Why do CRTs trigger Sup Forums so badly?

Why do CRTs trigger Sup Forums so badly?

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It only triggers underage muh master race fags

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Because people refuse to listen to reason and instead insist people using CRTs do it out of nostalgia.
It has literally nothing to do with PC gamers.

Mentally or physically? Because mentally it's 14.

I do NES speedruns and after getting used to playing on a crt I could never go back

Even a couple frames of delay is too much in some cases

CRTs are cool as fuck. I wish I still had one.

>I lived long enough to see Sup Forums forget what tube TVS & standard definition are

That's neat I guess.

Sup Forums is one of the younger areas on Sup Forums

Helps that they're cheap as hell. I would be hording a few if I had the room.

i have about 4 or 5 with a couple pc monitors.

i should setup an old computer for those old dos/windows 95 games.

Living with mommy and daddy must be epic

>Stipper pole in the middle of your room

epic. Don't you fear flooding though? I would never keep videogames in my basement.

it's my house and i don't live in a flood-able area so the basement is bone dry

Jesus fucking christ, another one?

One of these days, you CRT-scum will know my wrath.


Where can I find a cheap CRT?

thrift stores used to carry them all the time but many stopped accepting them due to size and weight.

try the salvation army if they have a thirft store in your area.

nice cat

i think that gate is abit too low to stop that cat from getting into the kitchen.

I really wish I wasn't autistic about them
I can feel every fucking frame of lag when I play on my friends TV. He plays F-Zero GX on that and I cannot for the life of me understand how the fuck he did any story mission on it. How do you play Mario, racing games, fighting games or even Tetris with lag? I can feel how heavy it makes Mario feel.

is a crt a special kind of older tv or is it a term for all older big tvs like that?

i have to big old tvs from the late 90s that i retro game with, are they crt tvs?

Salvation army/Goodwill/Value Village
The side of the streets being thrown away in the suburbs.

They're pretty much everywhere, but they're becoming harder to find because people keep junking them.

it's not for the cat, it's to keep my son out of the kitchen and by extension the basement where i keep my retro games.

Are they really that hard to find?
They're everywhere here. I often find them on the side of the road.

The days of Timing mattering in Videogames are over to the point where it's an unfair advantage to play on one.

CRT + Cathode Ray Tube

it's an old television technology that uses an electron gun to create an image.

there are other kinds of tvs but generally smaller televisions that are pre-led/pre-lcd displays will be CRTs while the ultra huge ones will be rear projection or some other obscenely expensive to maintain tv.

Any old/monitor that has a big ass glass tube for a screen, not to be confused with projection TVs. Fuck those things.

the hard part is finding one that is worth two shits.

generally look on the back for inputs. if it supports component you are looking at a really nice one, double bonus if it's a sony trinitron due to their patented apature grille, everything else will be shadow mask.

Is there any way to get decent picture quality with a PS2? So many great games but it's near impossible to get them to look decent and emulation is still buggy as hell.

>a cat is more dependable and trustworthy than your son

They were born in 2002.

>have a crt monitor
>playing with mmd at 600fps
>suddenly the entire screen goes blue and red
>the red and blue tubes get fucked
>still uses the monitor for almost 2 years
>my uncle gives me his LCD monitor (actual)
>constrast is fucked up
>i have vision problems now (can't see afar very well)
I miss my old CRT monitor, he still there in the corner of my room getting dust.

my son is pretty destructive and likes to peel stickers off of his toys. don't really want him doing that to my retro game cartridges.

>muh master race
but these are the people with CRTs

I think Sup Forums is like 14-17.

Literally just use an S-video or component cable instead of the composite

PS2 does both Component & RGB, so yeah, you can make PS2/PS1 games look super sharp on the right set if you have the correct cords.

That doesn't fucking change it from 480i you stupid moron.

Got mine fixed late last month, been playing the ever loving fuck out of Viewtiful Joe, Ace Combat 5, and Bomberman Hero.

CRT's are amazing

The PS2 video output is a piece of shit. The backwards compatible PS3's can't even clean them up.

I have 2 with components. One I carried home after getting out of school. I'm surprised it still works. I remember my grandma's TV start to get that weird bar on the top.


I'm never going to be able to buy one for a good price so I'm envious as fuck.
Also the vast majority of CRT's here use composite and nothing else so it's probably not worth it.

Why does that matter?
You're not being retarded and trying to use an SD console on an HD display, are you?

There's upscalers for that but shit's like $400 for one that doesn't suck

you have two choices, 480i looks fantastic on good crts. OR you can get yourself something like the XRGB-mini FRAMEMEISTER to upscale the picture for the tv so a modern tv will not fuck up the picture attempting to upscale it.

>using a CRT TV instead of a CRT computer monitor

>RCA plug breaks off inside the jack

I used to play c64, atari, nes and snes on this badboy. Perfect as a multi monitor setup while waiting on 56k downloads.

