What is your biggest 'THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS!' moment in vidya?
What is your biggest 'THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS!' moment in vidya?
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When you play a game and it doesn't suck
>caring about shiny pokemon
fucking rip OP
I got a sharpened Queen's Elegance sword to drop in pic related.
This when it dropped the first time I did the BCNM.
What happened?
I don't understand. Shiny pokemon are completely invalidated because of hackers making flawless hacked pokemon and trading them over GTS and other people.
You can't tell the difference and it takes 5 minutes to make them, shiny hunting is literally retarded.
Took me 38 G-Rank Seregios hunts to get my lens
The dopamine rush I got when it finally appeared was so intense that my mind went blank for a second
I got one to drop once, had a deal to split with 2 other guys, easy 20M+ each
When I managed to beat the last level in Mario Galaxy 2, and even though I felt like going THERE IT IS, I couldn't because my mother was sleeping in the living room, and nearly beat the crap out me even when I was ecstasicly flailing my arms around not making a sound
that thing looks like shit. I am assuming this is good because of on hit effects in the game it is in?
>getting autistic over a shitty recolor
>You can't tell the difference
hi red.dit
also that ponyta video was from like 2005. get a clue
fiery warhorse reins
I literally yelled so loud the neighbours porch light came on then I got noided thinking they'd call the police
and to imply shiny hunting or shit like this is "pointless" is a lie because I imagine we're more chasing the high that comes after collective effort put towards a goal
except were losers and it isnt life, it's video games
Probably when I played an old MMO and got a RNG gem socket in a item that can't be socketed normally.
dey took her
Farmed one of these for a couple of months. Also got one of the first phosphorescent drakes on my server.
I did duo it and made like 30M back then. Which was huge.
It was extremely powerful for certain classes like DRK due to how TP building mechanics were working.
Hitting 2~8 times meant a solid average of 4~5 hits, your TP bar would fill super fast enabling you to unleash skill attacks 2~3 times more often than when using a normal weapon.
I don't understand. Money is completely invalidated because of robbers stealing money and giving it to other people in exchange for goods and services.
You can't tell the difference and it takes about a week of prep time to rob one bank, having a job is literally retarded.
I remember hacking pokemon since gold/silver.
Pokemon created in pokehex are identical to actual pokemon as long as you don't make them with ape shit retarded stats.
getting the fucking rusted hammer from a rustshard in MHTri.
At least an hour+ trying to fucking find that stupid thing.
At least it wasn't a food analogy.
like other user said it was goot for TP build + spam but it fed TP to the mobs like a motherfucker too, and the lackluster dps from the club itself made it way overrated
where it really shined was on DRK using Blood Weapon + Souleater with maxed haste, you could hit 200ish per swing even with the low weapon damage
getting the ashes of al'ar.
this shit appeared in front me a friday night when i was leveling an alt, i panicked so fucking much but i got it, had to pay for artisan riding to use the mount.
This. But I've since quit wow.
Stealing isn't a good comparison, and even copying money which would have fit better in your scenario would not even be applicable.
You don't have any downsides to created hacked pokemon, they react and look identical to real ones and it isn't illegal to make them.
The closest comparison you can get to try and justify farming shiny pokemon is obtaining something from hard work vs getting it immediatly through other means.
Thing is, with digital items like these it doesn't matter as pretty much anyone would take free car as to building one.
But instead of the car being random, you build the car how you want and get it for free.
This shit took forever as a kid.
>play pokemon sun
>do the new chain
>kill the shinny
What does it say about me that I found that thing 3 times?
Only killed him once.The first time I found it.
someone post the shiny pidgey pasta
That is the easiest to get it is 20 hours of play time.
My shiny Minior self destructed, I couldn't sleep it because of Shields Down.
I did that shiny hunting Beldum, that shit took me 5 more hours to get
found all types of vagrants in dark souls 1
one of the fuckers even killed me by spawning in the passageway where you have to dodge the silver knights arrows in anor londo
i get all this fucker but not this one and classic midnight
When I chain fished for a Shiny Feebas in AS.
Getting something good from the gacha items in Elsword (A Salvatore Gaia Claw)
Getting my first random draw uber in battle cats (Takeda Shingen)
I think they increased the find rate of those things, in my first playthrough I found nothing. This was near launch of the game.
I played the game a few months back and ran into one in an incomplete playthrough, and two in another play through.
I never seen a good red vagrant though.
That drake reminds me.
I manually grinded the recipe for this myself when cata first came out and it didn't even feel that special because it only took me a week or so.
You guys should have farmed for that bat monkey mount. Looks tons better than that ugly poop rock dragon.
>back in cata
Made me mad dosh.
Accumulated 3 Rathalos plates in a row while helping a buddy grind for one - he didn't find one for another 30 fights at least. Desire sensor is real
>says that someone's comparison is faulty
>proceeds to use a faulty comparison
Wow, I bet the eight other people who play that game were pretty impressed!
