>calls FFXV a shitty game
>calls Battlefield 1the best game ever
Can we seriously stop taking what this shithead hack says seriously?
>calls FFXV a shitty game
>calls Battlefield 1the best game ever
Can we seriously stop taking what this shithead hack says seriously?
>Can we seriously stop taking what this shithead hack says seriously?
Take your own advice.
SquareCucks on suicide watch.
Nobody takes what conan says seriously
Wait.. who was taking what he said seriously to begin with? The fuck does this plastic patty know?
Every adult knows that clueless gamer is literally just TV spots that producers pay money for.
Its a fucking advertisement.
But he was right. BF1 is a good game with wide appeal whereas FF is just for a niche of FF fans.
He's a comedian you butthurt FFXV fanshit.
>Can we seriously stop taking what this shithead hack says seriously?
The only people who take him seriously are those who get butthurt when people shitpost after he calls a new game bad.
But he was right about pretty much everything
He's a comedian you autistic fuck. He would tell you he exact same thing
I'm sorry he insulted your weebshit ;_;
>gets "confused" while playing Zelda or whatever for the purpose of comedy
Of the two people in the OP I take Terry Crews' opinions more seriously.
well i would take battlefield 1 any day instead of weebshit.
His segment is literally called
He has never claimed to be any kind of authority or expert on games.
But he does make it fun to piss of spergs like you who will carry a torch for a simple video game.
I only wish he called BF1 out for being shit also.
Terry is /ourguy/
Conan doesn't have much of an attention span, so of course games like FFXV won't appeal to him, while games that appeal to the lowest common denominator, like BF1, will appeal to him.
I'm not surprised that there's anons that share his opinion. Sup Forums's opinion about anything should be taken with a grain of salt. It didn't earn it's reputation as a cuck board for nothing.
what part of CLUELESS GAMER do you not understand?
>I built a PC to get closer to my son
;_;7 the best dad
Terry Crews only liked this game because they blackwashed WW1 vets.
still butthurt, i see.
From the looks of it Sup Forums does I mean everyone on this board was crying once he made fun of their precious square game
bf1 is better than any ff game desu
no KANGZ no approval.
got that, cracka?
Daily Reminder Conan is a massive liberal and his over enthusiasm came only because he was told this game forces diversity. If you watched the video the gameplay looks mundane as fuck.
>Still mad about conan
This is hilarious.
When did Conan start doing video games? I thought he was some talkshow for old people
>shitty skit has a lot of truth now game is released
I don't get it.
He had to call it the best game ever, otherwise he would be a racist. #blacklivesmatter
>you will never play vidya with terry
Wow you were really hurt when Conan made fun of ff15 weren't you
Here's a hint: nobody gives a shit
>clueless gamer
well in battlefield you can have fun ff is a snorefest desu
I liked it more when he just did them with this guy instead of celebrity of the week.
He's the perfect wall to bounce Conan's insults off of, Conan gets more submissive and docile with people more popular than he is.
Exactly. Terry is pretty great.
squarefags will cry over any negative things said about their game
>conan was ever a reliable video game critic
>Taking what a talkshow host says seriously about a game
why were people so angry about this shit
Clearly just take a look at this bitter fag here It's not my fault that square is incompetent nowadays
I was pretty sure everyone talking about him was just "ironic" shitposting. Now you have me worried that there are people that actually take this shit seriously. Unless, of course you are trying to go a step further on the "i was only pretending to be retarded" scale
FFXV fags still ANALLY ANNIHILATED a swedecuck revisionist WW1 game is still better than their manchild snorefest
Take a hike, Ken-Sama, you know it all went to shit after XIII
>Is a normalfag
>Sup Forums surprised when he prefers normalfag games
>his name is literally CLUELESS GAMER, its just a comedic skit you butthurt squeenix fag
Meanwhile, last month:
>lol if a comedian could tell it's shit then it must really be shit
You just don't reason with this board.
Battlefield 1 is a better shooter than FFXV is a JRPG.
It also scored higher on Metacritic.
retards like you take this
shit at face value.
