Humble Yogscast Bundle

Everything is going as planned Edition

>2 weeks in
>DLCs for non-steam f2ps
>freebies and rebundles
Today, another DLC

When will the pain ends?
What's at the end of the road?
Are we just about to get into AAA valhalla?
Is this bundle the ultimate ruse?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you bought in before anything worthwhile was revealed, you fucked up.

Stop giving these kikes money in any case. Remember their kickstarter.

Didn't know anything about the kickstarter until today

Well, now that I think about it, i didn't know anything about Yogscast until this bundle started

>retards actually paid 30 for all that shit

They occasionally have really shitty shovelware bundles

People still play robocraft?

I'm still pissed.

Day 12 Faeria Early Access Bundle Priceless
Day 13 Saturday Morning RPG £4.99
Day 13 Rocket Riot £6.99
Day 14 Anomaly 2 £11.99
Day 14 BiT Evolution £6.99

>Anomaly 2

>$650 worth of awesome stuff

>Didn't buy Battleborn
>Didn't buy No man's sky
>Didn't back anything on kikestarter
>Didn't buy this shit bundle
Life is good.


>mfw I bought after goat simulator because it was on xbox games with gold



have a friend who has over 3 k hours in that shit.

You guys realize this is for charity, right?

The shitty bundle is just an incentive.

never heard of Yogventures?


how underage do you even have to be to have given this shit even a glimpse of your attention


What's up with the filename though

Can we just talk about Dante's works?

damn, I would give a lot to see a loli beat the shit out of yogscast

It's a good feeling.

I mean the first 10 games are pretty good with very little filler shit. Immediately after that it goes in freefall in terms of quality though.

bought the sqenix bundle atleast I know the games in there aren't complete crap. hoping for ffIX though

>goat sim
thanks for killing gaming

This is the first to time that I have purchased a mystery box

I thought it would be cool to have a new game every day


Vidya cash for December trashed on this shit


>EVER buying into mysetery box lootcrate type shit



Goat sim is filler shit, but it's a higher class of filler shit than "Terraria Rip Off #8", "F2P Bullshit", and "Shitty Platformer that Pretends to be Retro #3074"

Market - wise, goat sim is the most valuable product of the whole bundle

>Used to play Blade and Soul
>Check out that pack
>It's actual garbage
That's hilarious.

U must be cANT BE THE GAMES!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>goat sim
>not a filler
fucking tard

What do you care? No one's forcing you to pay for it and it's for charity anyway

I explicitly called it filler shit you double tard. I just said that as far as filler shit goes it was slightly higher quality than the rest of that absolute garbage.

I mean I could probably give it to my cousin or some shit and they'd enjoy it. Don't know what I'd do with half of the shit there though, I can't really imagine anyone actually wanting it.

Common sense would suggest that every week they include better games
But judging by the current events, this looks like a turd sandwich

I hope, for the love of fuck, that this is not a turd toast

I was actually looking at that chart, and it isn't accurate to what's in the Inferno at all

>high quality filler

>23 posters

>Shitty gift you don't want but could maybe use as a paperweight.
>Shitty gift you don't want that is literally a useless pile of shit you cannot use.
>One is not higher quality that the other.
Have your (you), but you've got to try harder than that next time.

I buyed it.
Don't know why.
I don't even like yogcast.

The last week will be good guys

This reminds me, i gotta unsubscribe the monthly bundle. Vermintide doesnt appeal to me.

I also havent played any of last months monthly besides DD. Were they any good?

It is December 31st. For whatever reason, you purchased this bundle. All the previous 30 days were nothing but unknown indie shovelware and packages for F2P games no one likes.

What's the ONE thing that you could get that would turn the whole thing around and make it worthwhile, Sup Forums?

The montly bundle is good, as they tell you which one is the big one.

a big ass REFUND button

Stardew Valley, Pulsar lost colony, Soma, Factorio. Something like that.

Total war warhammer with all DLC


You're drunk.

Train Simulator 2017 with all DLC.