No More Heroes

What does Sup Forums think of No More Heroes?
Is it worth playing, or is it just another style over substance button masher?

I am thinking of picking the PS3 version, and it seems like it was taken down from the PSN store, so I wanna know if I should grab it before it becomes too rare and expensive.

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So no one played it?

Oh well.

PS3 version is a huge improvement over the original that adds a heap of content including a new difficulty setting and optional bossfights. Combat and map exploration with Travis' motorcycle is a bit on the clunky side but everything else is on par. Highly recommended if you enjoyed Killer Is Dead.

one of my favorite games. try the wagglan controls if you have ps move too

Calling bullshit.

The PS3 version neutered the game's good aesthetic.

All style and zero substance.

I'm afraid this would be my first Suda game.

The style it has going for it certainly picked my attention, but I feel like this is a one time experience kind of game that isn't too long or fun to play more than once.

Get the wii one if you can. The game looks better on wii as the ps3 has a different art style similar to killer is dead.

As for controls I assume the move functions similar to the wii one as for controller its a nice add-on.

i just want no No More Heroes 3

None of suda51 games are actually good.

It's definitely style over substance, but the style is worth it.

I would play the Wii version though, most of the added content in the PS3 port is just filler and the Move controls don't work very well, the waggling is part of the experience.

it is honestly probably a bit more style over substance, but its so goddamned charming. get the wii version if you can and get the second one while your at it. gameplay is better in the second

as someone who really loves shadows of the damned and Lollipop chainsaw and all these other middle class games... no more heroes was just too much for me.
i played the PS3 version and stopped halfway through, the games structure and pacing are terrible and the combat isn't great either.
the characters and cutscenes were amazing but the rest sucks big time.

Completing the game once unlocks 'Bitter' difficulty and a NG+ mode that lets you carry over basically everything, but gives you a new set of collectibles (First run is Lucha masks, NG+ is concept art).

Fucking excellent game, one of the best of its generation. Play both on Wii.

is lollipop wort it? Its one of the only suda games i haven't played, mostly because the basic setup isn't that interesting, but i might if its got good gameplay and suplexes.

it's pretty short (5 hours or so)
but it has tons of charme and style and it doesn't play like complete shit.
i played it multiple times to unlock lewd and ecchi outfits.
Soundtrack is also 9/10.
no suplexes, sadly.

I feel a bit more convinced now. Just one more question.

Did the people recommending the Wii version over the PS3 try both versions? Because outside of things like finishers and "jerking off" to charge your sword's batteries, the motion controls don't seem like such a big deal.

The finishers are a big part of the fun though, without that it's just another button masher.

Has some good moments but has so many terrible decisions that makes the game not worth playing

yes, i have both versions. Wii version runs better in my opinion, though it has been a while since i played either

I normally don't like motion control in games, but NMH 1 and 2 did them really well. The most necessary actions (moving, punching/wrestle moves, and sword slashes) are all done with buttons, only the finishers are done with motion controls and they work really well with the limitations of the system.

Finishers aren't precise, they're just these cool slashing moves that add a cherry on top of NMH's weird sundae. Same with the wrestling moves, and it's fun to combo a bunch of satisfying sword slashes into a stun into a suplex.

Wii looks great, has a muted kind of look that fits the style of the game well.Sequel has better gameplay and is more fun to play (except the bullshit final boss), while the first game has a simpler but more charming story. Get both for sure.

I'd agree that Suda51's work in general is style over substance but the gameplay is still serviceable. It's not the best action game you'll ever play but it's one of the coolest looking and it's got some truly fantastic boss battles.

I actually like the combat in NMH more than in NMH2, but literally everything else in NMH2 (specifically the side missions) is miles ahead of NMH.

Style over substance but the style is too damn good to ignore. Play NMH so you can play NMH2.

Those 8-bit side missions were really charming and fun in NMH2, although for some reason I still have fond memories thinking of Travis running around copy-paste residential areas picking up cats in the first game.

Never played PS3 version, but original is one of my favorite games on the Wii. You'll have to slog through a lame ass hub world and grind for money, but it's worth it for the cool ass bosses and ost.
>tfw No More Heroes 3 will never happen

Fuck Marry Kill

Fuck Shinobu
Kill the other 2 before they kill me

Aren't the extra bosses just ripped from the sequel?

PS3 version is complete ass. This is coming from someone who's played and completed both versions many times. Great fucking game, but it's home is the Wii.

only option is kill all of them there's a fucking live grenade right there

This. NMH is a clear example of style over substance

>not killing them all for the grand prize

just another style over substance button masher

Gotta put a ring on that ebony marvel, ignore all other worthless hoes.

Every Sudo game has style. No More Heroes is the first and last time they tried to make a really good story with developing characters.

Yes, there are no new bosses

Where is muh No More Heroes 3?

I'll fucking undust and setup my Wii and controllers then.

This seems to be the kind of game that is worth it for the style it delivers, and I'll never be able to make up my mind about it if I don't try it.

Fuck Bad Girl
Marry Holly
Kill Shinobu