>Pick up trinitron off Craigslist for 40
>ebay has the same one for 900.

To anyone who has a pvm or rgbs crt how much better is it compared to composite?

>tfw when I have a PVM but it doesn't do 480p or VGA
I probably use my Dreamcast the most on it too.

I found a small CRT TV from 1992 in my basement.

I played OoT on it recently and I think I will love this TV and cherish it forever.


... Because 480i looks like fucking garbage on any display.

i just use a regular trinitron and going from just composite to component is like night and day.

rgb is even better than component so do the math.

>480i looks fantastic on good crts.

No it doesn't. Interlaced images have never looked good on any fucking display. They are pure garbage.

The Framemeister can't fucking do anything about 480i. It can't magically make interlaced images progressive.

You fucking idiots. Jesus you're so dumb.

is the original xbox console better played on a crt or is it fine enough for my 2015 HD smart tv?

>rgb is even better than component so do the math.

No it fucking isn't.


CRT, but you might be satisfied just getting a component cable and plugging it into your HDTV. Try it.

How many years have you been posting this on Sup Forums?
Not being facetious, just wondering.

So many fucking children posting in this thread about stuff they have literally no idea about.

for xbox the most important thing is to have proper component cables. if it doubt you can always get the offical breakout box.

That box is fucking stupid. Just buy the Xbox Monster Cables.

>TV only had RF
>NES had to be plugged into it with this thing
>That excruciating pain from having to reach all the way back behind the TV with 1 inch clearance room & having this 8 sided metal devil screw dig into my tumb as I blindly try to screw it into the back of the TV
>Finally screw it in with my face to the screen because there was no way to get my arm to reach back there without doing that
>The fucking pin wasn't matched up & I bend it in half & it broke inside the TV

We got a new CRT with composite in the front of the TV eventually.

It's a thread about old video technology on Sup Forums, what do you expect?

Thanks anons. There's a pvm with rgb about 2 hours away from me for 30 but I'm too damn lazy to make the trip. Guess I'll stick with composite.

i picked up the box then used monster cables.

component cap comes out fairly clean.

You used the box and monster cables?


Because they're too weak to pick one up.

i have an all original xbox, with the straight-out-of-the-box av cables. are these what you are both talking about?

5 times better. It's razor sharp. RGB is the raw Red/Green/Blue video signal without any video interference. I don't think there's a sharper video signal you can get out of a CRT.

no, there is an offical breakout box like my picture showed that allows you to use your own generic component cables (or monster branded cables) instead of getting a specialized cable that may not be wired correctly or well insulated.

Component video is higher resolution than RGB, and a cleaner image.

it's not good to lie on the internet.

would you pay 130 for a 6 inch pvm?
Cause that's the best price where I live.

No it's not.

13 inch or bigger to really enjoy playing on it.

You're so fucking stupid, it's mind boggling.


Learn something, child.

Fuck no. Smallest PVM I would ever own would be 13/14 inches. Those 6 inch sets are for workbench desks so you can test out video signals in a small area on the fly.

>he doesn't have a frame meister

has anything newer come out yet ?

CSSC. It's 200 dollars.

Im new to CRTs, is this any good? ebay.co.uk/itm/Sony-PVM-9041QM-Trinitron-Colour-Video-9-4-3-CRT-Production-Monitor-/172426010281

PVMs have been maximum overmemed by collectors, thank christ there's still cheap Trinitrons on craigslist

Guess I'm stuck with HD TV's, thanks though.

Piece of faded shit.

>Not just playing games on a 360 with out-of-the-box component cables
The only good game that isn't backwards compatible is Otogi 2.

... Playing original Xbox games on a 360....

The games all have compatibility issues and run like shit.


>9 inch

13/14 inch minimum man. You're going to burn out your eyes on something that small. They're cute to have if you don't pay much for one, but I wouldn't shell out 25 bongs for one unless I was desperate.

>Paying shipping fees for CRTs

you are making it worse, educate yourself.

go for 13in or bigger trust me

they are old and bad because also not small and new

CRTs are literally given away for free almost anywhere every week. Just be patient, and keep checking Craigslist.

So, let's explain :)

RGB is only really attainable via RGB scart, which is going to give you 240p.

Component is going to give you RGB quality at higher resolution support.

Yes but they all only have composite so I don't see how they'd look anything but shit.
I could get one with component but I've heard that those are shit.

Because people enjoy arguing over arbitrary things.

CRTs are great for old vidya though. Really good image quality and no problems with input lag.

PVMs are getting really coveted and overpriced these days, but just a simple trinitron will do just fine. Hell, you can even just get one with component input and a RGB-to-component transcoder for all the video game systems that output RGB. I'm just lucky I got this 20" PVM for 50 bucks

Don't put TV against your wall? It damages your wall by putting it nearby anyway. I have3 foot clearance around my room so I can easily vacuum things.

RGB & Component are not the same thing. They're completely different color spectrums.