Watch Dogs 2

What's something you like about Watch Dogs? It's a game generally disliked here but I want to hear something you enjoy about it.

The animation is impressive, at least to me. The stumbles/rolls you take when explosions occur make me feel badass, and most of the parkour added in the second one isn't crazy flashy, but still adds variety after jumping over waist high barriers dozens of times (except the backflips. why?). The only weak part of the animations are how only some of the melee feels satisfying while others feel weightless, and the revamped freerunning system (where you can hop over several obstacles at once) goes wonky sometimes. Other than that, I think it's one of the only places the game excels.

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I like it how little depth there is in this game. All the content is from meme culture and internet culture. The story is every anti-capitalist/anti-establishment's wet dream and little of it is actually original. The amount of raw tropes and cliches is astounding and every other character is a token to some extraneous labelism politic you can find

I like the realism that hackers are fat autistic people.

I love the bait threads it spawned

show me a cute hacker girl that exists in real life

this is why the Japanese race is dying. They cling to fantasy instead of facing reality.

I hate to break this to you user, but video games aren't real either.

Winter Linn and m|o|o|n and old school crystal castles are on the soundtrack. that's pretty cool

the rest of the game is utter shit.


Please, only whites and slavs can be hackers

The picture should say "PlayStation Exclusive" and "PC Multiplat". All these Japan vs not-Japan threads are really " PlayStation vs the world".

They did a good job making the villains genuinely unlikable.

The "western girl" in the image has a very feminine penis.

I got it free with my 1070 purchase
its alright, can't really complain for a free game

trannies lose the man card and become faggots

Like most hackers?

I think the game would be better if you didn't have guns. The shooting feels really shitty and your magic calculator has so many disruptive abilities and stuns that melee - only is a real option. Even the tazer is ass, only useful if you get a certain upgrade and even then it's still not satisfying.

Running through out the door during the final mission using massive comms hack felt so good. Ghosted the whole way then pounded feet completely unarmed right through ~10 heavily armed guards while they screamed about their ears.

I like Dusan. Muh Dedsec are just self righteous pricks who are mad jelly of glorious Dusan.

Fuck em.

Dusan is an ass. Acts all big and tough but I bet the moment he loses his gorillian dollars he is just a bitch with a bun. Bet he's bottom bitch in jail.

I'm really glad they didnt make a douche joke.

So what is right actually supposed to be? Girl? Boy? Tranny?

is that thing on the right seriously a girl?

That one chinese qt who cracked TPP

It's a woman with a bunch of retarded glow in the dark implants.
To be fair though, I'll give them credit for making her a bad guy and a punchable cunt.

A minor baddie. Smart move, since even normies can't stand """""xyr""""""

pic pls? I want a cute.

I like the open missions (more than MGSV) and the variety of the map, how collecting bags of cash or research points aren't all done the same way; there's creative variety to keep it interesting, at least for me. Also liked listening to music while I was out of a car trying to get those collectibles.

Honestly, I really enjoyed the game overall. The story is so bad it's fun, made even better by playing the protagonist as I would GTA--killing indiscriminately. There's really stupid decisions though, like killing off the other black hacker for dramatic effect, only for it not to matter at all.

did the game come out?
I literally didn't even know. there was not a single ad anywhere for this.

I like that I could buy it for 15$ and get easy mindless achievements as a waste of a weekend.

For the sake of fairness the left should be
>japanese "hacker girl"

>not white

>Mongol mix breeds

her name is sexycyborg, a true hacker


fuck off

This is apparently her. They call her Bird Sister.

sick, thanks

I like how it was a massive flop

I bought a 1070 last week, didnt even bother to use the code.

I have standards though.


She's Asian.

And if you don't already know, you don't deserve to know.


what a fucking SLUT.

why dont you move too japan if you love it so much.

>I have standards though.

>image created because "muh nickpicking"
>sill put some of the ugliest whores on western side
At least you did your best, user.

I remember there was a qt3.14 maker that got kicked out of feminist hacker meeting because the landwhale hosts didn't think she fit the criteria.

slavs, irish, italian, british, french, etc are NOT WHITE. Not even close, they are filthy animals

It makes me think they didn't want to make this game and just forced any type of bullshit that would give it hate. From the "How do you do fellow kids" humor to the shitty acting. Everything just screamed "LET IT DIE AND LET US WORK ON SOMETHING ELSE"