I don't remember seeing that second argument at all. Also did it occur to you that possibly there are different people with different opinions on this board?
did you ever stop and think that maybe hes right?
>bf1 thight paced action open world fps solid gunplay
>ffxv push car wearing leather in desert 72hour bossfight
>To be a good gamer, you need to know how to play all the games
Pretty good explanation thb
BF1 is a great game tho
well its like battlefield is fun and constant action while final fantasy is boring roleplay
Are you even trying to post intelligently or did you completely shit the bed? I think it may be past your bedtime kiddo, tell mom that your Internet privileges are done for a while.
What about all the threads, like this thread here, trying to delegitimize the coverage?
It may surprise you that I actually kind of like ff15 in all honesty. So basically you're a faggot get over yourself and stop crying.
>brought rabbits and dogs in
Jesus could they have made it any more obvious that this was an EA-scripted shillfest
>Joke reviews for keks
>Can we not take this seriously?
Literally all of these are shill fests. These companies pay Conan to play the games and make jokes. They're all shill skits. All of the clueless gamers. All of them.
>Final Fantafags are still buttblasted
You imply people are just as pathetic as you and still living with their moms.
I browsed lots of inflammatory conan threads for fun factor alone and people were legitimately using Conan's inexperience with games as a neutral and unadultered pov for bashing the game.
So FFXV fans can't handle the banter, and that's all there is to this whole situation?
No I'm implying you're a literal child without the mental capacity to make legitimate arguments. Congratulations on proving my point.
This. He says himself he knows fuck all about vidya, and it's very obvious the segments are just done as marketing tie ins.
Not even actual Japanese gamers liked Final Fantasy XV. I don't know why weebs can't accept that at this point.
ITT we all laugh at OP because he thinks late night comedy shows are serious
What point? All I can see is some buttmad autist unable to comprehend how people see his personal bible by squeenix as the piece of shit that it is.
Oh God that's sad. I'm starting to think these weebs really don't have much in life to hold on to if they have to rationalize comedic bits. It's like jaffe reacting to that Kyle bosman joke, if anyone understands that reference.
The complaints of the game must surely be as a result of Conan's segment
I'm making fun of squenix you tard are you even literate
I browsed lots of inflammatory conan threads for fun factor alone and people were legitimately rationalising Conan's inexperience with games as a basis for why the game will be great
Amazon Japan users rate every game badly.
I've never seen sucking someone's dick as making fun of them.
>Taking a segment literally called CLUELESS gamer seriously
Maybe Japanese gamers watch Conan oh my God I knew it Conan is the most trusted game reviewer out there
>you can only be one thing and nothing else
so then you're just a loser right?
Yes, they must surely be Conan enthusiasts. Here's Type 0 btw.
>Implying Amazon Japan reviews should be taken seriously
It's happening in this very thread, desu both stances are retarded once we come to the conclusion that it's all staged.
He's as much of a game critic as anyone else.
>Implying any game that pisses off its fanbase deserves a free pass
Here's FF13
OK so you are illiterate. I call square incompetent and say butthurt babies were crying that Conan made fun of their "precious game" and you think that's sucking their dick. Look up some more words before posting like a retard and embarrassing yourself.
>H-he's just a comedian
>H-e-he can't b-be for real!!
>every is in actual numbers
>except America which is in percentages
but why.
Basically, seeing as I have to tell faggots who don't know who Conan is who fucking Conan is.
>Everyone else is okay because the Japs don't just automatically rate everything 5 star
They're actually a lot more evenly spread than the Americans (embarrassing) or the Brits
I'm not embarrassed.
I'd say being some fag who faps to lolis and sucks Squeenix dick pretty much worse.
>Final Fantasy
>Not the normalest normalfag game ever
FF VII literally brought a gigantic wave of normalfags that will forever plague the series with shitty cosplay and constant circlejerking.
>Weebs still this asspained their game that took 10 years to develop was just "alright"
FFXV is legitimately bad though.
Because automatically rating FFXV 1 star is better right?
No matter how bad Sup Forums thinks it is, Its no where near a 1 star game.
Why does it have a black man in the cover? WW 1 was 99,999% native europeans.