Why switch will fail

It is the same size as the wiiu gamepad, that is not fucking portable. The 3DSXL is reasonably the largest a portable should be and the wiiu gamepad is still larger than that. Japanese want something you can put in your bag and play on the train.
What's the point of making it that big when you are going to just dock it at home?

Other urls found in this thread:


>It is the same size as the wiiu gamepad
it looked way smaller than the wii u gamepad in the jimmy fallon live gameplay. ON top of this, the controllers at the sides can be detached so it's easier to carry. It's smaller than a 2DS.

Already been confirmed by one of the actors in the commercial that it is the same size as the gamepad.

ya got a source on that?

as for the jimmy fallon thing, here; compare yourself:

(at 8:24)

(at 3:07)

To me, the Switch looks a lot thinner, and a little less wide even with the controllers attached

never had a wii but could you play games from the gamepad? Like wii u downstairs and the user upstairs?

It it has monster hunter, and it is not released on any other console, it won't fail.

yes, you just can't take the gamepad too far as it connects to the Wii U system directly via wifi. Its range can cover most homes, though.

>it's another Sup Forums wishes X will flop

I really hope it gets a port of XX like the Wii U did with 3G, would definitely help sales in nipland

tortanic was a mistake

>Same size

It's not dumbass

It's a lot thinner plus you can seperate the controls

Cargo pants pocket

>Japanese want something you can put in your bag and play on the train
Considering this thing is smaller than your average Laptop/Notepad and doesn't have an axis, I don't see the issue here.

>Its range can cover most homes, though
Don't lie

The gamepad range is 5-10 feet. You can't even take it to the bathroom

>Wearing cargo pants


The joke

Your head

nobody fucking puts their handhelds in a pocket. nobody ever fucking did this. even a gameboy would habe been uncomfortable as fuck.

literally any normal person who wants to carry something around with them has a backpack or purse.

Sure thing, sissy.

No sissy boi would wear cargo pants.

my DS and 3DS always fit in my pocket

But does it have a touchscreen?

fuck off mate I can and do take it to the bathroom, its range is far greater than that, at about 26 feet.

it'll fit in my bookbag. and the college campus is probably the only place i plan on taking it. size is fine by me.

Search the for the interview

I only want success for Nintendo, but let's be real Wii u was shit. hardware design was horrible.

> I'm going to leave my work laptop at home and put a gamepad in my bag instead

Fucking underage

I think you're confusing feet and metres

Either way going to a room the opposite side of the house may stretch it but rooms directly above or below will work again

>Search the for the interview
but you've got visual proof right there

>bringing video games to work

I see kids with huge tablets in public all the time. This will probably be fine, as long as it has goo battery. The real problem, like always, is going to be game. Nintendo just doesn't fucking have them.

This desu. The only one I ever put in my pocket was my GBA Micro.

Is that you Patcher? Please tell me thats you.

Even if you're talking about a DS Lite and a regular 3DS (the smallest of the bunch), those still take a generous bit of pocket room. Unless your pants are gigantic/have large pockets

hate this meme
how big are your pants that any handheld could fit in it

you must have lead paint in your house. i can use mine on the shitter just fine.

>Search the for the interview
fuck off I gave you pretty solid evidence in my post and you don't even bother linking your source that was likely weaker in the first place since it was purely anecdotal (versus my audiovisual one). Lazy-ass nigger.

What kind of shit bag do you have that can't carry both a laptop and a gamepad?

Japan is Nintendo's smallest market. So your opinion is invalid. All that matters is the EU, NA & maybe mid-and-south Asia purchases it.

Jacket pockets are perfect actually

I put mine in my coat pocket or hoodie pocket all the time when I was a kid you fucking retard. How old are you?

GBC, GBA, GBA SP were fucking portable.

Op never mentions pockets. And if you think about portability and conservation of space in your bag, size is pretty important.

Most people only wear coats/hoodies when the temperature drops. Pants/Shorts with pockets are worn year-long.

>It's another "The Switch will fail because it's too big" thread
People lug around big ass iPads all the time, why would this lose consumers

Don't forget that even though the length and width are similar in size, the screen is way bigger and the Switch is actually thin and smooth rather than a big bulky piece of shit that causes hand cramps


Because most simple minded people want to carry one big item and a bunch of small ones. Not two big items and a bunch of small items. Space realty dude.

Who are you quoting

>why the switch won't fail

Skyrim too
All of my nintendork friends nutted themselves when they saw an opportunity for portable skyrim

That and Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and many more

they literally have the dimensions, and its smaller

It's not

No, pic related is the real reason it'll fail.

How many times did you get banned today? Don't you ever get bored?

>How many times have you been banned today
Zero actually.

>Lackluster reception from gamers
The other 20 million viewers will disagree on that fact..

>Japs want to play it on the train
Nice projecting - it's not part of their culture, being considered very rude to use ANY electronics on trains.

this is true dont believe the paid shills

Nintendo fanboys who overhype stuff are not an accurate measure of reception.

21 million might just be your lifetime sales, so get ready.

This, electronics on Train/Metro is considered rude in Japan. You're not even allowed to use your phone.

shut up retard

>lackluster reception from gamers
one of those is a bait video.

>bait video
What a waste of a life. Youtubers should be euthenised.

>Literally-who reviewers deciding sales
In the end you can make as many graphics as you want to support either side - still going to have to wait to see the real results.

I'll buy an NX once it has:

Monster Hunter
Animal Crossing

and not a moment before.

Max is a cool guy though.

Plus you have PewDiePie calling it shit on Twitter when the trailer came out.

