How do we fix Pokemon Trainer/MC?

How do we fix Pokemon Trainer/MC?

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You can't fix perfection

we all know you want lewds

remove the hat

Make then younger.

Make her my wife

make the game exclusively about her

> How do we fix Pokemon Trainer/MC?
like this.

Remove the boy option and add a Dark_Skin option

and now Pokemon becomes one of my unironic favorite series and has objectively GOTY of the year potential


>not flat

not vidya


You make her shirt and shorts slightly tighter and put her in more adult shoes.

By getting rid of male.

no joke, Chicken-chan is literally perfect.

those are horrible

You're horrible.

That's a really tiny bikini


Small people get small clothes. It only makes sense.

Stop forcing us to play as ten year olds who are railroaded specifically on the "get the trinkets and face the Elite Four" path.

Budding loli breasts are good too. That's what her and Lillie have in-game. Anything bigger is shit and nor loli though.

Why do artists keep trying to make her seem older? Same with Lillie.

>stop forcing us to play as ten year olds


i'd like for all developers to force more 10 year olds upon me

331485 1a2a1d6529

ok? what the fuck am i supposed to do with that fag?

It's from an upcoming doujin in which Chicken and Lillie rape Hau:

no pedo



>not futa on male


>uploading porn to twitter

too much hips


Step 1: more porn
Step 2: there is no step 2

mate twitter doesn't even ban real live child porn, they don't give a shit

when the fuck was porn allowed on twitter?

Couldn't he have chosen anyone else but Hau



for fucks sake, anyone but fucking Hau. I'd rather have a faceless fat guy

Twitter doesn't care unless it's racist shit against minorities.
Or Islamic State recruiters.

Okay, seriously though.
Get rid of the constant ever present =) face.
Have them react to things
Have more dialogue choices
Have then change their reactions to things based on your previous dialouge choices
Have them perform actions that are a bit more stylized

Not even saying they should go full canon personality and dialogue or something.
Just make them not lobotomized.

But whatever this seems to just be a shitpost thread, dunno if OP planned it out like that it if Sup Forums is just that bad.

She needs more lewd until my dick is satisfied.

She's already my wife, you can have Lillie or Lana.

You're too much of a faggot

Because we got generations of 15+ protags but are now back to 11 year olds.

fuck off nigga, the chicken is mine

Thank you hungry skeleton

Congratulations, you just admitted that May is superior.

it's a flower you dumb waifu meme cancer

NO it's a chicken a CHICKEN-CHAN

I did find it hilarious how the MC was always like =) even in the most dire of situations

>Lusamine basically fuses with Niheglo
>Lillie is screaming for her mom
>Solgaleo flipping shit
> =)

well i'm going to deflower that chicken

Anyone have the try not to cry image with Hau?

>darkness envelops me

>waifuing a character that would happily put pineapple on their pizza

>people still don't get this joke
i want underages out

theres nothing wrong with putting pineapple on your pizza.

Eat your fruits and veggies you deprived faggot

cutest chicken

Fuck off pedophiles.

into the trash it goes

Chicken-chan isn't even that young

we can go younger if you want

>mad westcuck

The mods constantly delete these threads for a reason. You're not allowed to keep spamming them, shill

Keep them a little older like Wes, Hilda, Hilbert, Calem, and Serena

She and Calem look as though they're fucking hitting their 20s

Fuck no

Yes, and?