 in the intro), enemies, bosses, etc.

The elements for a great game are there, but it lacks a lot of polish and content.

7/10 and the dev said constant updates

He wrote it but I wouldn't say he was super involved in it's creation.

Atmosphere and concept are interesting. Uncle Death is a cool guy. Gameplay is poop.