Who do you want in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite?
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Who do you want in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite?
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Asura. I don't give a shit if he ever gets a game again I just want to fuck shit with the angriest dad of all time.
How is Asura's Wrath? Is it worth playing?
my nigga
Capcom doesn't seem to include literal whos like her in marvel though, at least compared to TvC
Never going to happen, but it would be nice
Honestly I can only recommend it if you're a big fan of hack n slashes and cut scene heavy games. If you've played any of the naruto games its not basicly a better on of those.
If you like both of those give it a try, if not then watching the series on youtube, and I rarely say this since I think first hand experience is very important for video games, almost as good.
I always felt she had potential in Tatsunoko. Too bad that game was killed by Zero, Alex, and the big robots.
I loved TvC's roster. It was just a whole bunch of characters they knew wouldn't work in a main VS game.
Me too
Was happy Viewtiful Joe made it into mvc though