It's been about a week since The Last Guardian came out and people should be finished or finishing it up by now...

It's been about a week since The Last Guardian came out and people should be finished or finishing it up by now, so let's have a last guardian thread.

What did you think of the game Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

It felt rushed. I feel like they should've taken another year to iron out all the bugs.

I haven't finished it yet but I'm loving it so far

It's good.
I love how it keeps the SotC feel by utilizing a giant NPC as a movable part of the interactive environment instead of using giant static levels like ico did.

>What did you think of the game Sup Forums?
I played it with a friend over the weekend.

Aesthetic is nice and clean with a high contrast similar to passed games, Ico and SotC.
It's nice to play a game where there isn't a bunch of NPCs yelling at you through a headset, or appearing as a talking head.

Controls seem to be a sluggish version of SotC, though I haven't played SotC since it was released.
The game isn't really "fun", and by that I mean that there was no point where I really felt like I was enjoying myself. That's not to say I was having a bad time with it, but as a whole the experience was resoundingly mediocre.
Despite the aesthetic being great, the graphics are mediocre.
Trico is one of the most tedious and unresponsive things I've ever experienced in a video game.

Overall I'd say it's a decent to good game, but a lot of it felt really run-of-the-mill. This game didn't blow me away like SotC did, and it didn't have that feeling of a journey or adventure like Ico did. It just was what it was, and I'll probably never play it again.

You just described almost every AAA launch of the last 2 years.

IGN's review was spot on imo. Awkward and frustrating controls in places they just felt clunky. Poor camera. Trico, however, is the best character of any game. Ever. The emotional response they managed to elicit from polygons is remarkable and he truly feels like a believable creature.

Astmosphere and level design was fantastic. Puzzles were simple but still enjoyable. Game overall I'd give it 8/10.

>9 years and still felt rushed


It's great. I don't understand how so many people have such huge gripes with it. I was prepared to be annoyed by relying on an AI but they actually did a good enough job that I just about never got frustrated. I also think the graphics are gorgeous. The lighting is absolutely marvelous, the trees with every single leaf modeled and physically reacting to the wind along with the tall grass on the ground looked great. Trico is a marvel of technology. How well animated that creature is and how lifelike it feels is really impressive, I am really curious as to how they animated it so that it never clips through walls or objects. If it's about to crash into something it'll bend its neck away from it independently of the animations on the rest of its body. Shit's impressive and looks just like how a real animal would behave.

All that said, I played Ico and SotC less than a year ago so I got pretty much exactly what I expected from the game. I feel like most of the people complaining about the tediousness of it have never played an Ueda game before. They all have tedious and frustrating moments. Hell I got way more frustrated fighting certain colossi in SotC than I ever got with anything in TLG.

What bugs?

Neogaf seems to like it.

>Can't climb up inside Tricos butthole

fucking bullshit

I played with walkthrough. More comfy, less frustation.

At its core, it's beautiful and atmospheric, with one of the best animated creatures that I've ever seen as the focal point of a fantasy game.

My frustration was with several puzzles where Trico straight-up refused to do what he was supposed to for like twenty minutes.

Not game-breaking. But rough around the edges.

I was actually really impressed with Trico's fully rendered asshole.

The music makes me so happy. For all the shit Ueda's games get, you can't blame him for wanting to make a game like this

I liked it. I give it a 8/10.
I would rate it higher if the environment had more variety and if trico wasnt a piece of shit. Music was good, graphics were good, animations were phenomenal, ending was pretty great

Trico was great for me, there is a point in the game where you learn that if Trico is not doing what you're trying to make him do than you're doing it wrong. However there was one part that really did frustrate me, the part where you try to make him dive underwater, he just would not fucking do it for like 20 minutes for me.

Outside of that I thought he was great

>20 minutes

Its a vagina and asshole.

I do wish the boy had some shadow on his model though. He looks real weird

I was stuck on that diving part for a while too. Only part in the game that actually made me angry. You would think with 10 years in dev something like that would have been polished out.

Thoughts on the ending?

Not going to lie I shed a few tears lads

>feed Trico a barrel
>he nuzzles his head against you
I can't honestly think of a game that has more cute moments than Trico is in TLG

Some advice to those starting out, DON"T fucking spam the commands, it'll just fuck up and make Trico end up confused due to a command queue.

Having to do the Go command was a real nice touch. Loved it

Agree the boy is definitely the worst looking part of the game. Like an oompa loompa. It's distracting.

>neogaf announced their game of the year

I'm not exaggerating. During the sequence where I needed Trico to swim underwater, and the bit where you have to wait for him to lower his tail down the pit to pull you up, I waited at least that long while he just paced back and forth, ignoring commands until he just randomly decided to do it on his own.

They might have wanted him to stand out from the environment, but it does look weird.

I cried like a baby. I can't stand Trico getting hurt. She did nothing wrong to deserve all the abuse.

I wanted to play as grown up Boy. I am hoping he reunites with Trico and they go on another adventure together in the sequel.


I can't wait till 2025!

That last boss was pretty brutal

I had no problems with that. Only part of the game I had a problem with is when you fall in the water hole and there's nothing there but a box, and you somehow with no hints have to figure out you need to go in the corner of the room and call for Trico so he can stomp a hole through the floor in that specific part of the room and then lower his tail for you. And just getting the tail to actually fall all the way down and not get stuck on the beams can easily take 10 minutes if you're unlucky.

In retrospect the problem here was not Trico, that room was just a retarded and badly designed puzzle.