And Joe giving it a big "meh"

And MaxMoeFoe drowning himself in pills saying it's over for Nintendo

Plus MaxDood telling people to wait for games and to quell the hype.

For as much positivist as it's had, it's had an equal amount of negativity. If I was so inclined I could go and pick out a good 20+ videos of people shitting on the Switch. Videos with 100,000+ views each, some with way more, into the millions even.

Hell, PDP is the voice of gamers basically, and is a huge Sony shill. Him calling it trash is enough to influence 10s of millions of kids. Guess what that means for Switch. It's not been me with the same overwhelming positivity the PS4 had upon reveal. It's been very mixed in fact.

That's gonna affect sales.

You sure convinced me.

>Nintendo fanboys who overhype stuff are not an accurate measure of reception.
Neither are tech illiterate morons waffling about how the fact that this system is portable means it's going to fail.

I watched a bunch of negative videos about the Switch and pretty much every single one of them wanted a Playstation 4 with Nintendo games.

They could always go the Sony route and reveal vaporware, games that will release in 3+ years, and appeal to the kids with some shooter.

>comparing 300,000 views to 21 million

also, out of all of those names you dropped, only pewdiepie is even remotely noteworthy, and even then it's not like anything came from that. This is one of the only places where there's actual negativity for it, and that's from the typical Sup Forums mentality. Everywhere else it's been overwhelmingly positive, and cautiously optimistic at worst.

>implying pewdiepie is still relevant
look at his subscriber to view ratio. every kid except the hardcore fans moved on.

He certainly convinced millions of kids, take that as you will you fanboy.

It's gonna fail for all the reasons listed Killing the WiiU was a mistake. They should have waited till 2018 and made a bomb ass console instead. Hell, something VR focused then could really work, as the tech would be cheaper, better, and more accessible.

But the Switch is a walking disaster. UNLESS it has OS to compete with iOS and Android. Which I seriously seriously doubt it will.

>matte wiiU



>Plus you have PewDiePie calling it shit on Twitter when the trailer came out.
Pewdiepie is to Nintendo like what Egoraptor is to Sonic. They have a really weird bias against it.
>And Joe giving it a big "meh"
He said Suicide Squad is an objectively good movie.
>And MaxMoeFoe drowning himself in pills saying it's over for Nintendo
That was another bait video.
>Plus MaxDood telling people to wait for games and to quell the hype.
And yet he never said the Switch itself is bad.

YouTubers aren't going to affect it sales.
A lot of YouTubers in the early days said that the Wii was going to suck (such as retsupurae), and look what happened?

>something VR focused
Look, I like vr as much as the next guy but modeling your console around vr in the year 2018 would be stupid.

He managed to net 50 millions subscribers just recently did he not? That counts for a lot I'd say. And impressionable kids still give a fuck.

Why are all 21 million of those views positive?

Only 500,000 likes are guaranteed sales.

PS4 reveal had FAR more views and far more positivity, and ITS reveal was seen at E3. Not in an meek online trailer.

The only thing on that image that can potentially kill the Switch is censored games. Nobody wants that shit except people who don't play games.
If that happens, Nintendo is stuck with the 6 y/o audience who plays games that don't need to be censored. At least that applies to the western markets.

2018/2020 is a good time for VR thanks to Samsung.

You're missing the point. These people influence the general opinion. Bias or not. This is negative press, and it WILL affect sales. Look what happened to the Xbone.

>shitty ARG card game
Do you seriously believe a word of this? He's an actor. And a bad one.

Lol no

only because he meme'd everyone into subscribing because he said he'd delete his channel

Contradiction is...


But is it on the Switch?

>82 million PSPs sold

Holy shit.

Still managed to manipulate public opinion. You and I try the same shit, and no one gives a fuck. Hell, someone like Boogie, or Rich or Movieblob try the same shit, and they won't get the same results. Guaranteed.

Because it isn't a portable. People just wanna play zelda and take a dump.


Switch has no games aside from WiiU ports and multiplats from last gen.

you're acting like everyone hates it. this is nothing like the xbone, retard. i've seen waaaaay more praise than hate online for the switch. with the xbone, it was 100% hate. those people didn't even say it sucks, pewdiepie even said he's still buying it.

But it's a multiplat from last gen?

its not matte


The Switch will fail because it's a Nintendo device.

Seriously. That's all it took. It doesn't really matter what Nintendo puts out next, it could be a gold-shitting Goose for all it matters and it still wouldn't sell.

Gamers won't buy it because they've moved on to brands that don't insult them with underpowered, overpriced hardware, and casuals won't buy it because they've moved on to mobile.

This is the end for Nintendo has a hardware maker

>The 3DSXL is reasonably the largest a portable should be
no, the n3ds is largest a portable should be

You literally need to be in line of sight of it and not even across a room. If not the connection gets spotty and lags or just outright disconnects you,

yeah look at the monumental 3ds failure. really destroyed nintendo didn't it?

previous handhelds
>low price at retail encourages consumers
>low spec hardware reduces development costs
>lower development costs combined with lower dev turnaround results in a wider more varied library and less risk of making a loss
>big installbase + easy profits = happy devs.

what the nintendo switch does
>console spec hardware
>probably expensive at retail
>expensive to develop for, longer development times
>expensive development = riskier niche titles dead
>high spec hardware = longer development times
>high retail price = smaller install base
>more risk = less experiments

literally all of the negatives that caused console gaming to stagnate, now in handheld format.


assumptions passed as facts: the post
Good job.

What happened to nintendogaf? All I see is Nintendo shitposting these days.

So you'll buy one on launch then.