Did Duke Nukem deserved his fate?
Did Duke Nukem deserved his fate?
Hey, be gentle, he's trying to be relevant again.
He was a 90's hero, after Arnold, Stallone, Lundgren and their movies were no loner relevant it just makes sense that Duke isn't either sinmce he was basically every 90's movie cliche rolled into one video game character.
He deserved a solid FPS game as a sendoff but we got DNF which is a culmination of everything wrong with modern FPS
No and until gearbox goes under and loses the rights there will never be a good Duke Nukem game coming any time soon.
No he didn't. But it was and is increasingly hard to keep him relevant because he only made sense in the 90's. if only Forever actually was released when it was supposed to, that would have been a proper "end".
Personally I think whoever makes games with duke now should just stop. Let him be.
BUT with that said, if anyone should make a Duke game, I wouldn't mind one built by the Doom 4 guys. Same engine, same gameplay. Now that would be something.
Nobody deserves Zimbabwe
No even if they get the original devs to work on a new game, just like they did for the 20th anniversary edition? Please...
>this is the owner of the duke nukem IP
Duke did not deserve to become a cuck
The original devs are the retards who made 90% of DNF 2011. There is no hope.
Sorry, but this is Duke Nukem's owner. Sometimes dead is better user.
what about interceptor/3d realms?
The problem is that WT is a mess.
Between the poorly audio issues (it got patched, but still) the mediocre recording of Duke's lines, and being sold for more than it's previous version which had more content, how the hell did gearbox though people would buy that? even more with Duke being nowadays a Joke between people.
The episode was great, i really enjoyed it, but no way it should be 20 bucks.
Probably helped that they pulled all other versions of the market and reres like you buying the game.
give me that ps2 fade
no problem senpai
Pretty sure the development of DNF had lots of bumps on the road that can't be put solely on the devs.
Besides, can't you guys read the signs, there's a new Duke Nukem in the works, there's a reason with the 20th anniversary has whole new levels made by those devs with new Duke VA lines + devs audio commentary, and the whole Bulletstorm guest-star thing.
I wish Bethesda owned Duke Nukem.
>I wouldn't mind one built by the Doom 4 guys. Same engine, same gameplay. Now that would be something.
>D44M is good meme
Stop. It's a 6/10 at best.
I pirated that shit.
People Can Fly essentially being turned into a machine that pumps out Gears of War shit is a tragedy. Bulletstorm had a lot of potential and now its going to waste twice.
Once by underselling, and twice by having the re-release/remaster done by fucking Gearbox.
>mfw i finally get this joke
Women ARE like that, anyone who denies it's deffinitely a beta virgin who never has had any contact with one.
We know there's a new duke in the works. There's no hope of it being good.
his character doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the games he's in, though
Which is why when they make new Dukes they need to nail the game play first, then embrace the 80s-90s action movie aesthetics instead of trying to put Duke in modern times second
Because the reason you know the name Duke Nukem is because of gameplay in his early games not because he's a compellingly realized character.
I wouldn't mind ANYONE other than gearbox owning it.