Finish main story

>finish main story
>it was all a dream

>it isn't a dream
>it's real

>time to get paid, blow up like World Trade

How did Biggie predict 9/11?

>finish the main story
>don't even know what the fuck is happening I just skip cutscenes and dialogue

Super Nintendo Sega Genesis

Name 10 games that does this

>game opens up with you fighting the last boss
>you then have to play through a flash back up until the present before you kill him

>he doesn't know what blow up means
*smacks lips*

Resident Evil Survivor 2: Code Veronica

>*record scratch*
>Yep, that's me.
>I bet you're probably wondering how I got into this mess.
>Well it all started when.....

I want this meme to die. "In Media Res" is fucking horrible.