Can we, as a community, stop throwing around the term "autism" so much? I get that it's fun an all, but a lot of people are affected by it and it really fucks with their lives and I imagine they wouldn't want to be confronted with it in their free time...
Can we, as a community, stop throwing around the term "autism" so much? I get that it's fun an all...
Can you, as a person, kill yourself?
>we as a community
take your autistic garbage sjw tier language somewhere else faggot.
Shut up you fucking autist
Even if this is satire get the fuck out of here you fat tumblr autist piece of SHIT.
Are you autistic?
Stop being such an autist, faggot.
Video games
Wow, no wonder nobody takes this place seriously.
>not posting the original.
>taking things on the internet seriously
This is what Sup Forums has become
It's not meant to be
you can even see the edited in bisexual
how the times have changed
Only the people change, there was nothing stopping anyone from posting these kind of threads from the very start.
But you never belonged here you asshat
Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll 7/10 if copypasta
jesus christ this is what Sup Forums has become
Are you trying to put my autism down? I have autism and I am proud of it. Sounds to me like you're just a bigot.
here's your reply
>google plus filename
I do like that gif
thanks for the pikachu gif faggot
So, you were looking for a safe space and decided that Sup Forums was the way to go?
So if I do it properly does that mean I am or am not autistic
kys autist
Autistic people were a mistake
>tfw not autistic
>tfw you have no excuse
A bunch of autist
No, you autistic faggot
it says trough, dumbasses.
I'm so bored of Sup Forumss shitty opinions I just shitpost in here. I mean, there are people that like your favorite game in this place.
Sup Forums didn't used to be filled with assholes.
yes it was
they just didn't have an agenda
Oldfag here. This man is right. We used to be civil and polite calling each other sir and madam. And we certainly didn't partake in calling each other faggot or watching anime.
Sup Forums doesn't even use the term autism as an insult.
Not to the extent that it is nowadays, and the calling each other faggots wasn't necessarily being an asshole, because people regularly called themselves faggots too.
autismo detected
Lol okay veddit
Nope. Don't use or like redidit. Been here since 2006. If anything the fags who are rampant shitposting assholes are the ones who came from redidit.
Autist here, I could give less of a shit who calls who autistic.
Absolutely excellent bait
Made me really think I was reading a nerdy over sensitive neogaffer posting on Sup Forums
How do SJWs function in everyday life?
toaster + bathtub
Take your own advice, you edgy faggot.
>muh community
>muh hurtful words
someone thinks he's on reddit. fuck off back there faggot autist.
oh man
>implying telling people you don't know at all to kill themselves over the internet isn't edgy as fuck
Kill yourself.
you are such a massive queer please kill yourself
Take your own advice.
Subreddits are just as segregated, the only community is the main boards.
>Grew up middle class playing video games
>Above-average intelligence
No, I'm not a very smart guy
>racist to some degree
Nope. well I try to avoid brazilians so I guess so
As someone WITH autism, I feel inclined to say:
You think you're funny don't you.
the abuse of literally, objectively and meme pisses me off way more than autism
Not particularly, no.