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Valve should be the ones apologizing for destroying what credibility they had left by turning the game into a league/hots abortion.
League and hots are much more fun than Dota so good.
I'll apologize when they region lock nonwhite trash away from me and stop account buyers
What did it take from League in this patch? If anything it moves it even further away from League by making heroes even more versatile with the different options often fitting different roles.
I don't know fucking anything about HotS other than that it is way too fundamentally different from Dota to ever be able to call them similar
>Person who prefers League/HOTS comes into DOTA
>Hates the way DOTA plays
>Overjoyed when DOTA turns into League/HOTS
Why didn't you just play the other two games in the first place you fuck wit?
I like the new UI.
Just wish it was a bit bigger.
Consider region locking yourself in the garbage.
Monkey King is the kind of hero who would fit right in with the League roster.
t. slavshit
The smaller hud, I would guess
>add more depth and customization to heroes
>retards say it's now casual because it's similar to a feature on a casual game
>jumping between trees
>disguising as objects
Lol doesn't even have objects or trees. The only thing remotely close to lol is the passive.
Get better MMR you dumb fuck.
t. slavshit
Disguising as objects isn't even actually a gameplay feature, it's basically just a taunt, so that's invalidated.
As for jumping between trees, LoL may not have trees but it has all kind of stupid gimmicky mobility shit like that, and in fact the new LoL hero's hookshot is functionally almost exactly the same, just with walls instead of trees.
>>Disguising as objects isn't even actually a gameplay feature, it's basically just a taunt,
Wait and see until it actually work in a game somewhere, like baiting a courier snipe into MK
Disguising as trees is definitely useful, as is disguising as things like branches on places like the rosh pit.
And that hookshot isn't the same at all, you need to preplan the full trip, you don't gain flying vision, you get 1 jump instead of infinite, you can't jump over obstacles, just bounce off them
But user, why would someone buy a 1k account?
t. aborted fetus
Fuck DOTA and fuck white people.
time to uninstall league is not fair bros
>Disguising as objects isn't even actually a gameplay feature, it's basically just a taunt, so that's invalidated.
That's not necessarily true. It's pretty good about giving you the right disguise in the right place.
Maybe it's not gonna be used effectively in pro games, but it can be useful for ganking mids trying to a rune, if timed right.
Autists will always complain when the shit they are used to changes.
>MOBA console wars
>"my shit stinks less than yours!"
Esports were a mistake
half life half life half life
>First three talent branches are always boring shit
>The interesting ones are locked behind level 25
You tell me which one is better then.
90% of times 15 move speed is going to be better
Get the fuck out with your cancerous assfaggot shit you autists
Goodnight, sweet prince
Almost all of them are a toss-up that depends on your situation. The ones that end up never being picked will get buffed or replaced.
>Picking meme carry CM over something that's actually useful for a slow-as-shit support.
Yeah, it's a real tricky decision.
>tfw CK demoted to cuck support
>reality rift doesn't give bonus damage anymore, only minus armor
>aghs to give your ult to someone else
Why does he hate ck so much?
It more of a fun pub thing, which the makes pubs more fun
Shit like Lich could do fun builds with items. Arguably you would win the game either way if you could go for said items/150 damage but whatever.
Needed to happen since every single hero lost extra stats, and most heroes just need stats to push them into good territory. Like +300 health would solve most supports problems instantly, who fucking cares if a spell would have a slightly stronger slow or another spell would effect 2 targets. Neither matters when you fucking die in 2 hits. But then you could make it 4-5 hits with a +health talent.
Most heroes have always been on the verge of being good, just not statted well. Its why +base damage changes mids constantly. Windrunner +10 base damage, insta first two picks because she just lanes so well. Windrunner -6 base damage, insta shit because other mids got buffed.
Just think of talents as a second Aghs. Most people won't reach it, but when they do its kinda cool.
Don't agree with the racist sentiment, but I am sick of getting queued in the US with feeding and game ruining Peruvians who just spam "autist report" in the chat.
He's better now, retard.
main client when?
Fuck off LoLtrash, Dota was never about 'fun'.
You'd need to have some serious fucking brain damage to play Dota for 'fun', Dota was always for the highly demanding and adrenaline-kicking competitive aspect.
If you are below 5k ignore my post, you wouldn't get it anyways.
Are you stupid? You realize the enemy team has 6-8 weeks to react to anything Techies does now, right?
And before you act like the new stasis mines are a gift from god, let me remind you that you can force staff while rooted.
The back pack item swtiching is not a mechanic that I will enjoy. That much I am sure.
Why not? It's just more convenient and allows some interesting things if you're good with mechanics.
No reliable escape. If someone puts dot on you, you are dead.
Cut the tree he is sitting on, and he stunned for 4 seconds
His passive bullshit is weak, only 1k trash will let him get 4 stacks
Killing him interrupts his ult.
Jumping on trees is fun and dandy, but invis or blink are much better
Im 1500 and since getting a little better I am enjoying my forced 50%. Games are either total stomps in my favour or nail bitters that I win.
