You're buying Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition for Christmas right?
You're buying Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition for Christmas right?
No one? No takers? I'm starting to get heated.
Umm.... Mr. Howard?
Umm, I, uh... I was kind of planning on using this year's Bethesda Game Budget to pay off some of my bills...
I really want to have a heated house this winter...
I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Todd...
Sorry Todd, I already got Skyrim Special Edition from you and Fallout 4 looks pretty lame.
You don't need a heater to survive winter. You WILL buy 2 copies of Fallout 4 and 3 copies of Skyrim Special Edition.
This makes two of us on both counts.
Please buy fallout 4 and Preorder Skyrim Switch Edition
B-but Mr. Todd, if my hands are frostbitten from the cold, I won't be able to type out my credit card number to buy the games on Steam...
Can't I just promise to pre-order Fallout 5 and Skyrim 2, for now? Would that be okay?
I promise I'll buy the Fallout 4s and the Skyrim Special Editions when I have the money!
Todd you said you weren't going to post here again if I buy your game
I can only afford New Vegas
will that do it?
Listen to me you little shit I don't care about your living condition, I don't care if your fucking dick falls off from frostbite, you WILL buy 5 copies of Fallout 4 and 5 copies of Skyrim Special Edition do you hear me?
Bought Fallout 4 used off ebay months ago, and skyrim on steam sale years ago as well.
[Intelligence 1] Mum get me free. No buy more. Waste moneey
I bought Skyrim Rebastard on sale. Fallout 4 sucks pretty miserably, though.
Hm? What are you trying to say? Oh I see you want a copy of Fallout 4. Just send me your credit card info kid.
...Y-Yes, sir, Mr. Howard...
...Can I at least climb that mountain over there while I play?
Yea sure whatever kid
[Strength 6/8]Me not like your game. Sucky. Go away or I get madd
but Mr. Howard
Fallout 4 breaks lore and was generally an awful game
Im also still upset about the sheap piece of plastic i got with the pip-boy edition
Fallout 4 is shit and skyrim Is horrible without mods
I'm not buying your game todd
You think I'm scared of you? Try me kid
hell no, already have them..........
I want to romance the fucking dog Todd.
Depends on how high the sale on Fallout 4 is.
I'll let you fuck my ass if you buy my game
hey todd im gonna fuckin pirate the shit out of fagout 4 and skyrimjob gay edition u fuckin loser wat r u gonna do about it u cheeky cunt ill gib u up good
fuck you todd
Yeah, I'm just not feeling up to it right now, Mr. Todd. I already bought my family their gifts, so I don't think I can buy your game.
Maybe next Christmas, okay?
I already own all of your games and all the season passes, Todd. It's actually causing me some difficulties because everyone else is stocked on Bethesda games so I can't even buy them as presents, and I don't know what to ask for Christmas.
I'm thinking about asking for something depressing like the Starcraft 2 battlechest. I don't even really want it but it probably won't go on much of a sale and it's something I wouldn't buy for myself and I might enjoy the campaigns? I don't know.
Is Todd aware of Todd posting?
I swear to christ Todd if this Skyrim special edition is 30fps with preinstalled FAN mods, I will be angry
God I love toddposting
I will. As long as you get my waifu back from Bill Trinen for me Todd, then I will.
>steam controller
What kind of fag buys fallout 4 + DLC + steam controller ?
Trust me, your family will hate their gifts. HATE them, YUCK!
We both know in our hearts what your family truly wants, which happens to be copies Fallout 4: Pip-Boy Edition, available at any reputable online retailer of your choice.
You don't want to ruin Christmas this year, do you? You'll just have to return everything you've already bought them this year. I mean it.
Fallout 4 is shit Todd.
You're right, Mr. Todd. I guess I was just trying to jump the gun without thinking the gifts through. I'll return this stuff pronto and make sure they get to enjoy the quality, handcrafted worlds within the elder scrolls and fallout universes.
Already bought F4, I learned my lesson, I'll never buy another game that has your involvement in.
hands in the air! This is a stickup
Holy shit you don't look so well Todd, are you ok!?
>playing through Fallout 4
>trying to get through act 1 so I can romance Paladin Danse
>railroad door was already open when I got there
>couldn't talk to Ellie after rescuing Valentine for my reward, had to get a mod to enable console in survival mode, then use the console to advance the quest
>get to the Prydwen, told by Maxson to get on a vertibird and deal with some super mutants
>there is no vertibird
>google it, known bug
>enemies are bullet sponges, but I die in a single hit
>molotovs explode on invisible environment hitboxes and kill me all the time
>allies always standing in the fucking doorways
>ugly rubbery graphics make everything look shiny and fake
Todd, you're so lucky I have an insatiable lust for men in armor otherwise I wouldn't have touched this game with a long pole. Its only tolerable because of all the mods that make it not look and play like hot shit.
Hey Todd, I hear a lot of hype about this new open world game coming out next year. Is it one of yours?
I have gifts for you (but you have to buy them)
Imagine being Todd Howard at E3 and having to be all like "damn, Skyrim, you fuckin' awesome, all cool with your updated graphics and climbable mountains. I would totally recommend pre-ordering Skyrim 2, both for PS4 and Xbox One", when all he really wants to do is play New Vegas at home. Like seriously imagine having to be Todd and not only stand on that carpet while being forced to shill your disgusting 10 year old engine at your side, the favorable footage of his game barely concealing the bugs and stupid AI, and just stand there, hit after hit, minute after minute, while they ruined the RPG elements. Not only having to tolerate his own blatant fucking lies but his forced cocky attitude as everyone on the crowd tells him Skyrim 2 is STILL BRILLIANT and DAMN, SKYRIM 2 LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch the cartoonish fucking NPC face contort into types of smugness you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Twitch whores and Kaley Cuoco while being called a manlet for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Pennsylvania. You've never even seen anything this fucking pathetic before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on this every Skyrim fanboy's red forehead as they squirm in their seats convinced that Bethesda is a successful developer, while assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to be in their conference and promote the next GOTY, while in reality it's been worked on by lazy developers in the last 7 months with stolen mods. Then the paparazzi calls for another shot, and you know you could come out & tell the truth to expose this sham for Bethesda's fucking lies before the damage control department TAKE IT DOWN, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Todd. You're not going to lose your 10k check for blowing the conference over this. Just fake it. Force a smile and fake it.
I'll buy New Vegas
I met Todd Howard and Pete Hines at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Pete looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Pete you found another goofball?", "Yeah Todd, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment Pete jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Todd jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Pete undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Pete just kept pushing her head down. Pete looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Pete then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Todd who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Todds boner pushing into my back... I blacked out.
If I enjoyed 3 more than new vegas will I like 4?
I just upgraded my video card (1060, from a 660) and reinstalled Fallout 4 with some snazzy visual mods to test it out. Rock-solid 60FPS (capped there it seems) but I immediately recalled why I had quit playing it in the first place. Goddamn the game is a piece of shit. There's no fucking brightness setting in the game, anywhere, so I have to fuck with an ENB to make it not look like washed-out dogshit. The dialogue is so fucking terrible, as is the voice acting. The combat is serviceable but bland. The near-complete lack of RPG elements makes me wonder why they bother keeping any of them in at all.
I don't think I'll be playing it again.