Wow, not a single good video game was released this year

Wow, not a single good video game was released this year

The only games I've played from 2016 are Pokken Tournament and Zero Time Dilemma.
I guess I'm not missing much?


he said good game, not shit

What about D2016M?

planet coaster


you mean "strafe and you never take damage" the game?

So just like the classic games then?


yeah, shit like always

>this year, he says


The cynicism of this place is killing me slowly. Nihilism is so lazy, is there anything worse?

If you're a jaded, miserable faggot who looks for minuscule things to nitpick and blow out of proportion into unforgivable flaws maybe.


What is Titanfall 2 for $200, Alex.

When you can beat any level by simply running sideways and shooting it's hardly a good game

So what games did you play this year? And I mean play, not just flicked the joystick on a ps4 loaded with UC4 in gamestop before deciding it's shit.


Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

have fun with your slow-ass waist high cover adventures then, user

Learn to ignore it. There's nothing to talk about with people like this.

>i don't have an argument

Brigador is good and fun.

good bait nigger

>he didn't play Tsubasa-san's game


and it wasn't even that good, It just show decline of industry if few years late rip off of tf2/dota 2 was best game this year


>eye cancer
graphics design

Then just fucking leave you weak-willed effeminate autist fuck.

I'm sorry about your condition.

Dishonored 2 wasn't amazing but it was good enough I don't think we can call the year a total wash

Single-player games I enjoyed this year:
Shadow Tactics
Dishonored 2
Dark Souls 3
DE Mankind Divided was okay. And I think there was a couple others I'm forgetting.

Feels good to not hate videogames


not him but it looks like shit

Yakuza 6
Let it Die
Civ. 6
Dragon Quest VII on 3ds
Silver Case

your argument is that fast paced shooters are bad because they are beaten by playing at a fast pace

not really worth arguing with you my man

>I haven't played any new video games this year


it looks visually appealing though what is wrong with you faggots

>planet coaster
This is early access bullshit

my argument is that your idea of good game design is just strafing. no depth, no fun, unless you're retarded in which case get better genes

Don't act like anything will fix your eye strain Tobby.

>game allows you to avoid taking damage
>this is somehow bad on Sup

>a good example of a first person shooter is one where you can avoid 100% of damage by running sideways, with no other depth to the gameplay other than firing a weapon

>visually appealing
It's black & red and makes my eyes bleed.

I guess you spent too much time playing on Virtual Boy, my boy.

Darkest Dungeon was good.

>what is DOOM
>what is CIV6

Two posts in and I already feel depressed. Thanks, Sup Forums.

Except it isn't cynical if it's true. And you can believe in truth, beauty, goodness and meaning and not experience any of it over a period of time. Maybe 2016 really was that bad. Maybe there's nothing edgy about facing the truth.

I never played D44M (it could be a great game for all I know), but classic games have a number of monsters that penalize mindless strafing. There's the hitscan crew, of course (including arch-vile!), but there are also projectile guys added in DooM 2 seemingly specifically with that goal - mancubus, with his leading fireball, and revenant, with homing missiles. They're there to keep things more interesting.

But it's also about level design. A Hell Knight is pretty harmless in an open room, but put one-two in an end of a narrow corridor and you've got an encounter.

user, everyone else on the fucking planet had a fine year (unless it's for personal reasons or you're a fag who hates trump)
It is all you.

>It is all you.
Apparently not. OP feels the same.

>Shadow Tactics
>FE Conquest
>Titanfall 2
Didn't play that many new games this year myself, but you're either delusional or only capable of playing AAA schlock if you think NOTHING good has come out in 2016.

>The faggots that come to Sup Forums to always say Sup Forums is wrong and hates everything yet they come here every fucking day because they TOTALLY arent in the same boat

Literally contarins to be contrains against Sup Forums. You arent any fucking different.

>Bloodstained will only come out in 2018

Only game that matters in this timeline desu

this whole generation

there has literally not been one good game that hasn't been a sequel

It hasn't been a bad year, but it has been a terrible holiday season. Nothing but uninspired sequels and multiplayer centric FPSs like Titanfall 2/BF1/Overwatch that are outclassed by more mature FPSs like Rainbow Six Siege. That Shogun game looks pretty good though

>Shitting on Mankind Divided and Tyranny
Shit taste m9

>contarins to be contrains


>this whole generation
It's like they don't want us to have fun.

Yeah, but what is the best looking game of the year? At least that's objective and we can find an answer

Dota 2

based Germany 2bh

The Last Guardian
Dark Souls 3

>Dragon Quest Heroes

>VR finally hit consumer market
>Vita finally hacked
>3DS even more hacked

This year was great for me, OP.

I can't believe I forgot about Overwatch and Civ 6.

Games and memes are the only things 2016 did well.

>frog picture
>wrong opinion

Every time.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

>Civ 6

If you're a fan, WoW:Legion is good

>what is DOOM
4/10 trash QTE the game
>what is CIV6
trash way worse and expensive than civ5

>Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
That game has a real physical PC release. Unbelievable!

And a free demo on top of that.

wgat's his name user?

Had a good time with those:
Shadow Warrior 2
Shenzhen I/O
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

I couldn't name nearly as many games I enjoyed in 2015. Come to thinnk of it, 2014 wasn't much better.

or he's lazy and hasn't actually put in any effort to broaden his tastes or look for more obscure releases but rather just threw up his arms since a great game didn't land right in his lap. Which do you think is more likely?

The Dwarves is okay

I disagree.


Dragon's dogma on steam


I wish I had a meaningful life so I could leave Sup Forums

>tfw 120 hours into skyrim SE


rainbow 6 siege

Darkest Dungeon
Pokémon Sun/Moon
If you count DLC then the Witcher 3
Stardew Valley
Overwatch (Depends who you ask)
That's off the top of my head

Unless your a nitpicking little bitch who considers a single flaw ruining the entire game, there were plenty of fantastic games this year

using mods or nah? i was thinking about finally beating it w/o mods, cause i never beat it before

Is it still buggier than an Ethiopian's teeth or is it calmed down now?

Last Guardian
Pokemon Sun and Moon

Honestly, the thing coming to this board over and over for almost ten years has impressed upon me the most is that a lot of you guys just don't like most video games. That's gotta be a real fucking bummer.

I have a job that involves playing almost every major video game that comes out, and even in a deadline I enjoy most of them.

Dark Souls 3 came out this year. DOOM. Dishonored 2. Uncharted 4. Titanfall 2. FF 15. I could go on, and that's just AAA titles. This year has had a glut of excellent content. Its been impossible to keep up.

Sure, everything has flaws, but why let those ruin your hobby for you? And even if you're not a fan of where games have gone this year, why not look at the future? It's easier than ever for people to make games. They're more complex and varied than they've ever been. And the future has VR, AR, and who knows what else in store.

Tl;dr - there's never been a better time to be playing video games, and y'all should stop being such whiny faggots.


But Ace Attorney 6 came out this year.

>ctrl-f Factorio
are you all poor or just retarded

autism the game

I heard Dishonered 2 was really buggy on release, is it good now?

Pic related is what I've played and beaten this year. I'd say about 99% of these came out in 2016. And it's missing a lot of really obvious gems that I haven't even gotten to play yet.

This year had far too many videogames. I'd like 2017 to tone it down a bit please.

I thought it came out in 2015 no?