Daily reminder

Daily reminder


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What was his name again?

>Doughnut Diego


Unnerved Pedro

Corpulent Carlos

Look at this dude.

What the fuck is wrong with him?
That's not normal fat. Almost looks like he got stung by bees or some shit.

shitty mexican genes i suppose.

wait till you see the f- ohhhh no no no ohh ho ho ho

Heavenly Pete.

He's gaining fat to survive behind trumps wall

>be a to-bit internet critic
>decide to do a "GOTCHA" interview against someone with years of experience dealing with much bigger journalists than Joe
>do absolutely no research whatsoever
>it's somehow Dorito Pope's fault that he didn't just roll over for those misinformed questions and let Joe stoke his Guevara syndrome.

Kek, what a pathetic piece of shit.

Porkchops Pablo

Prickish Pianta

You guys laugh, but I'll bet more than half of you fags are just as fat as him, if not fatter.

He wants the Boogie audience

"Gajillion Jalapenos" Jose


Enraged Enrique

>Other Joe goes to gym great shape
>AJ and Delrith fat as fuck


>le who is this guy le mayme

not any more, i actually lost weight this year

cheese drinking blob

Alcohol bloats the face.
He's probably a heavy drinker and using a corset to hide his chest fat

haha yea what

5 pounds of 300? lmao

Perterbed Pete


Why did he upload that video anyway? What posesses people to upload videos of themselves looking like a dipshit?

>pretends to jizz infront of Felicia Day

jesus christ what a child

Could be steroids. They make you bloat up in the face like that.

Does che even do game reviews anymore?

Stale meme

Which video?

When is Other Joe gonna drop the dead weight that is AJ and make his own channel

OJ seems like a total chill bro. I'd hang out with him

The one where Geoff Keigley of all people makes him look like a retard.

Oh, right.
I thought you meant one where he looks super fat.

>implying he even does fucking video game shit anymore


Anyone checked on Spoony recently? Last time I checked, he had kidney stones

Those too

he'll be fine...

Man he used to be my nigga back in the day, it's all gone to shit

Is the reason he doesnt make videos anymore because he has a real job now?


>Joe has become a fat fuck that barely reviews games anymore
>Spoony nowadays just does livestreams and wrestling videos, not even answering on Twitter
>JonTron barely does videos anymore and most of the time they're not about games
>Projared just went full contrarian and is now baiting people with controversial videos
>The Completionist stopped being somewhat original when it dropped Greg
>JewWario literally killed himself
>people like Dunkey, Bigirpal, Caddicarus and Brutalmoose are just not funny at all
>AVGN just lost his touch a long time ago

There's literally no hope for a decent gaming related channel on YouTube, i guess.

how do you go from this

SomecallmeJohnny is still good

>Lost 20lbs of fat this year
>Not even overweight, just eating healthier, drinking alone less and lifting more

This video is so fucking cringe. I feel so gross every time I watch it. It's like embarrassing as someone who is into video games to watch this guy who seems like he might suffer from some form of autism try and attack Keighly for trying to put together a show. It's like watching a six-year-old bicker about recess being too short to his teacher.

What has ProJared done that's contrarian?

to this

Check out slopes game reviews for decent old school content. The smaller channels have less of mass audience pandering. Also I never knew Jew Wario existed till he gave a shotgun blowjob. AVGN is now more of an old media archiver now.



Sonic Adventure 2, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Zelda II, and now he's on a roll shitting on Square-Enix at any possibile chance.

he reached his 30s when his metabolism slows. Then he sat down for hours playing vidya and editing i assume with little exercise. Also he got married removing all drive.

Wait a second...

Why would he publicly post this video of him being totally cucked by the Dorito Pope?

It's legitimately embarrassing to watch him contradict himself for 24 minutes.

Thanks I was just curious I haven't watched any of his shit in awhile

2017 will be the year of the Spoony, I promise.

He actually looks alright in this picture.

>real job
Haha no


Enhances enrique.

Holy shit


it just gets worse and worse


is there any /ourguy/ that hasn't gotten fat/cancer/etc. left?

he looks huge in the good way

This just in! People get old and fat then die!

Fuck, I had no idea....he was insltting me too? Wow now I am mad. So, very, mad.

4 horas horacio

Is he evolving i to a chipmunk?

No, mexicans just didnt evolve to withstand USA calory intake so they all bloat to thell when their metabolism slows down in their 30's

Seven Pesos Pablo

Wreck-It Ralph

i am slightly less fat than him but u are right i need to stop laughing at him for his weight i still like him he just btfu

Perturbed Joseph

>pick the one pic of Arin where he looks like the singer in a minor early 2000s post-grunge band instead an unconvincing ftm like he usually does


/fit/ here, who enjoys a side of Sup Forumsidya with friends on my xbox

>he reached his 30s when his metabolism slows.

More like he got older and so more lazy which results into fat.

Metabolism is a meme.

Rotund Roberto

el senior que va ser deportato

>Super Bunnyhop
>Total Biscuit

Those are the only two I subscribe to these days.Though I Still check out new AVGN episodes when they come out.

>has kidney stones AND shingles.
>Patreon drops to triple digits on the first of every month, but his fans can't keep pushing it back up to quadruple forever.