Gets shoe horned into lesbo-pedo kissing in first DLC

>gets shoe horned into lesbo-pedo kissing in first DLC
>becomes officially dyke thanks to Neil (((Druckmann)))
>now has tattoo

Who suffered from this more David (best girl turning into shit girl) or Joel (daughterful being tarnished and trashy)?

nobody, she was shit all along, can't even whistle, fag

>almost a week later and OP is still bitching over concept art

I don't care, I'm not gay, I would never play this game anyway due to the mentioned gayness, fuck off with this thread.

if tattoos offend you you should really return to your safe space Sup Forums

Strong independent women aren't allowed to be straight. Don't you know that OP?

2016 being gay. should be a trans boy.

>post apocalyptic tattoos

kikes ruining games as always, what a surprise

>omg trees r triggering me pls delete

I'm sure there would be plenty of dumb asses who would risk infection for some ink.

TLOU 2 is about a lucky dumb ass.

How much of a faggot do you have to be to get so angry over tattoos?

I'm serious, I don't have any myself but I don't get all shitter shattered when I see other people with them. And with Ellies case if you actually think for 5 seconds you would realize it covers up her bite

>people in 500B.C had tattoos

>Has a moment of bisexuality at a young age
>Is almost raped by evil men
>Constantly saved by a white man
>Now dresses exactly like her black lesbian friend
>Has a tattoo of a moth, a symbol of transformation
>Joel will be a figment of her imagination because you can't have her rely on a CIS white male
>She will be confirmed lesbian in part 2
Enjoyed the first game but this is just too much.

Jesus... what did they do to her?

They thought tattoos bestowed them with power and the Gods decided who got infections and who healed.


He should be ashamed of his last name

Based Neil Druckmann making Sup Forums throw a fit

>There were still functioning settlements in TLOU 1
>It has now been several years, giving these settlements time to grow
>It's impossible that someone provide a skill for others in exchange for supplies/money in an exchange called a """trade"""

Agreed. Also recently finished uncharted 4 and nate has a daughter who i feel will be the next protagonist. Wtf is with Neil and little girls? Is he obsses?

>it's another thread about how pedophiles on Sup Forums bemoan people who age
happened to chloe grace moretz, elle fanning, and basically every animated character to ever have a "grown" version that skipped everything straight into milf for the other people with mommy fetishes

>post-apocalyptic world
>okay I have 3 days worth of food, time to trade some of it for a fucking tattoo

im tired of this meme that liberals keep trying to pass that lesbians and bisexuals exist

both are just women seeking attention from men, why would elle want to seek attention to guys who don't exist?

I just found this in-engine render, shit's going to suck. They're using a ton of field of depth effects to hide the shit graphics and it'll probably run at 30fps.

Also, Ellie looks like shit, thanks for giving me another excuse to never purchase your products again, Naughty Cuck.

>turning a graceful feminine little girl into a tattooed social justice warrior to be 'le progressive'

Fuck American devs

>graceful feminine little girl
this user was right, this thread is just full of pedos

The first game doesn't replay well at all, but at 27 years old there are very far and few games I can remember fondly enjoying the first time.
>QT young grill with unique and interesting character (who is basically a rip-off of ellen page, in her prime no complaint)
>cliche' but engagingly told story
>brutal gore despite young grill
>believably broken characters
Are devs afraid to take even a little political/social heat for profit? When the fuck did it become logical to damage a franchise to appease people who probably don't even own shares
>inb4 jews
Not fucking everything is about jews Sup Forums

You know, if The Last of Us was more of a video game rather than interactive movie, I'd want to believe the tattoos worked as part of an in-game UI element. Maybe a health bar?

But no, chances are that's bull.

how come people always say that shit about The Last of Us but never complain about the countless VN threads on Sup Forums?

I don't understand the "Ellen Page and Emma Watson are cute" meme. Are these people trolling or do they just have shit taste?

*where is the keyword
See Natalie Portman for example

they're both slightly boy-ish, that sort of ambiguous and innocent appearance that pedophiles love

The Last of Us is literally a third person shooter with stealth mechanics, exploration and customizable loadouts in online multiplayer. It's more of a game than Walking Dead, Pokemon, whatever most people are playing. The gameplay is fine, the flaw of TLOU is the fucking cringe worthy attempts to be edgy and progressive

I would have sex with both if given the chance, even full dyke Page

Oh look, this thread again complaining about CONCEPT ART

You are retarded. Case closed.

It's worrying that you would claim to know what they love user.

see this post, where they have to reference a young natalie portman even though she often rocks the same haircut and still has a very attractive face today

Just Sup Forums being contrarian hipsters for the sake of being contrarian hipsters. The people saying that have never played the game.

>It's a people bitching about Ellie in TLOU2 thread

Naughty Dog seems to play loose with character design. Ellie looked like Ellen Page in early trailers fof the first one and she looks more feminine in the trailer for 2. But lets bitch about it for the thousandth time.

Should have sacrificed her for the cure desu

>natalie portman roundface pussy showing whore
>Attractive today
>I'm okay with CIS-hating dykes

She didn't know she would have her brain stem removed, they lied and said it would be a minor surgery.
Did you play the game?

That's a fucking male, what the fuck happened to Ellie? This shit looks fucking awful, game completely ruined.

