Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

nah, fuck off, this isn't video games.

>This generation amirite

most people couldn't even read back then

That show was shit

99% of people in every generation never used all their educational resources to the fullest.

Now THIS really makes you think

And then he has them strap bombs to themselves and commit acts of wanton terrorism

Wtf I love Hydra now

>words words words words words
when did B^U get a job at marvel?

>when did B^U get a job at marvel?

He's way too good for the chucklefucks at Marvel, at this point.


>an entire generation wanted books

I highly doubt that.

There are exactly as many illiterate dumbfucks now as there were then. We've just given them the means to be heard.

The problem is that modern society is now REWARDING the dumbfucks instead of belittling them like we used to.

And then the Joker cut his own face off.


This. This is possibly the most, litered, cultured and arts-oriented generation ever. But culture is now much more than just literature, and no one has infinite time on earth to enjoy everything.

That entire story was a wild ride.

How in the fuck would the Joker make a good nazi? Obedience and order aren't really his thing.

>most, litered, cultured and arts-oriented generation ever.

Really makes mew pawse.

L-leave me alone. I meant literate but I'm tired and dumb.

You're forgetting that the comic book industry is mostly just Jews whacking each other off


and this is why comic books were, are, and forever will be utter trash

I hate when people trust facebook pictures with subtitles

Out of all the places to post this, why Sup Forums? Sup Forums is right over there.

If I took a fucking gameboy back in time and gave it to Gutenberg he wouldn't have given two shits about the bible

>people today
They're not litered at all
Yeah they know how to read, but they don't use it beside romance novels and Harry Potter.
You can teach a brainlet to read, but you can't make him litered.

Because the message is literally "why are you wasting your time playing video games?"

Grow up, kid

One teacher in my high school did that onto us because he was angry we weren't giving attention to a presentation.

Shit was tense as fuck

This, literature is the pinnacle of human cultural development

That's a lot more than your average person in the 15th century.


That is true, but OP knew what he was doing. After all, he opened the thread with a le epic reddit meme. This thread is tertiary at best. The discussion here is not about video games and was never intended to be. The picture in question mentions video games as an off-hand example and not as the main focus. The message is why aren't we using the magic of the internet to better ourselves when nearly infinite information is nearly seconds away. It has nothing specifically to do with video games. It doesn't even make sense because the internet has nothing to do with Mario. You play those games on a console, not the internet.

What a bitter old fuck

hahahaha, that's why I love comics, there is no other place you can find this level of funny lines...maybe in a 80's action movie

Mr. Feeny is better than most teachers I ever had irl. Yeah, he's right. Actually, far moreso now than back then.

>implying he wouldn't try to implement the entire bible into the Gameboy

This is Gutenberg we're talking about.

you stupid fuck couldnt focus during one class but all the time in the world until you´re 80 years old is going into finding detailed information about video game entertainment.

and you dont work on it or anything, you´re just so fucking obsessed with this stupid ass shit that will never help lives of anyone

>English teacher near the end of the year going through everyone's grades while we're told to read
>Calls this wigger kid up to his desk
>Talks quietly to him explaining the kid missed a quiz and he is going to let him make it up to help his grade.
>Teacher calmly stands up
>Slowly points his finger at the student
>Goes on a big speech about how he wants everyone to reach their full potential
>Awkwardly turns to the class
>"I... I.... Um... class dismissed..."
>mfw the whole thing

really made me think

Hey no litering!
This is a christian nationalist website!


>Not kawaii desu japanese voices


I like Konata's design and personality, Too bad Lucky Star is so shitty.


Go back to Sup Forums weebs,

So, a rich little man with white hair may die. What's that got to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because you people and 162 million other Americans watch TV. Because less than 3 percent of you people read books. Because less than 15 percent of you read newspapers.

Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole, entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world. And woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people.

>And woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people.
Because it's slightly easier that manipulating the content and access to written media?


why is that one going to tickle his foot

Wtf do you live in a movie?

Did Louis C.K. draw that?

Isn't there a Ben Garrison comic that's exactly like this?

Why americans are so pissed about banks? they loan more than everyone else in the world to cry about being slaves to debt later

I'm so glad that I get to read about why video games are shit from faggots all over the world.

because they were taught what to want but not how to want

It's the perfect anime for a long summer night when all your friends are away and you need that comfy feeling of being in good company just shooting the shit.
Or for a rewatch 9 years later because you no longer have any friends.

>cartoonish evil villain spouting edgy shit
>kids on Sup Forums take him seriously

They already did that

It's really weird how Sup Forums went from a bunch of misanthropes using extremism to push people away to a bunch of extremists who didn't get the memo

What's wrong about it?

Why don't Christfags just make their own and call it BibleBoy?

Quite, but it's not really that cartoonish when you have the President Elect spouting the same bigoted nonsense.


Mom's hot! Would bang!

fuck off papist

Where did this "makes you think" phrase even come from?

If its not the King James version than you may as well be a fucking pagan drinking animal blood and sacrificing your kin. Savage.

You know the only good version is the NIV.

Any community that gets its laughs from pretending to be idiots, etc.

>reading jewish controlled propaganda

I can't find it anywhere, but does anyone have the "of old, of nevv" poster that looks like it was made ages ago? this thread made me think of it

>King James
>the braindead, inbred, fucking retard who can't distinguish between "to kill" and "to murder" in any language.

>he thinks thou shall not kill is actually thou shall not murder
good goy

>That logo in the lower right

Was this before Toon Disney existed? What made Disney decide to have two networks anyway? When they had so many of the same shows on both?

the issue starts with racial supremacists, other then that i see no issue with banding people together to fight invading threats

>being an atheist
>the world is literally turning into hell

Female Japanese voices are too high pitched and annoying most of the time. I swear they exaggerate the pitch of their voice just for effect.

>he thinks self-defense is against God's Will

>old man hates new thing

3 deep 5 me

Topanga was hot. Still is.

>reading deliberately outdated English because it's 'authentic'

I'm a bad goy, you fucking retard.
Murders are to be sentenced to death.
Not defending yourself by stopping a murderer is throwing your life away.

>the book that tells you to turn the other cheek also wants you to stand your ground and blow motherfuckers away
simply eric

>implying the New Testament isn't fanfiction

>forgetting how Jesus blew merchants the fuck out for desecrating a temple

What exactly is this old fart trying to get me to THIRST for