This is Camille, say something nice to her Sup Forums

This is Camille, say something nice to her Sup Forums

Why the fuck do you look so old you cyborg slut

Women in heels, amirite?

What's wrong with her?

>robo legs

Thats fucking stupid.

Just Riot trying to pander to "THICK" cucks

I thought she was from wildstar or something. She ugly as all hell anyway.

There's no hope for a female champion without a face disfigured for the sake of "diversity" anymore, is there?

>It's only bad when Riot is doing it.

You guys got Anthony "cuckman" Burch in the team these days, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen?

A failed attempt trying to appeal to sjw and waifufags

I want to put my head between her massive thighs


Where is she from?


It's a fucking old women

I dont know on which planet this is good pr for your game - be basically admits he has autism with his "canon things"

the day i try and learn a top lane she comes out.

This is really pathetic. Reminds me of those self-insert fanfics with the author just fulfilling his fantasies of fucking every established character. Just pitiful.

Kinda sad he'll never get this through his skull because crying harassment is all you need to stop yourself from considering if there's maybe something behind all the mockery.

Really? Out of every girl in the game, his waifu is the non-human midget?

Imp Midna is the vastly superior shortstack

those thighs holy shit, I'd lo-

>league of legends
>she will be viewed from a thousand feet away on a shitty birds eye view

e n d i t a l l

i think she's BADASS

You're going to get reworked in less time than you think

is that a new battleborn character??

>what is 34
nigga LoL has millions of it

>playing top view moba
>when 3rd person and fps exists
you lazy fags learn to aim

>liking thick women is somehow cuckoldry now

when did this board get so shitty


How many years has it been since the last actually appealing female character? Jinx is the last I remember, and even then that's debatable.

Is there any low Riot won't sink? Like are they going to put a robbie rotten skin sometime soon? Make a champ that dabs? holy fuck.

leave the close view camera to dota 2 riot

What's wrong with her legs

She looks like Tsareena

Built for BBC

We need more Grandma's

She's lookin sharp

Faggot likes this piece of shit but despise haydee

You look like a jehuty. Let me in your cockpit.

shes to thicc


ive seen this exact situation irl

made me very mad and jealous at the same time

Delete this


We can do better


why aren't shit threads like these bannable?

>We want that one Battleborn player

Why would riot do this?

I was this guy.
But it wasn't for american football, it was for tennis instead, and one of the hawkeyes gave me that look.

odd but welcoming feel desu

reminder that big hips and thighs is not a meme, it's primal human nature down to the very core.

implying robo cant be thick

Who the fuck makes a robot that looks old as fuck?

isn't it a cyborg?

cyborg m8

Your hairdo makes me unable to take you seriously as a cyborg assassin.

You almost look like Diana. A much better girl.

They can do what they want, they know they have their shithead audience addicted.

They just employed one of the shittiest devs on the planet, the money you pay them goes into his pocket now. If that didnt hurt the game, nothing will.


Who the fuck gets a cyborg body and doesn't make their selves look younger?

Post yfw you're not Anthony Burch.

Why are her thighs the size of her upper body?


>LoLbaboons unironically believe they are welcome to post on Sup Forums

keep your subhuman cancer in

I say young chap


>moba players believe they are welcome to post on Sup Forums
keep your subhuman cancer in >>>reddit

Baboons are the most bad ass of the apes though.

Literally, ass dyed in the blood of their prey as a mating ritual, it's not naturally red like that, look it up.

>i am proud of being a monkey

how can one fanbase be this cuckolded? how did riot game do it?

It's just the hip thing to say, you don't wanna be a square do you user.

Is this Rito trying to find fame thanks Mei's thicc fandom?

>Talking about my Waifu like she's some harlet
Screencap this fucking post, I will get hired by Riot and confront this guy, and I will shit fury all over him and he will drown in it

We can't have old people in games anymore without people getting triggered?

>Baboons are the most bad ass of the apes though.
Fuck off.

>proud of being a human
>the weakest and least red assed of all great apes

You make me sad

I wouldn't fuck with that ape he's giving the camera man that "I'm gonna tear off your fucking arms" look

humans could be single celled amoebas and id still be proud as fuck of us because we just elected this great and beautiful man as head of the free world

>that fur
I can almost taste the frame drops.

Good. Because they're strong as fuck.


please protect him, the CIA is sure to pull a jfk.

I love goldmen sachs

He'd pull through if he was a bad ass baboon, just sayin

Syndra back in 2012. MAYBE Lissandra in 2013.



Nobody has ever deserved it more

No, I'm serious. Financially is how the government should be run.
Why, are you one of those "conservatives" who are basically liberal lite?


Grant begs to differ



You know you're responding to a conservative, right?


Good goy.

I bet she feels silly.

Taliyah's pretty cute.

Are you in favor of hillary?


nice nose.

0. Madame thickness is quite appealing.

thumbnail looks like someone came all over her face and hair

Are you? I'm not the one cheering a goldman sach's banker.

You know that trump just appointed parts of goldman into his cabinet, right?

And? They'll be answering to him, and him alone. We have seen what trump has done to redcoats and snakes.

>inb4 romney
romney was called in as a joke, to be made fun out of.