
Launch soon battle brothers!

Give me your close user!

I'll go Apothecary, gotta love being the combat medic that is always here to keep the bros in the fight, and seeing the beta, I'm goin to have my hands full for night to come!

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Probably Apothecary or Librarian.

I kinda hope the Librarain gets his power strength up a wee bit. No too much, just a little. Too often I felt like the guy was slogging far behind in terms of power compared to an Assault or Heavy Weapon Expert.

Launch trailer here:

Marines dont refer to each other as battle brothers, but simply "brother", with one of their few ranks if applicable, i.e. brother sergeant/captain/chaplain etc.

Do they really need those fucking lights?

Muh noctovision

Fallen confirmed

Oooh user, you are so dead wrong I'm afraid.

Unless you meant when talking one on one? In this case yes, but I was adressing the mulatitude here.

Please tell me it's real

Assault Cannon. Fuck yeah.

To be honest, I really thought it was a dead Black Templar Chaplain (since we find him in the BT ship until I looked closely at the screenshot, and saw the hood and the checker on the hip plate.

Me too. But he speak about greater shit than gene-fuckers, so there's a chance.

Did anyone here play space hulk vengence of the blood angels years ago?

I know that these "Fallen" have been mentioned in If The Emperor Had A Text To Speech Device but who are they?

A part of Dark Angels chapter that did nothing wrong but were branded heretics anyways and are hunted by Deathwing company.

Would go Apothecary if the shotgun unlocked earlier, so I'll stick with Heavy Weapons because I love pulling the trigger and never letting go until nothing's moving anymore.

Fallen? Who?
Never heard


Also the Umbra Mortalis in the very end, what could it mean ?
Deadly Shadows ?

Could be we encounter these things.

Half the Dark Angels fell to Chaos Heresy because Chaos tricked Luther (the right hand man of the Dark Angel leader) into thinking that they where fallen to Chaos. They fought so hard they blew up their planet and their leader went into a coma, Luther went insane when he realized what he did and has been locked away in the depths of their fortress-turned-spaceship and he has continuously prophesied the return of their leader, who tiny aliens who oppose Chaos dragged away.

The Fallen are that half, many are actually chaos, some think the Dark Angels are the chaos, and some are fucked because they've been written mysteriously intentionally but there was never a point so they come off as just fucking retarded. Dark Angels kill them all so they don't get accused of Heresy and destroyed, and in doing so they ended up being the largest space marine army that operates almost as a full legion in complete contact and command of their successors working towards a singular goal.

English is not my mother tongue so I'll ask, what does Linger means ?

Basically means staying put, but given that we're talking about interdimensional horrors that could be fragments of one of the oldest gods in the universe, it's probably closer to 'lurk' in this context.

Do all the gun effects still induce seizures.

Stolen from the launch video comments

> Now it is important to listen to the Librarian as he speaks.
>"I see a threat far greater than any Gene-Hungry Tyranids" - This obviously means we will face a greater threat than Tyranids.
>"A scream and a dark promise" - I'm assuming a scream is the C'tan being ripped apart, with the Dark Promise being Slaanesh saying "Linger"
>"I feel a tightness in my gut as >I see a cataclysm yet unseen." - Return of the C'tan?
>"The Umbra Mortalis [The Shadow of Death] descends upon us." - Again likely a reference to the Return of a C'tan

The fucking madman put a cosmic horror in SpaceHulk

Definitely not.

What happens is, there is HH era geneseed in the SH, however the DA fear that the sealers might use it.
So they go to the SH, but the stealers bring a hive fleet to them.

What happens is a big space battle outside the SH between the DA and the Nids. Meanwhile, the Deahwing goes against the clock in the SH to retrieve the geneseed.
The shadow of death is obviously the shadow in the warp.
C'Tan will never be found on SH.

Source: a dude did the closed beta and explained that to US.

oh, that's much less intresting.

What are the implications of the nids stealing that geneseed?

It makes senses, given the shitty writer.

You do know that the beta don't give much of the story and was here only to patch eventual Bug
So don't take it personally but i'll it bullshit unless someone from Steumon tell us what is the real deal

They assimilate their gene seed and it's lost forever.
Then they use the gene seed to create a breed of nids based on it.

After playing he beta id rather the devs release this until next month or whenever they are ready because it was a rough experience.

I just want a good warhammer game bros

>Space Marine Nids

Tactical. Gotta revive my squad faster and use that sweet, sweet plasma. Plus I lead the charge against dangerous tasks while the squad stays fortified and safe

Tyranids have killed thousands of Space Marines, gene seed won't give them anything they haven't seen before.

Oh yeah definitely. The dude placed the closed beta but if he played MP (which the beta was) I don't exactly how he learned all that, so maybe he's full of shit indeed.

The spear of Caliban is pretty fucking impressive yeah.

So, hope of cosmical horror confirmed ?
I wonder if they got the Necron license

Did people seriously expect Necrons? The game has "space hulk" in the title. It's about fighting genestealers.

1993 Space Hulk is so fucking good.
>that whole intro
>I can do anything

I wasnt expecting necrons.
But I like it when stories throw curve balls. I know it's a space hulk game, but nothing wrong with expanding and foreshadowing.

I alway expect Necron in 40k vidya
If it isn't here I will expect it next time
If it is here I am happy

Does anyone know the different release times for each time zone?

18 GMT, use google to adjust to your time zone