Why are healers such delusional pieces of shit?

Why are healers such delusional pieces of shit?

Just post the fucking edit already

something about traps really bug me they're all no personality cunts who think they're smart cuz they play weird video games and have a nice computer with some faggy anime background of a girl with a sniper rifle

just kill yourself already i mean you'll never pass and even if you do only closet fags will want to fuck you so why bother to continue living really

>Another thread about some shitty DPS who took 70% of the team damage and wonders why the healer won't heal him.

This fucking board is making gay. It's like prison gayness.

who the fuck watches mmo animes


Embrace the gay user.

>playing androgynous healsluts
>not playing the man
Get purified.

why are you so fucking mad