What would change if this list was updated to today's Sup Forums standards?
What would change if this list was updated to today's Sup Forums standards?
Still roughly the same
CS 1.6 should be higher
An attempt was made in January this year.
We actually did make a new one of the course of a series of 5 threads like 1-2 years ago now, but I don't think it was ever actually finalized and nobody probably cared enough to save it, or if they did, the general userbase of Sup Forums is too used to this chart to have switched to it.
Here's a version without the date.
I don't think this was the one I am thinking on in , worth noting.
If Sup Forums had a 3x3 it would be
Ghost Trick
Deus Ex
Dark Souls
Super Metroid
Fallout New Vegas
Super Mario 64
these as the top 8 for sure
As for the last one, OoT? FF7? Chrono Trigger? Bloodborne? Mother 3? MegaMan Battle Network 2/3? Majora's Mask?
>24. Legend of Mana
>No secret of Mana
Do you even know what a good game is?
I like me some Ace Attorney like everyone else but it doesn't even deserve to be in top 50 given its a visual novel with only one ending per case
Might not have been. This list was made with the creator making a thread every day for about a week to suggest games, and if they were approved about 15 times by others in the thread over the week they went into a list on some ranking website where you could vote a game up or down the list. I remember Undertale being voted to the bottom with some joke games like Cory in the House.
>tfw a scriptfag abused the system to put FF9 that high
It's not even a high-tier Final Fantasy game, let alone the 3rd best game of all time.
Sup Forums's favorite FF's are 7, 5 and 6 in that order.
What i'm thinking of had a similar process but I don't recall it lasting past the third or fourth day or getting to the point where there was a ranking site.
Anyways, part of the issues with these list is some people are voting based on "good relative to when they came out" and "Good period".
Obviously, objectively speaking, something like the original super maro isn't anywhere cloose to being in the best 100 games ever made
These lists should be made without direct input, if people know a list is being made they will try to rig it somehow. The way this should be done is by compiling data from favorite games threads and such, but that's too much work which is why people prefer the good old voting.
Making a list never works because of the large amount of reddit lurkers who will always tilt things.
>inb4 le reddit boogeyman, muh secret club
You know it's true. There's a large difference between people who've been here for years and post often and bored lurkers from reddit who find stuff to post on /r/Sup Forums.
For example, games like Suikoden II or Ghost Trick are widely considered to be fantastic here, and it's not a stretch to say that most posters on Sup Forums have played those games and other similar ones which would be "obscure" on other sites but very relevant here, but when there's a popularity vote and the lurking masses from other boards and websites pour in and ruin the balance.
It's the only reason Deus Ex is not even in the top 10 on the sorry excuse for the new list that was made a little while back, because it's a literal who game on NeoGAF/reddit/for cross-boarders.
Even if you've been lurking Sup Forums for as little as 6 months you should have a general good idea of what games are universally considered fantastic
You know how I know this list is bogus? Just by looking at the top video games discussed on Sup Forums you can see that its easily
Witcher 3
Whatever Zelda everyone pretends to like this month
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate 2
Smash Melee
Dragon's Dogma DA
Mass Effect 2
Fall Out New Vegas unless its an off month where everyone pretends 3 was better
I don't know (nor care) what comes after those, but Sup Forums is so contrarian that they had to come up with a list that didn't reflect their true opinions so as not to be labelled predictable. Classic.
>For example, games like Suikoden II or Ghost Trick are widely considered to be fantastic here, and it's not a stretch to say that most posters on Sup Forums have played those games and other similar ones which would be "obscure" on other sites
I've been here for 8 years, and I know a bunch of people, like o0ver 20, who have also been here for around that long, and none of us have played those.
>some idiot really believes Wonderful 101 belongs in top 100 games of all time
>they rank it in the top 10
Thanks for reminding me you're all autistic
superior list coming through
other than those 2 the list is 6/6 breddy gud
I love Morrowind, but in general I feel that this list is too influenced by the bias of whoever came up with it. I don't know why FF9 specifically is the FF game in the top 10. And a game like Wonderful 101 in the top 10 doesn't even make any sense.
I don't agree with every single thing in the OP list but I think whoever made was actually trying to make a list of what everyone likes and not just what they like.
>rome: total war
> any fallout
>any TES
>mass effect
and some more, what a shit taste.
why not call it the Top jokes of all time
>not even on the fucking list
1st place of the top contrarians of all time list.
Max Payne would definetely be on that list.
People won't seem to shut up about it nowdays.
Sup Forums's userbase has quadrupled in the past six years, and now the site is teeming with redditors and other general-internet users who all neglected to assimilate who prefer an entirely different set of games.
>Dark Messiah
>Valkyria Chronicles
All shit
Oni being on there is retarded, ODST is a superior cyberpunk game by the same devs
I've been here since 2009, and have played both of those. And when Sup Forums has online game threads and I end up befriending some people through games like that and exchange Skype, most of them have played Suikoden, Deus Ex and Ghost Trick.