Defend this

defend this

Makes it easier on the kids.

It's been a JRPG standard for years.

Only appears after you've already defeated that pokemon, and it makes it easier for kids and people new to the game to get into it. If you're a veteran player and don't know type match-ups by heart, you have other problems.

inb4 but muh casualization
The game is meant for children and young teens, of course the game is relatively easy for adults.

Do the Festival Plaza pop quiz mission if you want to brush up on type matchups. Simple.

>picking Popplio

What's wrong with it?

It only appears after you meet a new mon. It's mainly only there for competitive as remembering type effectiveness on 800+ mons is a bit annoying.

>not putting attacking moves at the top with STAB the highest, and status moves at the bottom

We all figured this shit out when we were 7 years old. Why can't modern 7 year olds do it?

I don't really give a shit. Pokemon was never hardcore and never will be

the mechanic isn't the issue. games like SMT keep track of resistances/weaknesses and still manage to be interesting.

I never rearrange my moves at all.

You try remembering the type combinations of 800 different monsters.

Remembering what is super effective is easy, but remembering resistances has always been more difficult.

Meh, I am OK with this. Hell, I am just glad they implemented a option to see IVs way easier and without having to go to a NPC every time.

You don't have to, idiot. You only have to remember the type chart.

Good, I can never remember steel vs. ground or Ice match ups

>you don't have to know what type the thing you are fighting is

Types like Dragon, Fairy, Dark, Psychic etc are confusing for newcomers. And this generation has introduced a bunch of Pokémon with not-so obvious types. As a veteran to the series, I already knew the type chart off by heart. Them telling me what I already know isn't going to change anything. Giving players more information doesn't mean they're casualizing the game, it's a strategy game, figuring out the mechanics shouldn't be part of the difficulty.

I'm pretty sure you still need the stat judge for IVs. But you can see a graphical representation of EVs by pressing Y on the stat screen.

It ads the IV judge to the PC menu at end game.

Oh, neat.

who actually gives a shit lmao it's a fucking kids game

we have to cater to the mental and sjws too

I can never remember poison or steel matchups, so I'm happy they put this in.

Who cares? Every JRPG does this. Remembering weakness doesn't mean shit, it's just memorization for the sake of. You can easily look up the same information in a second if you want to.

I remember steel because I used to have a magnezone MVP, but poison is a complete mystery to me. That and fairy, since this is my first 3DS pokemon.

>bug is not very effective against fighting
>fighting is not very effective against bug

It's saving you the google search you would have done anyway if you were unsure about that one obscure type matchup.

Sometimes figuring out weaknesses and resistances gets confusing especially when Gen6 changed everything. Like what moves would a Steet/Poison pokemon be resistant to?

It wouldn't be fair for even more things to be super effective against bug.

yever try da punch a bug?

Doesn't work on first encounters

They don't account abilities

So if somebody has levitate it will still say super effective

It's been 20 Fucking years, you should Atleast know the basic bitch type chart

It's hard to punch a bug
It's hard for a bug to kill a martial artist.

Already did.


I learned all the type matches so it helps to not give a fuck.
Also it doesn't work the first time you fight a Pokemon, so it's still half of the mystery.

Aloan forms have alternate typing, and multiple pokemon saw typing changes with the addition of Fairy form. Pokemon that had static weakness and resistances for over twenty years suddenly saw their chart completely flip. Yes, this also happened in Gen 2, but Gen 2 did not have the capability of implementing this and future Gens saw no need until now (honestly this should have been done in XY).

I'm the only one that read this as a rape joke aren't I?

If it's blue it's Water, if it's green it's Grass, if it's red it's Fire, etc.

And then you have to remember what double type the thing you're fighting is

Its a game for kids.

No way you could tell this fucker was steel type just from looking at him. A lot of them are pretty ambiguously typed.

I assumed it was Fairy because of the faggot hair.

and then you come across Sudowoodo or Flygon

Yeah you could. he's surrounded by by steel rocks.

Buizel is orange and white and is a Water type. Trapinch is orange and is a ground type. Skitty is pink but is normal and not fairy. There are a ton of examples where the color doesn't match the typing.

>steel rocks


Well it's a hell of a lot easier to remember 151 pokemon types than it is to remember god knows how many there are nowadays.

>doesn't appear when it's a mon you've never seen before
>actually remembering all 800 pokemon types and abilities on your own

okay nerd

Post your teams, bonus points for nicknames

>Franky the Crabominable
>Rocky the Minior
>Sandmargh the Pallosand

but I do
I honestly don't understand how people don't

How is adding what move is super effective Sjw? God yu guys are becoming bigger faggots than them.

