>tfw this was the peak of MMORPGS
Tfw this was the peak of MMORPGS
Fuck off with this mate
Mmo's are for niggers and have never peaked
Found the loner
> rsc
> not rs2
There are literally no redeemable qualities in rsc that aren't superseded by rs2 up to 2006 and some would say 2007
Rscfags are literal elitist retards who feel special by saying they played a shittier older version of a game before anyone else
Which mmo are you playing right now Sup Forums?
I'm playing Archeage as a new player and it's been fun so far, this sense of community is one that I didn't experience since 2010, also being able to level up throught crafting and gathering is so comfy after playing fucking Legion since launch.
Blade and Soul. I just started, but for some reason I can see me not liking this game for long.
Rs2 killed everything that made Rsc so unique and it also casualized the game for young children
>eating in combat
>run away from combat whenever you want
I don't know user, is p2w, but there's no better sandbox mmo out there imo.
It's sad, but until a better one comes this is the better option.
That's not EverQuest 1 first three (arguably four) expansions.
>ultima online clone without the PvP everywhere
I enjoyed it for the titties, but I think I will play Tera instead.
I wish I were old enough to play uo during its peak
>this is what video-grognards think "casualization" means
fuck off grandpa
What a bad feel
[Spoiler] because it sucked [/spoiler]
>tfw we will never have a sandbox mmo as good as swg again
Tera. Trying to get my Popori mystic to level cap via Kumas. Not working out so well.
UO was a much better game you pissbabby
Blame Korea and their stupid business shit. And the West for going all in in things like Rust and DayZ only.
>not going Ellin
>poor man's UO
why people love runescape,holy shit
what a fucking awful ugly game,at the time you had so many options to play yet you still play in that shit thing
>implying I don't already have six elins
>that halfling noping the fuck out of there
The only thing that I hated on that game is that the elins maid costume was behind a paywall. I never felt more dirty than the day I bought it.
runsescape is the only game where the graphics put me off it, such an ugly piece of shit
>Andrew Gower says "oh yeah Members will get updates and new content, but free players will get that new content as well, it will just be a lot longer, maybe 6 months to a year"
I'm still waiting, Andrew.