Why is this series so awful?
Why is this series so awful?
Series? There is only Origins and expansions.
2 and Inquisition dont exist.
>2 and Inquisition dont exist
they do and they both suck. Even Origins, while not a bad game, is overrated.
Dragon age 1 was good but the visuals were fucking awful for the year it came out, looked like a ps1 game
They can't get the combat right.
its not bad you idiots just go on hate jerk offs
The original problem was the pretense of doing dark fantasy, when all they were capable of extruding from their development process was generic fantasy. I suspect the escalating badness is just how that plays out, like how the cylindrical egg-cooker only gets more disturbing the longer you watch it.
Origins and Awakening was passable at best. 2 was shit and didn't even bother with Inquisition.
It has to do with the progression of Bioware to the abomination it is now, more inclined to press ideals than to have yourself inmerse into the characters role.
For example, in Origins (a great game, despite the series hereafter being shit), you could be a true hero, or be an absolute villian to everyone you meet.
>Abandon a village of people defending themselves from an undead legion?
>Wipe out a tribe of elves who begged you to solve their werewolf crisis?
No sweat
>Put an army of dwarves to their deaths to create a stone army from their souls?
Easy enough
Not only that, but you can tell off your entire party. You can tell Alistair that he isnt funny, tell Morrigan that she's a bitch, Leliana that she's dillusional, Sten that he's psycho. And to put the cherry on top, you have the option to kill each party member at some point. Let's not forget the scorea of other innocents that you can kill along the way for personal gain because you feel like it. You can end the game hurting everyone around you more than helping.
This leads me into Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. With these games, you basically have the Hero option, the Funny option, or the Dick option in your speech box and choices. And when I say dick, I don't mean villainous. I mean you're really just rude to people which, for the most part, is superfluous to the story and only matters for party approval (who you increasinly cannot betray/kill in future titles).
I'm convinced that at some point, Bioware isnt even going to let people choose between good guy or bad guy options anymore in any of their games. The villains will always be sterotypical bad guys who want to rule the world vs bad guys who had real, potentially benevolent motivations to their actions (Corypheus vs Loghain), while you will always act the part of the good guy. Most importantly, you can't even tell off companions like Krem, you always haves to support their actions. This sums up the direction Bioware is going.
Krem isn't a companion and you can kill her off.