What do you think about the 2017 PS4 line up?

Is there anything I'm missing?

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Yakuza is the only game I wanna play out of these. shit lineup

it's garbage once again

nioh is the only game I might care about and maybe horizon

Yes. Good games are missing


Name (One) better beat em up this gen or even last gen than Yakuza right now that has as much depth in its combat system


Yakuza 0 and Persona 5 definitely

Maybe Horizon Zero Dawn

Not interested in the others

I will legit buy everything on this list besides Yakuza since I never played the others. I will also buy Nier on PS4 if the performance doesn't dip below 60 since there is no god damn PC release date yet.

Is KH3 confirmed for 2017?

>false flagging gamergate

gamergate is based, we just elected trump

You call that a list?


Yakuza 0 is a prequel to the entire series mate. Its essentially the first game now

>Shenmue 3

What the fuck?

>deep down

>first few responses honest
>sonyggers start swarming the thread and pretending it's a good lineup again
>thread goes off the deep rails completely

every damn time, every fucking year

same but I do have an interest in nioh


It's on PC

Aside GT Sport and maaaaybe Horizon, everything else on that list it's worth the money IMO

Enough peopled wanted this?

You call THAT a list?

>sports games
>games stuck in development hell
>fucking KNACK 2

You missed a very important game


>Gravity Rush sequel is everything I could ever want in a sequel to one of my favourite games
>Nier Automata is a fucking Nier sequel with Platinum gameplay
>Tales of Berseria seems to be the most promising Tales in a while
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 is actually a thing, loved the first a ton so am hype as fuck
>Horizon, P5, KH3 and a bunch of other cool stuff too

Have you fuckers forgotten?

Would honestly love it if GT Sport was good, but it looks like shit.

Nier looks like it could be good.

And none of them are better than this. Sad!

Doesn't GT Sport have a bunch of pseudo-social media shit crammed into it?

I just want to go fast.

I know this is a PS thread but you shouldn't post movies of other companies

>What do you think about the 2017 PS4 line up?
I think Sony always wins Baby, you can't beat Sony

Already played

It's still in the lineup for me, user

I'm stuck in the country with the inferior game industry.

Nier: Automata and the Berserk game are coming to PC. Not exclusives.

>Playing Jap games on PC
Have fun trying to fix random crashes cuck.

going for gravity rush 2 , persona 5, and yakuza 0 100%.
Nioh... maybe... i don't like souls games but i did enjoy the demos quite a bit.
also looking forward to tekken 7 wich might as well be a PS4 exclusive.

Forgot the colouring book and the complimentary brown, gray and yellow crayons.

None of the games there appeal to me. I'll probably pick up Ace Combat 7. I could swear there was something else that I wanted, but I can't think of it?

everything on the left and KH 2.8 is all I care about, I feel Horizon is gonna be another Far cry and I never got into the persona craze. Racing games are fun, but I'm not that into them

Ive wanted a ps4 since its release and always had the "ill buy it when it has stuff i want" mentality.
I dont know what it is about this gen of exclusives that has me excited for nothing.
Im not huge on single player games though, which is what 99% of exclusives are these days?

You know what i miss, couch coop. I grew up with consoles. As a pcfag, ive always held a special place in my heart for consoles as, at the very least, good coop machines. What the hell happened?

Im nostalgic for those days and ill never get them back, instead we get "JUST GET YOUR FRIEND TO BUY ONE TOO AND THE SAME GAME WITH ALL THE DLCS AS WELL LOL YOU FAG".

Shit makes me sad.
Consoles lost the one thing they had going for them, unique character. Now they really are just cheap pc's.
i want to go back

Man I even like Kingdom Hearts and have a PS4 but there's no way in hell I'm playing like 8 spinoffs to get ready for 3.
It's like how to replace hype with burnout for dummies.

>Im not huge on single player games though, which is what 99% of exclusives are these days?
yea you better stick to PC if that is the case.
couch coop games i can think of on console are mostly something like COD, Diablo 3 and maybe some others... it's not really a thing though

You only listed exclusives.

Plenty of multiplats to list as well.

but multiplats only count for PC
because it's the superior gaming platform

Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101

Kingdom Hearts is about the only thing I bought Sony's hunk of shit for.

A worthwhile investment, user