>Paladins is dying already
>Battleborn will go F2P and take its audience
Who /Battleborn/ here
Paladins is dying already
Me man. I stocked up on some battleborn copies lately. Gonna re-sell the ps4 boxes for some profit bruh.
How can Battleborn do that when it's audience plays consoles
I might give it another shot after the upcoming update.
Think you'll find a match?
Probably. I can just alt+tab and do something else while I wait.
Hopefully it's not infested with premades.
its not infested with anything at all user, you will be lucky to get a match while you wait the whole day
I foresee Paladins having a population like Smite does, stabilizing around 20k eventually.
The population seems to have stabilized at around 300 average, so I don't think I'll be waiting the whole day.
I've played less populated games before and haven't had to wait too long.
Although granted those games weren't 5v5.
Why am I jealous of how natty and swol a marsupial is?
you mirin' bruh
/Battleborn/ Deande player reporting in
Stopped playing Battleborn because of all the pre made groups and cheaters.
If Gearbox would add VAC and make a lobby for randoms only, that game would be my game of the year 2016.
I know I am. Shit I'm glad I'm single else I'd prolly get dumped for this swole ass pussy destroyer.
>and make a lobby for randoms only
That could be bad for the game. When the population is already small, dividing it up is the last thing you should do.
Who's got the screencap of the battleborn forum where people are advocating losing matches so new players stay? I need a good laugh
Randy's pride will never let him make that game F2P no matter how much his company is bleeding because of it
Does Battleborn have more players on PS4 or PC?
PS4 from what I hear. Smaller gamepool to pick from so more battleborn players. All speculation ofcourse. Maybe the game is so dead everyone decided PS4 is the designated battleborn platform so games can be found more quickly.
It sold way more on PS4, so I'd imagine they're still bigger.
Battleborn is one the most embarrassing flops of the year, at least No Mans Sky made money.
I would say it's just as embarrassing, it's just that one blunder managed to fool idiots and the other idiots weren't even paying attention to the other blunder.
I guess? But with Battleborn it was apparently Gearbox's most expensive title and it basically made them into a publishing company with Duke Nukem DLC/Expansions because of how poorly it did, 2K doesnt even want to make it Free 2 Play
People like to say that the long queue times are exclusive to the PC version. Then again, Steam is the only one who publicly shows player statistics so I can see why people like saying that.