People who complain about huge Day-1 patches when you can just skip the patch and play a game instantly if you want to

>People who complain about huge Day-1 patches when you can just skip the patch and play a game instantly if you want to.

>People who complain about huge patches and updates when you can just put a system in sleep mode and have them download/install in the background.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

>people who post new threads complaining about other hypothetical people complaining about nonexsistant things

Cherry on top witty one-liner

>Data caps soon to be a norm all across the US
>lol its fine download that 40gb day 1 patch over 16 hours

Maybe one of these days people will complain to their shit governments and get decent infrastructure in place.

The corporations controlling these thing are our government.

The problem with day one patching is that they are releasing a game they know is broken, not that the update is huge.

Every game is shit and therefore every company releases broken games. Day 1 patches are to make them less shit.

how about you learn to fucking compression so that 105 gb download isn't complete horseshit

Most of the time the problems they're fixing are ones discovered after the game is golden, which for some crazy nonsense with publishers and approval shit means they're not allowed to make changes after that point; instead they work on patching it so they don't impact release dates.

>People who complain about huge Day-1 patches when you can just skip the patch and play a game instantly if you want to.
>Unless you're on a Nintendo console
>Or the game requires an online connection to play
>Or the game has missing modes and/or gamebreaking bugs
>Wow it's almost like the OP is a faglord or something


Anyone here follow Trump's cabinet? Billionaires and finacial/business elites all of them. Well done America. You wanted Bernie Sanders so you voted Trump instead. Astounding. But at least he's white am I right?

>Takes developers cock in his ass
>Steven Tumblrverse

Checks out

>people who weren't playing video games in the nineties

t. woman, non white or homosexual

>Takes developers cock in his ass

You weren't around in the days before patches, when glitches would wipe your save and entire sections of games would be cut out because they couldn't be fixed in time.

Name 2 well known games from the genesis to the ps1 with those problems you underage sack of shit

>gets literally cucked by his choice in election
He's not even president yet and already he's a massive failure. How's that "shillary for prison" thing going for you?

Why would you want a poorfag to handle money? Too much Marxist shit like rich guy = bad guy has spoiled your brain.

>game gets dlc
>people complain
>game gets free dlc
>people still complain

>morons vote for the the guy that's supposedly anti-establishment
>when the damn entire world knows he has been part of the establishment ever since he was making a fool of himself in the media back in the 80s.

These next four years are going to be extremely painful.

Aeris' final limit breaks and ultimate weapon in FF7? The proposed bonus content in Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie? The extra racers/stages in Star Wars ep. 1 Racer?

>game isn't even created or talked about
>people still complain

Entire alternate ending and dungeon removed from the PS1 Persona 1 due to not getting the translation fixed in time.

Soulcalibur III can nuke your memory card while playing CotS mode.

If you don't get the day one patch for tony hawk's retirement fund 5 all you get is the tutorial on the disk

There was a PS2 demo disk that wiped memory card if they were inserted (after your stipulated time period but I believe it's still relevant) goldeneye also had a lot of cut multi-player levels

OoT had a bunch of unfinished content that would have been included if the 64DD hadn't flopped

I wouldn't mind it if these day 1-patches weren't increasingly tens of gigs that take hours to download even if you have a good connection, and if you don't they would take literally days.

You can't skip updates on steam.

Also I don't think it's that terrible to want to play a game you bought as soon as you have it, and not the next day, especially when there's no real goddamn need for it.

No Europoor with high speed uncapped broadband who finds it hilarious that even New York is stuck on copper.

Also nice counter argument.

You can get all of Aeris's stuff before you lose her.