War for Cybertron is currently $5 on steam.Devastion on sale at $10. Are either worth it? Both look fun at a glance.... transformers gayme thread
War for Cybertron is currently $5 on steam.Devastion on sale at $10. Are either worth it? Both look fun at a glance...
They sure are, Fall of Cybertron is good too.
Both are shit.
I like how they have games representing both the film style and the original cartoon style...might just grab all three
War for Cybertron and its first sequel are pretty decent TPS's that are filled to the brim with fan-service.
Devastation is an action game made by Platinum so the gameplay is pretty fun. Plaything through the game using guns only as Wheeljack was just as fun as slowly pounding everything into the ground as Grimlock.
anyone know if fall for cybertrons MP is dead or not
War for Cybertron has one of the best multiplayer modes of any game I've ever played. The melee is satisfying, the double-jump is sorely missed in Fall, and switching between bot and vehicle on the fly- especialyl with all the extra mobility options that were given to vehicles- is fucking awesome. All the classes are differentiated in fun and interesing ways.
>yfw when play scout, ramping off a bridge, doing a side-flip in the air, transforming, and coming down on an enemy's head with a sword-thrust
both are goat, buy em.
WfC was a good TPS, and while I haven't played Devastation, I've only heard great things about it.
>That guy who played Scientist for the stealth/disguise ability
>He used Shockwave as his Decepticon model.
It was funny how simple the disguise ability was, just swaps your Decepticon colors for your Autobot ones. Shame that Decepticons seemed to have had such an awful color palette to choose from.
>playing Soldier
>use ammo beacon that spawns broke-off turret gun
>hang in back and spawn multiple guns for teammates
>step out and wreck everything
Game had so much stupid shit you could and lots of creation with the perks/abilities.
That and running over people with Leader using vehicle mode gave the most satisfying *WHUMP* sound.
Fall was better than War for the sole reason that Leaders became Destroyers and didn't have the lame ass Warcry.
Soldiers and Titans all the way
>Scrapmaker and Energon Harvester
God I miss it. If there was a Sup Forums group I'd buy it again and play the fuck out of it
Eh, Warycry was shitty was deal with, but Fall was still inferior. Removal of the double-jump for the GoW roll was really lame. They also removed all the extra vehicle mobility options (even if they kept the truck charge)
They also took out the ability to pick up your opponent's guns. This added another fun layer of customization to the game.
Basically War was vanilla wow with a bunch of crazy fun shit and Fall is current wow where all the fun broken shit has been curbed to create a more generic experience. I guess it's less frustrating to not have to deal with Waycry, but it sure is boring after a few matches.
>the film style
I hope you're not talking about the cybertron games.
double digits across the board, but you only need like, 20 players on at time for multiplayer games.
>tfw high moon is fucking dead
Gutted and put to work making call of duty map packs. the fate of any dev under activision that isn't blizzard.
Which one are you guys getting? When does the offer end? I won't be back at my PC until Friday
>complaining about War Cry
If you played a soldier and could aim, they had a move that completely wiped and locked abilities, even warycry that was active on targets
i feel like getting fall of cybertron. looks fun
add me on steam: thecashier72
oh and offer ends the 19th
Devastation is fucking amazing and I say that as someone who doesn't even like Transformers. It's just a goddamn spectacular game
That Vince DiCola soundtrack
I had Fall of Cybertron at one point. Campaign was pretty cool but MP was an unbalanced shitshow. Unless you used that big ass cannon grenade thing, you would get destroyed in 2 shots if you used any other class
>Fall of Cybertron regularly $50
>4 years old