For Honor Tech Test 2

How is in? Are you Hyped
in4 Ubishit, game is actually pretty cool

Did they nerf Orochi?

implying Orochi was OP and you didn't just suck at the game


He is actually OP, but not for things the shitters whine about like their quick high slash or their parry
their backdash is broken

just time your Dodge right and he is done for



I've got a few invites left.
If you want you can post your uplay name and I'll see if I can send you one.
My name starts with an H and ends with an A so you'll know.

>Japanfags talking balance

Japan had broken hilts (revenge gain) and ridiculous speed advantages on both vanguards/assassins. Fuck outta here.

I was in the last one but didn't get reinvited apparently
give me a second to reinstall uplay

Oh shit. We played R6 for a while together, I think.
Still got 1 left if anyone wants it.

actually scratch that I'm retarded, I got invited but checked the wrong email

Yeah I was part of /r6g/ for a while after the game released and during beta. Haven't played at all recently though.

Tech test only for PC?

I just got my invite a couple hours ago. Preloading now.

If you use gmail check your promotions tab

>register as soon as the first technical test ended
>didnt get in

user I'm giving away invites.
Post uplay name.

send me one broski my name is minecrafter101

give me the invite senpai

hit me up senpai


any invite?

Daily reminder that orochi players are edgy faggot weebs. Please end your miserable existence even if you briefly consider playing as one.

hit me up with an invite familias

can anyone hook me up with for honor boi2016xx

>he's ack-chully pretty easy to beat
>you just have to parry his 50ms light attacks
>you just have to counter his guard breaks so he doesn't get a free overhead heavy
>you just have to hope he's a light attack spamming retard who doesn't know how to chain movies and swings
whew lad, that's quite a few advantages for having 10% less hp.

I registered during the initial e3 announcement and got into every alpha and tech test so far.

Invite for an unlucky soul?

Sorry anons, I'm all out now. Maybe some other anons will have some.

not him but how do you chain moves and swings? I played in the last test and stomped most players (played raider the big viking dude) but the tutorials were buggy as fuck for me so I never watched them

I played in a previous test and would love to see how its improved if you have any.
Names Kariweaver

I hope nobody invites you

Damn, just realized this is the first ubi beta I haven't been invited too.

How's the combat? Skyrim, DS, Witcher, Chivalry, M&B?

What classes are in this time?

The orochi can transition from a back dodge into a heavy lunge attack right through you which puts him behind you. He can also sidestep heavy into a light combo which gives him iframes at the beginning.

I'd like an invite pls: erraduxe

Its kind of like a fast paced chivalry.

None of those really, maybe chivalry and M&B a little bit. You have three directions you can attack and block from. Then you have special combos and shit depending on your class. It's very much best played with a controller. Just watch some videos.

Please gib

Uplay name:SmugAce

Anyone with a spare invite? My user name is Dandelion3000, thanks!

but without the retarded MLG spinning

yea and the first person.

>mfw working for ubi and not even playing it

So what's the general consensus on the game so far? Haven't had the luck of getting into a test, but have been cautiously optimistic for this thing for a while now

Does the beta come back to xbox as well also is it invite only
I need my Berserker fix

this one is PC only, there should be a Beta for all platforms before launch though

>PC only

>online only

How long is the beta?

>multiplayer game
>hurr durr I eat gabens shit

c-can i have an invite? i asked for one back in the first test but ubisoft didnt send any yet, will share them if they decide to send them. Name's Toxilus

Ok i guess have fun guys

this test or next beta?
this is 14-19 Dec
Beta no Idea

Twuxter , if you still have a code

Thanks in advance

Do you know when the beta with all platforms will be open

surprisingly good, another rough gem like r6
equip/accessory system is entirely unnecessary and silly
orochi is OP
1v1 mode real fun
deus vult

>PC onIy
It's not fair.

nobody knows
I'm betting on right before christmas they'll do an open beta weekend or something to rev up those preorders like they did with r6s

I've read it will be sometime before launch (14.02.17)

First 3 anons to reply to this post with a screenshot of their Uplay name as it appears in the top right corner of the Uplay client along gets an invite

Along with the image, you must also post the text " WE WUZ VIKANGZ " (without quotes) or you will be disqualified.

>posting racist propaganda for an invite
not okay

I'm sad. They said December, now it's early January. I suffer as I wait.

casual console-only pissbabies don't deserve anything.

Sounds like a scam.

About time PC friends got something, good on you.

I have 3 invites but I'm not giving them to anyone.

Especially not a bunch of animeposting weabs who will only play japanese classes

mfw got selected for tech test 2 but not even going to install

actually idort, I get everything.


Anyone got a spare key for me?
My Uplay name is KatieUnchained

Except Bloodborne.

they said he was getting nerfed in the post alpha vid you retard


But I'd play the viking.

>doesn't know what idort means
Maybe you should go away. To some other website, perhaps.

just making people prove they really want an invite

Any new Lawbringer information?

>Always online



Well people wouldn't be there begging if they didn't want the invite.

>post count didn't go up
keep trying friend, I'm sure you'll get some (You)s

>signed up for every beta at the earliest possible time
>haven't gotten into a single one

deus vult


Well met, brother.



God why the fuck is uplay so shit.
I entered my password like, 12 times, the it suspended me and told me to select "recover password", did that whole process, and now it won't except my new password.
Jesus fuck save me from this hell.

I remember this, make sure it's less than 12 characters, you can put in more, but it will only save 12

>multiplayer game
>surprised it's always online

cancel this, I actually got my own invite and didn't notice it.

It's 10.
Did this to me last beta as well, doesn't help that Ubisofts website barely works.
How the fuck are these people able to code video games, but not an account system that works.

Do you also have invites?

This is what happens when you hire people based on race and gender, and not on skill

ok congrats i literally just sent a friend request

>for a multiplayer only game
It's too bad this is going to be the state of video games from now on, because of how many retards are willing to play full price for only part of a game.

Did you get invites user?

But it's not multiplayer only?

I do but now I have to think up some meme hoops for people to jump through

It's has single player, just not in the beta.
Because why the fuck would they need to test single player with a beta?

>able to code video games
I mean, they can barely make a functional game, what did you expect?

I got codes, will give out once Ubisoft decides I'm allowed to log in.

accept my friend request to prove you didn't crop this from a pic on google images

Reply to me with Uplay name for invs.

pls. I love MnB and I need more medieval action until the new one comes out.