It's not that hard to tell a Pokémon's type by looking at that

It's the tricky ones like Incineroar being half normal

People still forget Venasaur is part poison

>If it's blue it's Water


boy I love being forced to switch every couple turns!

So only remember the ones that aren't obvious. The obvious ones will be obvious, so whatever.

Sudowoodo is that way on purpose, and see above for Flygon. Besides, you've had almost fifteen years to get used to Flygon.

Trapinch is one of those bugs that live underground. Why wouldn't it be ground? And Buizel and Floatzel have buoy and float in their names. Also, when's the last time a battle hinged on you landing a super effective hit on a Skitty? It's not like they're bulky. They've also been around for almost fifteen years

There's so many more type combos and the fairy addition/rebalance fucked it all up a lot too. Frankly, I welcome a system to remind me that the Dark/Ghost Dusknoir is weak to Dark and Ghost. I don't care about remembering all that shit again.

go get that daltonism checked user

No. I've seen infinity more posts attacking SJWs who aren't even in the thread at all than I've ever seen SJWs actually talking here.

You did turn off EXP share right fags?

You didn't leave it on and then complain about difficulty did you?


You are an idiot.

Golisopod's ability is more an asset than a liability.
It'll come in for a revenge kill, stay to deal some damage to a 2nd pokemon (guarenteed the turn its ability activates because it can learn 3 priority moves), and then swap out for free into a more suitable mon to take out what swapped Goliso out, and then it comes back for a 2nd revenge kill later.
It's great.

>once per battle

Currently working on a team of non-evolvers.

I wish we had more mutual NVEs like this.

>these don't count because I say so
Yeah, no. Fuck off

But that's the whole point of the monster. It's supposed to trick you into thinking it's Grass.

I would argue that learning strengths and weaknesses was half the fun.

It made you feel like a pokemon master after studying that shit and the friend you battled didn't and used something weak against you.

Where did I even say that?

It's only a problem when you're fighting an enemy with "fuck priority" powers.

Oh no, it's not completely blue! It still counts you shits.

Taking the learning of it out of the game basically just makes it a number crunching game on a casual level.

That's awful.

I didn't. I enjoy the way it enables you to switch around mons in battles when you need them instead of being forced to use whatever's underleveled, even if it's a support mon whose only job is to Haze and Toxic everything.

And I do hate it lowers difficulty, why can't those asshole just make it so no bonus exp is gained? I just want the EXP to spread equally.

To be fair, it's actually kind of helpful when using Hidden Power.

>pokemon autists genuinely think there's even a shred of difficulty in a pokemon game, XP share or not

top kek

Dude, Snorlax is black.

>you can easily tell a pokemon's type by what color it is
>posts obvious example of how that isn't true
>but its supposed to trick you by being the wrong color
Yeah, you fucking idiot, that's the argument.

Oh sup bro, think you could tell me my type? C'mion, it's real easy

Dark and Ghost are both 50% against Dark, though. It's only weak to Fairy.

>Lead with Gosilopod's First Impression
>Retreat triggers
>Don't use it until the end of the fight


that's green mr magoo

By the way you type, Fairy.

same here, I kept it on and raised a team of like 10 pokemon all at equal levels.

Dusknoir is pure Ghost.

>Top lil
>How do work?
>Traded, no nickname
>Traded, no nickname

SMT shows it as you do each weakness though

New pokemon is that you just defeat the enemy in any way and get all the knowledge of weakness/strengths.

I wish it was like SMT

>800+ mons
i can lower that to 200 and probably still have to lower it more and i've literally never played pokemon past age 12

>jRPGs have been doing this for years
>pokemon starts doing
>now its not okay anymore
Jesus christ you really are the worst board.

>not coverage move, status move, coverage/status, and best stab

it's like you don't even have autism

there's over 700 pokemon, most with dual types, and most you can't really tell the type from looking at them as they're over designed these days.

Yes, you're right.

It's one of many examples demonstrating why thinking you can determine pokemon typing by simply looking at what color they are and guessing is retarded.

If you think that's green it's you that needs your eyes checked.

Bug and Fighting are both "heroic" in Japan, so they're not supposed to fight one another. It's the same reason they're both SE against Dark (evil) type.

>I'm such a hardcore player for memorizing the type chart

What about Turtonator? Haven't used one but looks good.


I cannot