Nintendo Switch games

Post game you hope it will come out for Nintendo Switch

mario and shiet

Post template fag.


Pretty sure there are going to be a lot of Mario games for Switch. I was referring about something unlikely.


a new metroid would be gr8t

Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble

Some lolige would be cool.

Burn in hell fucking pedo

>Bunch of AAA Nintendo games
>Bunch of AA Nintendo games
>Bunch of AA Third Party games

>on a Nintendo console

Am laffin

I can dream

too bad square murdered tactics advance with a jap exclusive mobile game

You're getting a cucked English release.

Can we get a new Youkai Watch or is it dead?

Civ desu. Be great on the move.


Comfy undersea exploration in bed.


Overwatch , BF1, TF2, R6S please

I'd love this. Please Nintendo.

>Donkey Kong
>Animal Crossing
>Maybe Pokemon

also more third party support

Grand Theft Auto 6

Not happening but would be comfy as fuck:

>Persona 5
>SMT IV/Apocalypse HD Collection
>Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 3 with more characters.

Within the realm of possibility:

>Senran Kagura game that isn't spin-off minigame shit.
>Fire Emblem Fates HD/Complete Edition
>Bayonetta 3

Not happening, fag. Dead franchise. Samus is only good for hentai anymore.

Stella Glow 2.

>not FFT2

every thread


delete this

I want a new Advance Wars, 3DS never delivered so I have very little hope.


hybrid devices will never be good.


A new Kid Icarus please

>needs 3/4 in order to buy
Mario 64/Galaxy successor
Mario Kart
new Metroid Prime/ Gamecube ports

>strongly desire
Souls game port

21 one more years fucciboi


>Kid Icarus without touch aiming.

I guess they could assign a 180-turn button or something, but even with gyro aiming they'd probably have to slow down the game considerably.


Good. No more of your weeb shit needs to be on anything but your dead Vita.

Hey dude your Switch is broken.

>Granted, but it's still single threaded

Life is suffering.

More than half of those franchises/games are already on Nintendo hardware though.

New Metroid or Metroid Prime game.
Hyrule Warriors 2
New F-Zero

I'm not going for the switch yet because no game I'm interested in yet other than BotW and maybe an updated MK8, even then I'll deal with a not-great framerate for the WiiU version for BotW.

would be comfy to play this again

Laugh while you can!

Nintendo has multiple cores on their console. It could work, just don't expect super fast or super deep gameplay mechanics.

>Etrian Odyssey

monsterhunter, so i can fucking play it on a big screen

These threads are starting to look like the OUYA Kickstarter page.

If you're lucky.

Just remake a Zelda game. Again.

>All those fun ideas with the Wii U Gamepad that never came to be
>The Gamepad just ended up being Off-TV mode: the controller
>They abandoned the whole console and just made Off-TV mode: the handheld console
Whoever said "we just don't understand how to utilize the Gamepad" or whatever was right.

I'm surprised you fucks didn't get ds emulation on the WiiU with upgraded graphics

This, I don't really understand it either, a lot of DS games made good use of the gamepad, bit it feels like this gen, even with the 3DS, the gamepad just is sorely underused.

The Wii U didnt last long enough to...

wait, yes we did

Wait you guys have ds emulation?

we have a virtual console shop for ds games. its not huge, but its there.


So does it display the top screen on the TV and the bottom on the WiiU pad?

Gotcha Force 2.

Better fucking believe it

its going to happen

please this game deserves a fucking sequel jesus christ

Bravely Third

wouldn't happen but would be interesting

The Wii U does have some DS games on Virtual Console, with a two screen TV/Gamepad display being an option. Definitely not "HD" though. Not that I know, I completely skipped the Wii U's virtual console.

just put monster hunter on the thing and I will be busy until the next console generation


Sounds pretty cool, I wonder if it has upgraded graphics like emulators have right now

It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a Double Cross HD like we did 3U HD for Wii U as a way of marketing the console to the Japanese market.

Pokken 2
Smash 5
Bayo 3
Kid Icarus Uprising 2
Battalion Wars 3

Never gonna happen. It'd make toomuchsense

Monster Hunter and Pokemon, everything else is shovelware.

