>Crash Bandicoot Fine >Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Great >Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Phenomenal >Crash Team Racing Great >Crash Bash Mediocre
In the PS1 era, the Crash series was overall pretty great.
>Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex Bad >Crash Nitro Kart Mediocre >Crash Twinsanity Okay >Crash Tag Team Racing Bad >Crash of the Titans Awful >Crash: Mind over Mutant Abominable
Tossed around various companies and people like a game of taps
Christian Jones
Nitro kart over tag team racing... That's just plain fucking wrong.
Jacob Davis
Have to disagree on 2 and 3. 2 is waay more interesting with all its secrets and how oddly structured some levels are, makes for a much more interesting experience, plus its music is just way better.
Also I still don't get the hate for tWoC.
Jeremiah Richardson
Tag team racing over nitro kart. thats so fucking wrong.
James Bailey
I feel like CTR was better than it had any right of being
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Carson Butler
CTTR's platforming sections were mediocre at best and buggy at worst. The racing aspect of CTTR was way too easy to get and maintain a lead. The skill of timed powerboosts in CTR and CNK was gone in favor of a giant boost you could hold onto for whenever. Merging with someone else also meant that it was painfully easy to maintain a lead or surpass another, especially with all of those OHKO weapons that the turret-player received. One thing I will say though, I greatly preferred the cart physics from CTTR over CNK. CNK just felt really slippery and slow compared to CTR that it was trying to follow in the footsteps of.