They're still fixing bugs, and there are a shitload left. They're probably just going to deal with the major stuff and then release it in maybe 3 hours.
I never liked the idea of dropping items for mana efficiency and this seems to be the same mechanic ON STEROIDS.
Seriously though it seems like an annoying mechanic.
Stacks take ages to wear off.
Once his passive is nerfed, he is balanced.
Also rapier plus Q is fucking stupid
It seems like less time fucking around with the courier to me, seems pretty bad as a replacement for dropping items due to the 6 second downtime.
It replaces dropping your items for something that's harder to fuck up, lets people carry stuff like TPs and support items without sacrificing item slots. Lategame you can use it to stash your BKB or refresher.
It's something new to deal with, but it's not really required if you're like 5k MMR.
Q Crit % down to 150
Passive stacks up to 5 (or 6/5/5/4)
>wahhh my free blink doesn't let me be invincible
>wahhh why isn't tree hopping invincible
>wahhh why do i have to space out my hits on a debuff that lasts a long time. i want it now!
>wahhh ult says if you leave the area is goes away but i thought for sure it stays on when i'm not even on the map
just kill yourself shitter
Was just watching Waga coninuously assembling and disasembling mana boots for efficiency and he was raving abou how important a mechinic it is now.
Made me feel sad.
Its really shit for BKBs refresher. It HALVES the speed of the cooldown. So if you use refresher and put it in backpack, its total shit.
Its for TPs, wards, recipes, stat items
>BKB/Refresher is off cd
>leave it in backpack when you don't need it
>don't suffer from the half speed cd speed
it's more for completing your items than for storing them.
>lets people carry stuff like TPs and support items without sacrificing item slots.
Except that moving items in and out makes them inactive for 6 seconds. So much for escaping with TP when you need to wait for it to be ready before you can even channel it.
It still beats not having one at all.
Maybe if you were good you'd plan ahead of time so the item is available by the time you need to use it?
Then its a 6 second disable when you swap it into inventory. So you can't clutch and swap and BKB instantly. Its literally not that great for things with actives and long cooldowns
Right, good players never get smoke ganked and make clutch TP escapes.
Nuh uh.
Even if you had the tp you're not gonna survive a gang by yourself.
LoL and HotS fags on suicide watch.
Is the patch live yet?
Really? You never had clutch escapes when you saw heroes coming as their smoke broke, blinked away and started the channel?
Towers and the fountain don't hit you while you're disguised, so it's definitely a feature
Hows your favorite hero doing? Do you like his/her talents?
When is this shit actually out?
They slowed down with updated to the test client, so they're probably about ready to push it out to the real client.
Probably (hopefully) trying to nail down that memory leak with text rendering before they go live.
I´m about to hit 13th and the patch is not out yet
maybe in 4 hours if we're lucky
they're still fixing shit, it's up to update 8 on the test client, which was released like 10min ago
>nailing down a memory leak
Meepo got nerfed. He doesn't need his aghs anymore, but his q was one of his best disables, just because of that channeling disruption. Now, he is even more niche than before.
>inb4 slark gets a buff that isn't a scepter upgrade
>Don't agree with the racist sentiment
well im glad you clarified that on this anonymous fucking image board
>meepo got nerfed
>Root now disables the following movement spells: Burrow Strike, Waveform, Blink Strike, Phantom Strike, Reality Rift, Pounce, Skewer, Ball Lightning, Timber Chain, Rolling Boulder, Icarus Dive, Leap, Poof, and Time Walk.
I'm retarded and haven't read the patch notes apparently. Sorry for the mild autism
Does this mean jungling is viable again?
you can now just TP away though
it's like bloodsuka
>They slowed down with updated to the test client
what? the last one was released literally 20min ago dev.dota2.com
Yeah, I was wrong. He posted that update 7 with the title update 8 before so I thought it was still the same one.
im glad you clarified that you care so much about a phenotype
although you probably don't even know what that is, like most red pilled cucks
honestly don't know how people even have this low of MMR
If you can survive the burst
>Not going refresher Techies and Blasting off twice into enemies that have been veiled and black holed
>surviving a 6 meepo poof
>with a 3 second cooldown talent
Has anyone tried jungling yet?
Is it viable?
lvl 6 pre min 6?
i'm so happy about this. invoker players are the worst scum.
I'm excited for dota_imba's next update. It's going to be ridiculous
It just forces people to learn how to poof-blink. Which they should have been doing already anyway.
Techies got an update that I'm not sure about. I'm happy to try his new mines, in theory anything would be better than what he currently has. However, not being able to stack mines at lv 1 seems strange to me.
did you guys see the new map?
lol hud
hots healing fountains
hots skill trees
a hero with a 0 cost invis thats immune to things that specifically beat out invis that gives absurd mobility, ridic damage from a passive, ranged attack range despite being melee and a stun that also can't miss and has free crit
its bretty good
You keep control of the aghs ult illusions
Its basically a choice to clone yourself or a teammate
So you get to be Morphling?
But why?
New UI is horrid tbqh.