>Draw a boy
>Call it a girl

lel that tattoo and dyke haircut

have you ever even watched Leon the Professional? She's literally an accomplice to a hitman and SHE was the one who wanted to initiate having sex with a man much older than she was. She was never pure.

I swear to God that Ellie looks like Carl Grimes now. Someone shoop in an eyepatch and sheriff hat...!

>why isn't elle attractive anymore
she was never supposed to be 'attractive' you kidfuckers

>skinny pre-ripped hipster jeans

Doesn't mean they had to turn her into a man.

No one cares that she isn't a model, just that she looks literally like a dude.

This, but more like
>everything around me is fucked up
>time to make some tattoo

people like that exist in real life, in fact more women look kind of average and stocky than the opposite which is why no one thinks a 5 is a feminine pretty woman

It's just fucking ridiculous, the amount of pandering to SJW with this game will be insane, Naughty Dog is really going out of their way to include all this shit, lesbian Ellie was just the beginning.

There's a compilation of fucking youtube e-celebs crying to the TLoU 2 trailer.

She looks better in the game. Also she probably smells.

>looks exactly like ellen page
>people are surprised she's a lesbian

Those two are still more feminine than Ellie.

>anything is SJW if it has gays or blacks in it
>things that exist in real life

Well at least we can agree that theyre things

Who the fuck cares? The Walking Dead Season 3 will be the better movie game just like S1 and S2 were batter than the first TLoU.

ok so you also agree that a game isn't necessarily pandering to SJWs if they just portray actual things that exist all around the world

Oh boy...


>This game is Sjw because it has gays and blacks!
That's like saying a game is rape because it has sexy females or a game is pedo shit because it has a child, or a game is anti-blacks because you can shoot a nigga.

>self-hating insecure closeted faggot detected

lets just hope they don't go to Batwoman's level

Batwoman was always a lesbian

They're just edgy teens and PCucks spouting SJW and "moviegame" memes.

They have never played The Last of Us.

thanks for finally realizing Sup Forums's stupidity and SJW's same stupidity are one in the same coin

>horned into lesbo-pedo kissing in first DLC
Can someone explain this meme? How can you shoe horn a romantic interest? Did people just see her as a daughter and didn't want her to grow up?

Would it had been better if it was straight?

Whats wrong with not being able to whistle?

>you just assume my gender!?

No, he just sees dollar signs because they're what the liberals want.

So they made her into the kid from The Walking Dead

What happened to western artists that they're incapable of making a female character that isn't an ugly dyke?

Because real women are full of flaws.

>post-apocalyptic world
>wastes time getting a tattoo to show what a speshul snowflake she is

sounds about right
except for the fact such a vapid bitch would be zombie chow about 60 seconds into that world without having that older man around to take care of her

>Would it had been better if it was straight?


Kill yourself, memespouting newfag.

>post apocalyptic world
>can get tattoos anyway

what the fuck

All it takes is a needle and some pigment.

we want the neogaf audience

ND aren't pandering to anyone.

A straight white man murders a black woman at the end of the game. The SJW pandering exists only in your head and if you are offended by other people being emotionally invested in the story of TLOU then that's your problem. I'd recommend that you reevaluate your life and stop being a bitch. Grow up, son.

>post apocalyptic world
>has absolutely nobody that gives a shit about her except one girl, has a single moment of experimentation, Sup Forums of all people getting upset about homosexuals while jerking it to traps
>has to wear any clothes she can possibly find that isn't rotten or falling apart
>keeps hair short because in a hand to hand fight it's much harder to grapple or grab an enemy if they have short hair hence why military always requires males to have short hair and why warriors in the past had short hair but not like Sup Forums would know anything about fighting

hypocrites and retards

who cares if the game is less of a movie and fun to play

>How can you shoe horn a romantic interest?

It was sudden and she didn't hint at any bisexual or lesbo tendencies in the main game nor early parts of the DLC. If her dykness was presented similar to how Bill's faggotory was in the main game, barely anyone will complain

>Sup Forums of all people getting upset about homosexuals while jerking it to traps
>implying it's not newfags who get triggered by the slightest thing

The character model for the game looks fine, that's just a fucked up drawing. Naughty Dog in general has really shitty concept artists. I'm amazing they can even work off these designs.

Why would tattooing not exist in a post apocalyptic world?
Did all the ink and needles suddenly disappear off the face of the Earth?

Quit being retarded, Sup Forums.


ok but why lick pussy in a post-apocalyptic world where not only having kids wouldn't just be important, it'd be your moral duty, especially if you're immune to shit

She's genuinely hot and attractive now, you loonies.

why is everyone in this game a faggot or dyke?

>Sup Forums has become so puritan in response to SJWs that a character having a tattoo is considered a negative aspect of their design

>but I want muh Ellie waifu to have massive tits and have unlockable bikini outfit


May as well go to a lecture or church sermon for as much leftist/globalist bullshit they elude to. You wouldn't notice because you probably are partial to all the ideologies being shared. (Bias and all that nonsense.)

I definitely consider ND products to be left leaning and 'sjw'.

Looks fine to me

It's funny how this site goes through cycles like that. In 4 years it'll be the complete opposite.

Waifus don't have tattoos. Sluts and dykes do.

Protip: the people complaining are retarded.

Nah, it's these next few months. Reminder that Sup Forums made fun of Dubya, Obongo, and will likely make fun of Trump. Everything is a phase.