Im playing pic related for the first time, never played a persona game

im playing pic related for the first time, never played a persona game.

what should i expect?

>playing the last part instead of the first
Great story but gameplay is eh thanks to hunting 546464 tarot cards to summon a persona

Get the undub

i only liked it because it had the characters from 1 in it.

you can beat the game using the base personas
you get gifted new dudes at some point, which are on-fucking-point
but if you're like fuck that i got all my skills and i want new negroes, then hey man go summon your own dudes that's fine, do your thing man, it's just a videogame calm down bro

the /vg/ smt general has some advice on what stats to level first
i forgot that shit
so go look it up yourself

Eternal Punishment is essentially part 2 of Persona 2, you shouldn't start with it.

>you can beat the game using the base personas
That's Innocent Sin. And some personas have cool animations but I guess he could use turbo mode to skip the annoying part

You're a retard that should be executed because you're playing the second half of the game and you skipped the first half (Innocent Sin).


Why the fuck would you start with the 3rd game in a spin-off series.

It's amazing, but it's still an old RPG, lot of grinding. Also if it's at all possible, get and play Innocent Sin first, it's on PSN

aw shit did i get my shit all mixed up?
i always forget which is which
you gotta play the games in order OP, that shit is important
i forgot the order, clearly

also your final party member depends on what actions you take in the game, shit's funky like that
don't worry about it too much though jus do yo thang

this is a personal thing
but the less i worry about the shit i'm doing
and the less i look at Sup Forums or faqs
the more i enjoy a game

stop trying to powergame game
i know you don't wanna miss shit
i know you wanna play through this shit efficiently
but slow down man
shit's more fun when you figure it out yourself
you gon' burn yourself out on this shit

sheesh i dont know man

Why am I laughing at this?

No you cannot. Eternal Punishment isn't actually that hard, except for one or two bosses it is much easier than P3 and P4, but harder than P1 and IS.

It is no easy enough to only use your starters though, because all the starter's (except Maya's, who I used for most of the game) are shit. You need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

A long game. It took me about 90 hours, which is more than P3 and 10 hours less than P4G. Twice as long as IS.

Whilst it has much more content than IS, particularly side content, I found the story to pale in comparison to IS, and wasn't much better than P4's. The characters are also rather mediocre, except for Baofu who is top-tier. Overall the music isn't as good as the music in the other games.

Overall it's a good game, but I personally rank them as
P4 > IS > FES > EP > P1 >>> P3P

You've made a poor decision playing it before IS, but I guess it's not terrible - I presume that's what Americans did initially.

I recommend you play P1 before 2. They're way more linked than P3/P4 are to the other Persona games. You can skip to 2 just fine but try 1.

Innocent Sin is Persona 2: Part 1, Eternal Punishment is Persona 2: Part 2.

Damn the gameplay was boring and the dungeons long, I remember being ready to fight the last boss only to realize I'm only at the first quarter of the game, I just watched the rest of the story on youtube.

yeah my bad man, i never play EP, i got my shit mixed up and i gave bad advice

>tfw loved all games but the one I love the most is 1

How'd you put 90 hours in? I wasted time talking to everyone after every major event and my time was like 65

I stopped playing IS because i fucking hated getting told to check the entire 4 floors of a school and people telling me "go there" and "no not there go there" and all this with 2 step encounters made me quit. Shit is fucking tedious

Persona 1 & Persona 2 duology is more MegaTen than Persona tbqh

>I wasted time talking to everyone after every major event and my time was like 65
When you say everyone, do you mean everyone including NPC's that aren't main characters? Because after every dungeon I talked to everyone, I wanted to see everything. I liked doing it in IS, but EP was too long and I got very bored of doing that after a while - it didn't help how mediocre the music was.

I also may have left the game running at times, so I could say it was maybe 80 hours, but it was still a long time - and that's without doing the bonus dungeons, like the bomb shelter. I don't know why it took me so long, but it was a surprisingly lengthy game for me haha. I'm not rushing back to play it soon.

No bother, I'm not the guy that was going off to play the game with starters only haha.

Would any of you consider Persona Revelations a hard game for someone who has never played a SMT game before? I'd like to play it because the story and music sound cool, but I don't want to run into the usual JRPG difficulty spike bs that was really prevalent in old jrpgs.

No they are not. What makes them like MegaTen? Because you spend more time in dungeons and can use a gun in P1?

SMT I is vastly different to Persona 1 and 2, there are very few similarities. They are much more similar to the newer Persona games than the older SMT games.

i got the game for free in middle school. played it over 3 - 4 summers dropping and picking it up again.

It is a fun game. Brad is my nigga. mark is not my nigga.

I've not played a JRPG series that isn't MegaTen. My first game was P4G and I got through it alright. FES was next, and was a bit harder. Nocturne was harder, but very overrated when it comes to difficulty. IS was piss easy, I didn't get a game over.

Then I played Persona 1. It's harder than IS but not hugely. I got a game over a few times, but it's not that hard - it's more when enemies spam light/dark attacks that drain your health each turn that you'll struggle, not with many boss fights.

The thing is, the newer MegaTen games have unique battle systems with their own gimmicks, whereas older MegaTen games - Persona 1 included - is just a standard battle system. So you'll pick up the battle system easily. The main character can die but you don't get a game over, making the game even easier. You can expand how many skills you cover, as each character can have 3 Persona's.

Point being, it wasn't my first MegaTen but I don't play many JRPG's and I found it relatively easy. I actually got bored of it and had to spam moves on autobattle that make the game a joke - so once you discover those moves you'll have no issue regardless.

I am talking about the PSP version. I don't know if this applies to the PSX version, but as far as I'm aware the gameplay wasn't changed.