Takes 5 minutes to find a game

>takes 5 minutes to find a game
>no community maps or mods
>tumblr shit for no reason
>cancerous community
>meta is using the best ultimate to win
>unpersonable characters
>the same weapon for every class
>no ammo conservation
>many hit and run characters
>Healer/DPS/Tank trinity

Stop playing Mediocre-Watch. Seriously stop. Its as bad as Trash4


but please can i keep tracer x widow in the wankbank?

ITT: Stop liking what I don't like!

Fuck you.


>unpersonable characters
>the same weapon for every class

What did he mean by this?

Like, there's a lot of shit in this shitpost but this shit in particular is legitimately baffling and I'm curious.

No, it's a female(female) though she looks worse in every other picture of her.

>takes 5 minutes to find a game
No it doesn't.
Whats the problem?
>no community maps or mods
It would be nice, but this isn't TF2
>cancerous community
>meta is using the best ultimate to win
No it isn't
>unpersonable characters
Its a multiplayer only video game.
Its a blizzard game, not a positive really, but sits just what they do.
>the same weapon for every class
no it isnt
>many hit and run characters
Thats the point of some characters, whats wrong with it.
>Healer/DPS/Tank trinity
This is true, however we are seeing it in a different formulae so it makes it somewhat fresh.

>comprehension: the post
Neo-Sup Forums is not a meme because these aren't even arguments. Millenials? Get stuck on a rope.

I'm not trying to argue. Why would I? I don't play Overwatch, and OP's mind is clearly set. It seems like a waste of time and effort with no tangible gain to try and refute them.

I'm just curious about what he meant with the two points I listed.

Its GOTY for a reason, its a solidly built game and it appeals to alot of people. Sorry you're not one of them, but you can carry on shitposting with your creepy folder of really cute girls.

autist pls go and stay go

Half the post you quoted aren't even disagreeing, one guy is asking for elaboration and only one is disagreeing without and argument. So im certain this is just a low effort bait thread

>nuh-uh! Simply not true.
Eat some shit blizzdrone
>I'm not trying to argue but I'm gonna disagree with you anyways
Feel free to do so but also remember that there is no logic to be found in those hot opinions of yours.

Real niggas play modern warfare remastered.
Come to the superior and fair shooter.

I can't disagree if I don't comprehend what you're even trying to get across, friend.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that you were never actually interested in a discussion in the first place. As with the thousands of Sup Forums shitposts before you, you're looking to rustle jimmies. All well and good.

But I like to at least understand what I'm reading, you know?

I'm so glad this babies first fps is dying so fast

What I mean by unpersonable characters: they are unlikeable characters. The only unique thing about the characters are their ethnicity. In tf2 characters such as spy or scout were funny charming characters by themselves and the ethnicity added more to the character.

What I mean by same weapon for every class: tf2 has different weapons for classes and overwatch doesn't. Does this make sense?

Yes I like (yous) too but its much more important to me to create a thread which can generate discussion without the OP.

Do females(male) really exist in real life?
Is there even a chance I will see one with my own eyes?

They're all ugly and mentally ill, but yes, they exist.

unlikeable by (you)...
Also I'm pretty sure everyone has a different weapon ?

Still a qt all these years later.

She has the same face as a guy who used to bully me in high school.
i want to push that face so hard.

who is she(he)?

No. You still don't get it.

Kubra Kapan, a cosplayer from Turkey, its actually a born girl that is still a girl.

That's probably the best pic of her though.

>people are still butthurt
bow and accept your goty.

Oh. Try wording it like this: "Every class has one weapon". Saying "same weapon for each class" implies that every individual character has the exact same weapon, which is obviously nonsensical.

That said, I prefer vanilla TF2 to what it's become, so that's not much of a turn-off. That aside, one could also argue that this is compensated for in the number of characters available.

As for characters... I find them equally shallow. You could easily water down characters from either game in the same way.

"I'm French and arrogant." vs. "I'm Brazilian and like to have fun!"

"I'm Scottish and I love blowing things up!" vs "I'm Australian and I love blowing things up!"

And I daresay in either of those two examples, the ethnicity in question is more relevant to the TF2 characters. TF2 mixes it up a bit by making some of them "different regions of the United States", but that ultimately just has the exact same impact as ethnicity in how heavily it colours how they're perceived.

Et cetera.