I like that they managed to have an emotional climax without taking the obvious tragedy route and brutally killing Trico off.

I got a Another World vibe from his styling. Shame it clashes with the art style for the rest of the game so harshly.

The relevant part I was supposed to paste

Trico and her baby go on adventures with the grown up boy. ;_; I would love that very much.

I didn't like the last fight though

I´m literally to dumb for strategy games but I managed to never take more than 10 minutes finnicking with him.

I liked it, but I had a ton of questions about the Master of the Valley. Was he just some rogue A.I. fueled by children? Was he the remnants of the soul of whatever was encased in that giant tomb?

Anyone have the soundtrack?

It was another form of dormin, the place where you get the shield has the same pool he got sucked into. The tomb that lies next to it is Wanders. This is all 100% canon

It wasn't a matter of skill or strategy. The solution of where to go in those situations was obvious. Trico just didn't always comply.

Made me miss Yorda.

So, I was fisting and touching Trico's vagina all along?

>That time Trico mans up and saves you even with those eye things that he's scared of up

It was frustrating and lame.

>It felt rushed
weird, I felt it was the most finished game that I have played in the past 2 years

>She later gets turned into the fucking Triconian Pincushion when you fight your way up the tower
This game destroys my soul

fuck off

I get that Tricos were conditioned to fear the eyes, but did anyone find any deeper meaning to that?

Or is it just symbolic of the Master watching over the whole valley?

I had the same feeling. FF15 feels like it's not complete.

It literally has a modeled vagina
Doesn't get more canon than that

Season Pass

girls don't poop from the their vagina, user...

Not all girls have vaginas shitlord

Wait, Tuuhrikuuu has a pooping animation?

>Didn't get one trophy until I beat the game

I don't really care for trophies but I did find that weird

Yes you even get a trophy for it

Another blind user.
Look I don't want a season pass. REEEE

Not even the "Witness Trico pooping" one?

Got any webms?
>Getting trophies for watching animals poop
Fucking Japan man.

Its in a weird spot for me.
On hand i love the aspects it took from ico especially the scenery and architecture.
But the mechanics and such it took from sotc left me really irritated.

Overall i felt unsatisfied at the end.
Its a decent but flawed game.

Yeah haha if you use the pat button (O) on tricos asshole for about 2 minutes she poops haha

haha do you have any pictures or footage of that?
just for laughs haha

>Played to completion
>Almost 15 hours of play time
>Absolutely no bugs

What the fuck are you talking about?

Not even the shit camera indoors and cringy FPS can stop this from being my GOTY.

Controls in general would have been much better if grabbing was fully manual like in SotC. Auto-grabbing made climbing around Toriko a pain at times.

I just passed that part on my second playthrough, and I literally had to point forward ONCE with the camera tilted downwards in both dive sections. People who can't get this right must be utter retards with their commands.

Literally can't see shit captain.
But thanks anyways I guess.

look at its feet at around 28 seconds. You can it drop down in blobs.

I'll tell you once it comes out on PC.


good one

Oh okay.

Does it just happen randomly?

>People who can't get this right must be utter retards with their commands.
Yes, all of the people pointing straight in the direction that Trico needed to go were clearing not pointing hard enough.

Surely all those who had similar mechanical issues were in the wrong.

Yes you might go the entire game and it could never happen

works on my machine

Thoughts: Tricos are, at least ancestrially, colossi.

Many of the colossi have turquoise coloring just like the Trico horns. One of them specifically HAS turquoise horns.

When a colossus notices you and is focused on you, its eyes turn yellow/orange. Trico does the same when focused on treats (yellow) or aggression (red).

4 of the Colossus shoot short laser bolts, usually 3-4 at a time, and red or orange in color. Trico's tail shoots 3 laser bolts, 3 at a time and orange in color.


I forgot about the Colossus having shifting eye colors as well .

I wonder if Trico's eyes still change now that it's not under the Master of the Valley's control.

Definitely some Colossi connection. When you feed Trico a barrel, its eyes look similar to this

When you feed Trico a barrel, its eyes look similar to this
Just a lot less horrifying
Also nice trips

Whats the master of the valley? The glowing sphere you destroy at the end?

Yes. There's a possibility it's Dormin from SOTC.



Why does trico always do these gay ass mini jumps in fighting mode.
It looks so fucking gay and stupid.

>When the barrel hits you too hard

It's great.

What causes Trico's horns to grow?

Giving her food I think.

I'm not sure but I think that's something a specific animal does when they're fighting or defensive.

It looks creepy

Just a few very specific story barrels. Most barrels do nothing and just are for collectibles... but when Trico lays down and is hungry, those story barrels you find to progress are what cause her horns to grow

>when u snorted an entire barrel of dead children and u just sit there tryin not to die

Wow i hate animals now

>When Trico tries to put his head through a hole he can't fit through

A comfy game with very simple, but rewarding puzzles, blends SotC and Ico feels of gameplay pretty well, even if Trico is one of the most frustrating AI's at some points, and has some of the best art design I've seen in a long time.

Not exactly worth the 9 year development, but its worth the $60.

Maybe I just sound like an insane person, but isn't this the place where Wanderer fell into the abyss and turned into a baby?

>that one part where she tries to get at the pot of green stuf
>her butt is all the way up in the air
>she gets her horns stuck in the hole

>When you jump on the mean Trico's head to get to the other platform.

I felt like I was literally in a Ghibli movie.