Kill luna, fuck Iris, Marry Aranea, Cidney, and Gentiana.
Would trade them all for Prompto's boipucci.
wee ned 5 options you dip
marry luna aranea and gentiana fuck cindy and kill the last one
Adopted Sister
Kill Luna, Fuck Aranea, Marry Iris
This is the only real answer you fags
Kill Luna
Marry Iris / Cidney
Fuck Aranea / Gentiana
Marry Iris and Cindy, Fuck Gentiana and Aranea, kill Luna.
Why does everyone want to kill luna?
Marry Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck
Marry Luna and fuck Cindy, I don't care about the rest of them so I would kill the three of the.
This is the only right answer.
I have nothing in particular against her (I'm not a Stella fag) but she's just a fucking bland and boring character.
She's hardly a character at all. Neither are the rest of them for that matter, there was barely any character development at all in this game.
She's not really bad she's just not as good as literally any other female in the game.
Having never played the game
Dragoon lady
Hime chan
School girl bait
Never played, but
Marry spearbitch
Fuck Cidney
kill the rest.
Marry all, kill all, fuck all
on that order
Marry Aranea
Fuck Cindy
Marry Luna
Marry Gentiana
Kill Iris
Boring vanilla default girl,
I'm going to marry Noctis, and you can't stop me.
Marry Luna, Iris, and Cidney because Allah says. Gentiana and Aranea captives of the right hand. I won't kill anyone because I'm not a murderer.
Allah Akbar
what's Sup Forums obsession with Iris? She looks like a short midget with a monkey face. Luna, Aranea, and Cidney's looks totally blows Iris out of the water.
she has a cute crush on noctis that makes her cute
Never played this game or any FF
Marry Cidney
Fuck school girl
Kill far left
Marry and fuck Aranea.I dont give a shit about the others.
Men if taste
Literally garbage
Fuck and marry Iris!
Kill Luna because she dies anyway. Fuck Cindy, and marry Iris
It's okay, she'll die anyway
Marry Aranea
Fuck Gentiana
Kill whoever thought Aranea shouldn't permanently join the party.
fuck em all
Fuck Cor
Marry Gentiana
Kill Iris
Train with Aranea
Work with Cidney
Ignore Luna
Marry Lightning
Fuck Cidney
Kill Lightning
>fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
>she aint stop callin
>never shoulda stuck my dick in dat girl
as someone who has no experience in this franchise
1st girl, smug and edgy look. Terrible.
2nd girl, hot but the outfit indicates sluttiness so wouldn't marry
3rd girl, looks to be the most virtuous. Looks can be deceiving but then again i wouldn't marry a girl before getting to know her at least
Fuck Promto
Marry Iris
Kill Luna and Cindy
Aranea probably had the most development. You fight her and think; hey, she may be a recurring enemy.
Nope, turns out she works for the enemy but has her own point of view, things she wants to do and an opinion on different things. She ends up going a different path from what she originally stated and you can feel she has comfort in what she is doing and keeps herself updated.
After that dungeon with her in the party, she ended up becoming very cool and hopefully (hopefully) they release DLC that expands on it a bit, whether it be more mobhunts that include her as a member of your party; her being playable whilst working for the Empire so you can get more lore about them as well as Aranea herself, etc.
You could do that with Luna but I can imagine it being quite boring but sure, someone would like it.
More, please.
Unfortunately there isn't that much out so far
Kill Luna
Marry Aranea
Fuck the rest
She's the bland vanilla waifu that most RPGs have. Also she dies anyway.
I want to impregnate Cidney with my inferior seed.
Marry Iris
Fuck Cindy
Kill the rest.
Fuck and marry Cindy
Kill the rest
Going from Kingsglaive to FFXV was really jarring for me. Luna was pretty cool in the movie and looked much better. Then in the game she becomes some generic Japanese waifu who doesn't really do anything and has a different actress.
luna in kingsglaive looked qt as heck and was overall the best character in the movie
Marry Ignis
Kill Noctis
Fuck Gladiolus
marry ara-ara
fuck cidney
kill others
I feel like Aranea kind of fills the Lulu role in the game, only you hardly get to spend any time with her so it's far less satisfying. It's kind of dumb if we have to wait for dlcs now to get the characters that we want rather than just having it in the game from the get go.
Marry Iris, Fuck Aranea/Cindy/Gentiana, Kill Luna
ingame luna looks so fucking weird
yeah, I liked her in Kingsglaive, almost so much that I would watch it again. In FFXV she may as well be literally who.
They didn't do anything at all with her in the game, I don't see how anyone could have possibly gotten attached to her enough to care at all when she died.
Apparently Square thinks they can just make generic waifu bait and you'll just automatically get attached with no work at developing the character on their end.
Maybe they'll fix it in the dlc's, but really the moment has already passed.
actually, don't see why they even needed to change the actress, i mean what did she have like 30 lines tops? No reason they couldn't have just done that when they had Lena in the studio.
Well you care if you watch the movie. That's one of the problems with the game though, is that you have to watch supplemental stuff to actually know whats going on. Which is dumb, they created all this lore and characters but did jack shit with it. Maybe we'll get a FF15-2, I hope so. FF13 didn't deserve it but this one does.
If they do a sequel and pick up where it left off with Cor, Iris and Aranea as the main characters I'd buy it. I've seen quite a lot of people say that they wanted those characters in the party more, and it seems like people liked the potential with those characters a lot, they seemed cool with good personalities etc. . . but square just failed to deliver on that potential so ultimately they all just kind of became whos.
>I don't care about the actual fucking game, I'm on Sup Forums dammit so lets just have stupid waifu chat.
Marry Aranea
Fuck Cindy because she is asking for it
Fuck Gentiana because she is sexy
Kill Iris and literally who heroine
>tfw mizuryuu kei finally has more material to make ff doujin
It's gonna be a good comiket.
Thing is why would they make a sequel when they forced Tabata to make it a single game in the first place? V13 was supposed to be a trilogy but Square had him massacre the script in order to keep everything contained to one game and he still decided to make the prologue into a movie.
literally the only correct answer
poochy? you mean his dog from the anime?
>5 minutes of screen time
Luna, easy choice
Gentiana, having a goddess with cowtits as my slave is the obvious choice
>Adopted Sister
Iris. You can fug your adopted/step sister consequence free, right?
Marry Iris
Marry Iris
Marry Iris
Kill them all
Marry Gladio
I'm not a fan of characters who try to force the whole "it is my duty/destiny" to justify everything they do
marry all
kill op
fuck ops mom
Marry dragon, fuck mechanic , kill lol is that a little girl