What the fuck happened to this map ?
What the fuck happened to this map ?
what does the actual map look like?
Basically the only landmass they kept is Lucis, the one with the Crown City, Hammerhead and Lestallum.
Accordio became a tiny island/peninsula that's pretty much only Altissia.
Niflheim and Tenebrae combined became a small chunk of a peninsula, the rest of the landmass is offscreen (like many things in the game)
Duscae. But it's way way smaller.
Tabata's team only had 3.5 years to complete and otimize the game, SE would ship no matter what.
nomura wasted 8 years of development drawing zipper costumes instead of making the game
See pic, it's the final map. Lucis is top right, Accordio bottom right, Niflheim and Tenebrae on the left.
People saw that in ATRs and thought it was final, and made up shit about it.
I wonder how these people keep their jobs and are still the leads for upcoming games...
Those ones in the top right.
Looks dumb, that shit's not even to scale. If the view was that far above the clouds then Lucis would barely be visible considering it's only like 15 square miles.
This. I can't believe people actually thought it would be that big. Open worlds are almost NEVER that large even if they're brimming with content.
Gutted because the game was far too ambitious for SE to make.
Map was clearly just a quick concept they drew up. I would have had important areas of interest laid out if they were serious on using the whole thing.
Died off screen lmao
It was probably explained in the loading screens :^]
Accordo got the JUST
This happens every time. Stupid comparison images that show an open world that is or feels tiny and empty compared to other open worlds. About as bad as bullshots at this point. Not a single one has made anyone actually feel like they're in a bigger world yet.
The entire thing is bullshit. Why is Niflhiem considered an empire when they only conquered two other nations? Where the hell is Galad that was mentioned in Kingsglaive? Why are there Lucis Tombs off the lucis continent? How was a city like insomnia feeding its citizens with barely any farms? Where are all these refugees that fled the city?
Map thread?
Map thread.
>Not living in a cave in the World's Scar with some Grue and Goblins