Dark Souls 1 is a clunky mess and Dark Souls 2 is infinitely superior in terms of gameplay
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls
No it's not.
What was the subject again?
In terms of PVP I do prefer a thousand times DS2.
If you tell me about the gameplay and controls, it's not bad, but it feels a lot different.
Going back to ds1 from ds2 is hard for me just because of camera being awkward but control-wise it's fine
Also, DS2 in my opinion had a lot of cool places and content, although sometimes it's a copypaste of textures.
I do admit that some level designs were a mess, but I did enjoy most of the game.
It's not a bad gaem.
hes right you know
>mundane everything
>santier spear
>no full orbs
>practically no invasion in NG
>garbage arena that can pair you with ANY level
>soul memory
Sotfs removed ng+ boundary for online
DS1 PVP is basically whoever backstabs faster win.
Most of the time, it's fucking bullshit because the invaders teleports behind you like a motherfucker.
And don't tell me about the fps drops, because jesus fucking christ.
After ds2 I actually started to notice the ridiculous drops in fps in probably 60% of locations in ds1
Playing both back to back, I've had way more wonky bullshit moments in 2's pve. It likes to fuck up when there are multiple enemies at different elevations. I'll lock on to who's in front and the camera will try and focus on the above enemy. Pvp is way better in 2 however.
infinitely superior
>play with keyboard and mouse
>double-click to do a heavy attack
>does two light attacks instead
>play dark souls 1 again
>forget that ALT is to change into two hand and shield is shift
>play dark souls 2 again
>forget that N is to change into two hand and shield is left-click
i'm not buying a controller for this shit
His foot crushed him also ds1 hitboxes are memes
Really user? I just assumed everyone who took playing on PC semi-seriously had a gamepad
Tons of games play infinitely better on one
>rebind dark souls 2 keybinds into dark souls 1 keybinds
>can't parry or riposte because you can't rebind shift or tab by itself with left-click
>There are retards that still believe DS2 PvP was good
>It's always the same retards that couldn't figure out how to negate chainstabs in DS1
I'm still laffin
>His Foot Crushed him
What sort of alternate reality are you seeing in that webm?
Wow! I never thought about it that way! I wish I was a smart and unique as you user! Instead I just go with what everyone else thinks!
Rollcombat: The Franchise is boring as shit, gameplay-wise. At least the lore and atmosphere are on point.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to have it but you're fucking wrong and stupid.
Nice meme.