>yfw MonHun comes out on top of Koei and Namco moving their hunting games over there as well.

I think a good simple wish would be for the Virtual Console to release ALL their shit right at the start instead of this retarded drip-feed of 1-2 games every other month. I can understand it taking a while for a third party licensing deal to come through, but all of Nintendo's stuff should be there day one.

>We never got Kid Icarus Uprising 2 and/or HD for Wii U
God fucking dammit. It could even have had additional controller option for Wii Motion Plus, Splatoon-style Gamepad gyro and the original trackpad touchscreen. And Switch might not have any of that.

This I'm playing DS3 now but I wish I was just playing a new MH.


Monster party
Bubble bobble
Yoshis cookie
Skate or die
Mega man
Top gun

I would like a good FIFA



Some how Xbox currently has better Japanese third party support than the Switch despite it being completely irrelevant as far as Japanese games go. Looking at some upcoming games it becomes clear that many titles are hit or miss with Switch and PC.

>Dragonquest 11
>Nier Automata
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8 & [1.5 + 2.5 HD]
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Ace Combat 7
>Persona 5
>Tekken 7
>Final Fantasy 15
>Final Fantasy VII Re
>Final Fantasy 12 Re
>World Of Final Fantasy
>World Of Final Fantasy
>Dragonquest Builders
>Yakuza 0,Kiwami,6
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone



literally just the rumored ports and the vc is enough for me to buy. If they really do port those critical titles from the wiiu (that still have a ton of sales potential since wiiu sales were awful), I will buy day one. I've always dreamed of playing n64 games on a portable, plus the smash I missed, mario maker, and possibly even gamecube vc? Sounds well worth the money.

As for new games I want? Animal crossing will definitely be interesting since finally it will be a home console game and a portable at the same time. Same with pokemon.

>Etrian Odyssey
>One Screen

I don't know whos worse. The people that post shitty bait or the people that respond to it seriously.

As a handheld, will Switch have a suspend/sleep function? It's the only benefit I can think of, being able to suspend console quality games and enter a low power state before resuming immediately.

I love playing Monster Hunter and Hyrule Warriors on 3DS because I can put it in sleep mode between quests/Adventure maps to pick up and play with no start up whatsoever.

Being able to do that with large games like Breath of the Wild or Xenoblade Chronicles, suspending at a moment's notice without needing to go through an entire boot up process when returning, would be a godsend.

It may or may not be possible. The boot process being held in memory like that takes power, and the higher the RAM, the higher the loading time. it can theorectically work, but it might be too expensive of a process for larger games.

I really want Fatal Frame 5 without the censorship, but I'm well aware the Treehouse hasn't changed, so it'll never happen. Hell, just look at the recent alterations to Dragon Quest.

I don't even think I'd use the costumes much (I'd just ogle them for a few minutes then get bored with how little they fit the spooky atmosphere), but I hate pointless censorship like this annoys me on a base level. It's rated M. Seventeen year olds can't handle bikinis? Hell, some girls I knew back in middle school wore bikinis. It feels like they have someone's overly saccharine Christian grandfather making these localization decisions.

>Some how a console that's been out for 3 years currently has better Japanese third party support than a console that will release next year where most games aren't confirmed yet
really makes you think

>no announced games = no games at all

Also, don't forget the fact that the Switch is a complete failure as it has sold 50 millions less than the PS4.


not a hybrid

if you're wondering how sega went out of business, well..

>please downgrade my game by putting it on the switch

For exclusives
3D Mario
Zelda BotW
Smash 4 director's cut

Year one:
Pikmin 4
Metroid reboot
Mon Hun Switch
Dark Souls Collection
Okami 3
New big budget IP

Plus a bunch of different third party ports like RE 7 and FF15, plus some multiplat games that are also coming to PS4/Bone in 2017. Would this be enough for you to buy it?


It will happen.
Gamecube virtual console games

I think you're mistaken. There are people who legitimately want to play garbage like that.

I know, but you know hes posting just for the (you)s