Yeah because you would get a material item from the comparison I made.
For digital the only logical decision to make is to actually hack them instead of actually taking millions of hours and doing it yourself.
>tfw I never managed to beat it
Even going back after all these years I still couldn't, I remember back when I was 13 I ended up crying at one point because I had been playing that level trying to beat it all day.
You just go back and forth killing shmoos between the one room, it literally spawns right there.
I know its easy now but back then all I used to know Mewtwo was in the game was a magazine that said to play for 20 hours or play I think 700 versus matches.
I was stupid enough to think the versus matches were the easier option.
Since when did someone make a witcher 3 cartoon?
That was actually me trying to beat Crash Twinsanity.
I spent entire months stuck at Madame Amberly and the final boss.
I keep my Master Ball post-game exactly because of bullshit like self destructing shinies.
Got myself a shiny Magby without farming quite early on in the game too, shame that shiny Magmortar looks awful and it didn't generate anywhere near good enough to use competitively if I gave a crap about that.
Looted this while leveling my monk in KC on the very first progression server.
It can still take a while to drop, there's also the chance that you'll get so used to going back and forth for 10 minutes that you accidentally leave the room without picking it up.
Not a there it is moment, but I've gotten plenty of rare items / mounts in WoW just by playing the game naturally and being lucky.
>do firelands one time randomly with friends, get firehawk mount
>do battered hilt run for giggles, get it on the first try
>do rivendare mount run because my bro's countless months of hunting never turned up
>get it on the 3rd run
>recently do a timewalking dungeon with some friends
>timereaver mount drops on the first run of the night
I think I may just be a lucky person in general.
QQ more, pls.
Probably hatching a legit Drought Vulpix in BW2. That was pretty fucking sweet, and now I can Bottle Cap its stats to be perfect.
What a terrible analogy
Nice. Don't let these children bring you down.
The first and only time I found one of these I nearly shit myself. Someone else almost grabbed it, that fuck. I was Redria, but we weren't piping.
Excalibur in Vagrant Story, I guess.
I saw 3 of them on my first game. Didn't even realise they were supposed to be until I saw some guy on Sup Forums flipping his shit over one.
This so much.
The only thing that made DRK usefull in XI.
>inb4 people come and defend the class.
SAM master race
YES! I was just about to post this, but I couldn't remember the name of it. Fuck yeah, I love this sword. Spent so fucking long farming for it.
what mount are you talking about?
not something i was specifically looking for but i once got a perfect maras drop in d2
Encountering Akuma for the first time in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
Fucking Black Dye Jesus Christ
Getting certain gems in Monster Hunter
I've shiny hunted a few times but I've never had one take a thousand or more eggs so I feel pretty content with those
>first time playing GW
>black dye drops in Ascalon
>merch it
>later find out what mistake I've made
>introduce friend to GW
>black dye drops in Ascalon
>merch it
Not the rarest mount out there but one of my favourites, and it took forever to get it in Lich King for me.
We must dispel once and for with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing he knows exactly what he's doing
Back when I used to play KoL I was grinding for Meat Stacks or something in one of the early areas for money and ended up getting one of the ultra rares. Felt pretty good
Now that you've acknowledged it, you've cursed yourself.
I have fuck tons of those moments, mostly in WoW since I played for the first 10 years it was out and I had more mounts than most people and got most rares ages before most people had them.
That may seem like a joke now with everything being account wide and the hidden internal nerf to content 5 levels below you (only classic-cata) and everyone having 8 billion alts, but for the first 6 years I only played my main, all my farming was on that one toon.
Then by the time I ended up quitting (1 year before Legion) I had 12 100's, so farming was easy.
A few that stand out were TLPD during Wrath.
Ashes during Cata via a 2man vs the insanely easy to fuck up 45 min kite strat on our first fucking kill as a duo. We freaked the fuck out, still have pics of it, I think.
Some mounts during Wrath, camel figurine during Firelands patch (real figurine, not fake).
And many others.
My first OMFG moment was Baron Rivendares Deathcharger 2 days after the patch in TBC that brought it up to a 1% from a .01%, on that run some random level 60 retard almost convinced me to sell him a run and he gets all loot, would of been my 34th run that week (first week I tried). The fight wasn't hard when Holy dmg was a thing, but when it was based on str my Ret gear barely allowed me to down him (I avoid autistically long strats, if I can't do it fast it's not worth doing).
Last year during the 2 months I played FF14 I ended up farming all the mounts except Nightmare at level 55 within one week, I formed a shitload of groups, then quit because I was just mount farming like a moron.
I'm sorry, but you should've been using a 'mon with Damp if you were hunting a shiny Minior. I'm sure Golduck or something can learn False Swipe.
Forgot pic
Well I'm sorry to hear that....