What went amazingly right?
18 years later and Resident Evil 2 still is one of the greatest sequels ever made
car slide fmv
ps4 port when
It's pretty gud. I still like Res 1 and remake more though. Looking forward to the remake of 2.
>18 years later
Thanks for remindign me how fucking old I am. I got this in grade 7.
replayability with 4 scenarios
mini games and unlockables
To this day, I've never played Code Veronica, or RE Zero.
They should HD remaster the rest of the RE games. And include PC ports of the original 3.
isn't the gamecube version a literal PS1 port?
>st of the RE games. And include PC ports of the original 3.
Yes and plays better than the PS1 version.
RE Zero is awful, truly awful. Code Veronica is slightly better. Trust me, I've played all of the RE games, RE Zero & CV are completely skippable..
realizing the first one wasn't scary and going more into the action direction
not related but whats that image effect where all the sides of the image is darkened kinda like pic related?
difference cloud
CVX isn't skipable at all, it's got alot more to do with the canon than 4 has.
You'd be better off skipping 4, it's just a leon side story anyway.
The plot is shit
This whole lab thing with viruses and non zombies monsters killed resident evil
labs and non zombies were in the first game too, cool guy
Claire > Leon
Do you guys think RE7 will have references to 5, 6 and/or the Rev games? Never played them.
>muh canon
lmao@u plebeian
Claire x Leon
Apparently from people who have played it there's a ton of references and they've hinted at cameo/s. Who knows though, I personally don't like how they've gone FPS with it.
I very recently played them again.
The inventory management in RE0 is probably the worst in the entire series and completely ruins the game, the partner system was pretty meh as well.
In the case of Code Veronica, I felt that it has aged badly. Probably because of the 3D environments. I had an easier time replaying RE1, 2 and 3 and I had never played 2 before until last week.
Speaking of RE, I just played Revelations 2 and I was absolutely surprised how much I enjoyed that game. It is easily one of favorite RE now, it felt like a mix between RE4 and RE0 but the partner and inventory done right.
Don't think so, it's more Claire x Chris
ask your mom
>RE2, RE3 and CV on GC
When did this happen?
>Claire x Chris
Nah Chris is gay and it runs in the family.
I love the Raid mode. Why the fuck didn't they make a Merc/Raid spin-off game instead of pic related.
All RE chars, tons of areas from previous games, add in a levelling system akin to Raid mode, it would have sold extremely well.
they almost did, but it was a 3DS launch title
I thought that Umbrella Corps was basically a Merc/Raid spin-off game? I've never played it myself.
I agree with you on Raid mode in Rev 2, at first I dismissed it because I thought, why the fuck are there health bars and levels in my Resident Evil game, but after trying it out, I liked it a lot.
It took all the strengths of the original and simply put it in a different, bigger and arguably more interesting setting. Not wasting time on trying to "revolutionize" a formula that clearly works helps a lot. Plus not having a deaf composer this time around did it's thing, the save room piano riff is really iconic and sets the mood. The brilliant sound design and soundtrack of RE2 plays a big role in it's success even if it wasn't the star of the show.
>I thought that Umbrella Corps was basically a Merc/Raid spin-off game? I've never played it myself.
Nah it was another Operation Raccoon City, but done totally wrong. Even ORC (although it was shit) was better, that's how bad it was.
I hated the police station in this game and the puzzles are super easy, filling every room with 8 zombies also killed the pacing for me. I can see why people like this game, but 3 is superior in my opinion.
it's a pvp shooter with zombies standing still.
or even better, make it a horde mode/killing floor clone. RE universe is the most fit for this kind of thing.
And this is still the best girl
This game got me into videogames. Truly a masterpiece
Too lazy to update it, but I also got REV2, RE4-6 on Xbone too
Resident Evil 3>2
Also forgot to add that I got CVX and outbreak 1 and 2 on PS2
Resident evil 1.5 is the original RE2, that was scrapped because - well nobody actually fucking knows
Played and felt more like RE1
needless to say it could have been more of the same (and it was anyway so i guess thats fine?) but the whole series would have had a much different direction had capcom not scrapped it
Outstanding ost
Likeable main characters
Extra modes
Decent amount of backtracking
Still my all-time favorite game. Hopefully the remake can make it greater than it is now.
>We do it!
ahhahah come on!
I just finished playing Leon A route.
It was boring and easy, played on normal, I had enough ammunition to kill everything in the game twice, the voice acting sucked too.
No hard puzzles either, just pick key, put in matching keyhole, repeat.
Does it get any better?
This, played it few years ago on my DC.
Loved the music, story, setting and characters but the puzzles were brain dead boring, even RE1 had better puzzles but they were no marvel too.
Game kind of changes when playing scenario B so it's always a plus
BOWs were the entire fucking point of the franchise. Zombies were always just a pleb starter villain to get the ball rolling.
oh ight. collection time
too lazy to organize and take a pic but
Resident evil 1 disc only
resident evil 1 complete
resident evil 1 long box
resident evil directors cut
resident evil 2
resident evil 2 greatest hits
resident evil 3 greatest hits
resident evil survivor
resident evil 4
resident evil code veronica x
resident evil dead aim
resident evil 2
Resident evil code veronica
(resdent evil 3 possibly...currently bidding on it on ebay)
Resident evil gaiden
>xbox 360
resident evil 5
resident evil remake
resident evil code veronica x
resident evil 4
>xbox one
resident evil remake
resident evil 0
Hahaha nobody cares about videogame collections guys.
Also these are magnetic formats and they will unavoidably die at one point. Just like you.
In terms of emulating the gamecube versions of Nemesis and RE2 are the way to go.
got a bad taste in your mouth eh?
what the hell is the greatest hits of 1 and 2?
is it a game?
THANK you.
you never seen the green/red versions of playstation game covers? those are the greatist hits versions. they sold for 20 dollars at stores. basically, if a game, such as ace combat 5 for example, or shadow of the collosus, they just slapped a red ps2 label on it that sad greatist hits and sold the game for 20 bucks on shelves.
hardcore gamer hipsters rage over these labels because its not MUH ORIGINAL.
so you just bought an extra copy of the game?
i accidentally cut a sentence out
"basically, if a game, such as ace combat 5 for example, or shadow of the collosus sold well and was universally praised as a great game, they just slapped a red ps2 label on it that said greatist hits and sold the game for 20 bucks on store shelves.
As if, fedorafaggot.
yeah those greatist hits versions were the first versions of the game i had when i was a wee lad.
and just recently i was on a retro gaming collection kick and i bought the original versions of the game. aesthetic reasons only.