
Gaijin revealed a new squad based WW2 FPS called Enlisted.
It'll be shit like Days of War and Battalion 1944, won't it?


the fucking anims

i can tell its going to be a shitshow

Looks weird and floaty, probably not worth shit.

looks like shit

they want a $250000 backing for this piece of shit kek

Looks like crap

Are we going back to 20th century world war fpses now?

Why cant we get more Vietnam or Korea shit

tfw no Ghost Recon-type game set in Nam

>first WW2 shooter in 500 years
>everyone shits on it

Well there's Rising Storm 2 for Vietnam and it looks pretty fuckin sweet



>Gaijin will never make Apache Air Assault 2

Feels bad man

Soviet helmet deflects 88mm shells

Day of infamy came out this year

WWII has always been a shitty setting for FPS games.

WWII shooters are fucking garbage and belong only in history.


because it looks like a fucking red orchestra mod? And not a good one?

because its made by Gaijin

>you have to buy each separate campaign


I mean, I like War Thunder (sometimes) but why would I play this when Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm exists? Hell, new vietnam expac coming soon.

It's because you really want to give Gaijin your money)))))

>its a separate game
just add infantry mode to warthunder you fucks

You were not there when it came out.

It was broken as fuck, and I mean fucking broken.

I doubt it will surpass RO2